Megahn P.

Day One:

Dingo was lying with his brothers and sisters nursing from his mother. He could hear a very pretty voice that he realized is his mother. Then he heard a deep soft voice who turned out to be his father. Dingo was laying there next to his mother when he felt something or someone climb all over him he later found out it was his sister Aleu.

A few days later:

Dingo was a shy pup unlike his brothers and sisters who always wanted to play Dingo wanted to be with his father. Dingo would get jealous when he would see Balto playing with Kodi and Aleu. He decides to go off wondering around. Dingo heard something behind him he turned to see a big black and white dog glaring at him.

'What do we have here a half breed wondering around all alone.'

Dingo starts to growl his little puppy growl.

Steele laughs 'What do you call that?'

'I'm not allowed to talk to strangers.'

'I'm no stranger at least not to your parents.'

Dingo turns when he hears familiar sounds which happened to be Balto.

'Steele leave my son alone.'

'Don't worry half breed I would never dream of hurting a cute pup like him.' Steele licks Dingo's head which makes Dingo freeze in place.

'I said leave him alone.'

Steele starts to growl 'If it wasn't for you half breed I would have Jenna.'

Balto picks Dingo up by his scruff and takes him back to the boat.

'Who was that?' Dingo asked once Balto put him down.

'Never you mind son.' Balto says as he nuzzles Dingo

Adoption Day:

'Aleu, Kodi, Dakota, Saba, Sophie and Dingo come on pups it's time to go.' Jenna yelled

All at once six pups came running over to their parents.

Where are we going papa:?' Aleu asked

'Aleu it's your day to be adopted.'

'YAY all the pups said at once.'

Balto and Jenna put their sons and daughters in a box that had some kind of sign on it.

Dingo layed in the back of the box while his brother's and sister's played.

'Dingo what's wrong?'

'Nothing dad.' At that moment Dakota tackled Dingo.

At that moment Dingo started to more excited

'I'm excited I get to get a human and chew on their socks.' Dingo says jumping on Dakota. At that moment a little boy picks Dingo up and takes him home.

First Day in a New Place:

When Dingo woke up the next day it took him a minute to realize where he was. He walked around taking in the new smells and sounds.

'This isn't at all like my mom's home or my dad's.' Dingo gets up and starts walking around.

'Here boy!' Dingo looked up to see a boy standing in the kitchen with some dog food. Dingo runs in there and trips on the rug. The boy puts down Dingo's food and picks him up. 'You need to be more careful Dingo.' The boy said putting Dingo down.

Dingo walked up to the food dish and sniffed it. 'It smells pretty good.' Dingo starts eating when he hears the door open and close.

'Johnny did you get him yet?' A man said walking into the kitchen.

'Yeah dad he's right here.' Johnny said picking Dingo up.

'He looks like he will be a great house dog.' The man said petting Dingo. 'Good choice son.'

Dingo barked and Johnny placed him on the ground.


A few months later

Dingo had grown a lot over the past few months.

Dingo saw his dad walking walking with his mother. 'Mom dad!' Dingo ran over to them and nuzzled them.

'You're getting so big son.' Balto said nuzzling Dingo back.

'To think only three days until our pups are one year old.' Jenna said licking Dingo's face.

To be Contiuned