Chapter 3: Judgment Day
I bet this update is faster than the other one
All rise for the honorable judge Osadec "You may sit" the judge said"We are here today about the Tyler .vs. Robin case" The judge said
"I understand that Mrs.Tyler has a restraining order over you and you failed to obey it is that right?" The judge asked Robin
"NO!" said Robin
"Yes it is I saw you and I have evidence too." Said Holly
"Can your bring it up please" The judge asked
"Yes your honour" Holly said
"Thank you" The judge said
"And the restraining order is for you, your husband and daughter correct?" The judge asked
"Yes" Holly said
"Well then I sentence Ms. Robin to 5 years in jail!" The judge ordered
"WHAT?" Robin asked
"Do you want to make it 20 years?" The judge asked
"No" Robin said
"Then you will be quite!" The judge said
"Well I hereby order Ms. Robin to 10-15 years in jail case dismissed!" The judge gave the final order
"Thank god!" Holly said to Vince "Ya now lets get out of here!" Vince said"So you happier now?" Vince asked
"Yes a lot happier now that she can't get near us again!" Holly said
"Good so lets go home" Vince said
"Yes please" Holly said
Thanks for the reviews let me know what you think and give some idea's cause I am out I might just end it there I don't know yet