I don't own Naruto , so you ain't going to get me ground for the rest of my life .
( I just want to say Hi To my Bff Named Jim, ( She's a Girl, She's a Slim Jim)( real name is Jimina0
Neji & Tenten
Neji woke up hard, from a bad dream .''Damn I why do I keep having these dreams." It was about Tenten again . ' I shouldn't be thinking about her, she's my teamate for god sake.' Neji thought. The pale eyes looked out the window, it was time for him to get up anyways.
As Neji dressed he kept thinking about Tenten. Neji thought about it long. As he walked out of the huge house . He walked slowly to the grounds , where Tenten , Lee and Gui were waiting.
Tenten slowly watched Lee talk about love,' he wouldn't know anything about that would he. Tenten was holding a knife on the tip of her finger.Wanting to throw it at Lee. ' Just where was Neji.' Tenten blushed at the sight of him .Of course he would never know. But she ,like all the other girls town who loved him as well .She should just give up now, she even see anything in his -so- beauitful- eyes- oh-so -white . ' Stop daydreaming Tenten'. Just then Neji walked, to the ground .Lee jumped up'' Hey, Neji-kun you ar''--Neji moved so fast . Lee didn't even see it, Neji eyes was lit with anger, " if you ever call me that,I swear...''
" Okay, guys it time to train''.
'Come on Neji.'
Neji slowly let go of Lee's neck.
Lee rubbed this neck '' Jeez , someone was in a bad mood''.Neji stopped.,' Damn , he was in a bad mood.'. "Sorry, Lee."
With that, Tenten and The Great Neji Hyuga, when to go train.
With in hours of the Sparring
Tenten throught fast.'He could see her every move.Careful Tenten'
"You've lost this time." A voice from out of the dark said, and it wasn't Neji...
Sorry it's so short
the rest wouldn't load.