Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter

Author's Notes: This is my first ever fanfic and i aprreciate any reviews that anyone can give me. I'm going t improve along the way and only will with help from reviews. Words in italic represents thoughts and i don't think there's anything else to say at this moment. Just enjoy! The first chapter is a flashback. The main story takes place when they are 22/23.


As Harry looked into her eyes, he felt like she was sucking him into her soul. They both stared at each other in the awkward silence and didn't move an inch but only for a while. Hermione quickly got up after realizing that she was on top of Harry. She was running in search of Ginny and Harry when she stumbled upon him. Harry too was running and collided with Hermione when they both turn around a bend.

"Erm..sorry Harry. Are you ok?" Hermione asked as she lends a hand to Harry and help him up to his feet.

"Yeh I'm fine. I don't see any birds flying around my head." He said and Hermione couldn't help herself but giggled.

"Well good then. I was looking for Ginny and you."

"I was looking for Ron actually. It's Ginny. She's crying over something again."

"And what makes you think it's a good idea to tell Ron? He'll freak out and I'm sure it won't help make things better for Ginny."

Harry pondered over what Hermione just said for a while and realized that she was probably right. He followed Hermione's lead to the Gryffindor common room. He suddenly could not take the image of Hermione on top of him off his mind. Harry realized that he actually saw her in a different way. All these time, all the seven years that they have spend hanging out together, Harry did not recognize and see that Hermione have grown into a beautiful young woman. Well, he did find her beautiful in the fourth year when she dressed up for the Yule Ball but his heart didn't race then like it did now. What's happening?

He could see that her hair was less bushy, her complexion was clearer and it made her skin glow every single time. He quickened his steps to walk beside Hermione who had a worried look on her face.

"What must it be this time?" Hermione asked Harry. Harry just shrugged. Ginny had become a tad too sensitive since the war started. Now that it has ended, she had improved but still cries over little things. Hermione understands that Ginny felt like she had lost a part of herself when Harry had to get involved in the war against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

On Harry's part, he knew that this was his destiny. He knew that if he did not fight the murderer of his parents and his followers, the future will be bleak and he understood that a lot of people were counting on him. Since he got back from the war (triumphant), Ginny seem to be quieter and she was avoiding Harry all the time. Being a guy, he couldn't understand why Ginny was acting this way. Ron told him to give Ginny more time.

He wanted to tell Ginny that he had been thinking a lot about her during the war. He might have a lot of things in his mind then but he surely couldn't stop thinking of how everything that had been happening is affecting her. Everytime Harry went up to her, she would walk away and even if she decided that she should maybe talk to Harry, she would suddenly make an excuse and then avoid him. Harry thought that he should just take Ron's advice and gave her some time.

Harry looked at Hermione and smile. Hermione returned back the smile and walked arm in arm with Harry.

"I'm so glad everything is over. Now we can just look into the future and not worry about a thing." Hermione said and Harry agreed by nodding his head.


Ginny told herself to calm down so many times but everytime she took in a deep breath, tears end up spilling down her cheeks. What's wrong with me? I use to be so strong!

She paced up and down the corridor. Her cheeks were puffy and her eyes were a little swollen. She heard footsteps coming her way but ignored them. She buried her head in her hands and just cried her eyes out. Again.

"Crying again?" A cold voice said. Ginny looked up and saw a tall blond boy staring at her. She hated his silvery eyes so she buried her face in her hands once again.

"Leave me alone Malfoy. This has absolutely nothing to do with you!" Ginny said hold back the urge to scream at him.

Ginny knew that he was still standing there because she didn't her any footsteps getting away from her. She looked up again and saw that Draco Malfoy was still standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you ok?" Draco asked gently.

Why is he being so nice?

Draco moved a few steps towards Ginny and sat down beside her. He had noticed that Ginny had been crying too much for the past few days. Well, he didn't stick around much at Hogwarts for his last year (with the war and all that) but he knew everything through Pansy Parkinson. She had been babbling about how much of a crybaby Ginny was. Every news that Ginny heard about Harry always brought tears to her eyes.

Ginny didn't know what made her do it but she put her head on Draco's shoulder and cried more. Draco looked over at Ginny and could smell the smell of strawberry on her hair. He was fighting with himself on what to do. He slowly slid his arms around Ginny's small shoulder and let her cry in his arms.

She missed Harry so much but she didn't know why everytime Harry wanted to talk to her, she would walk away. She felt like there was something inside of her that just wants to repel from him. She felt like she didn't belong to Harry anymore. The feeling of wanting Harry and no one else had gone and she sense that it would never return again. It was a sad thought which was why Ginny had been crying a lot.

Ginny continues to cry in the arms of her most hated person in Hogwarts. She didn't know why but she felt comfortable and she had never felt this comfortable for so long. She wished that she could stay in that position forever.

Draco looked at the Gryffindor that was crying in his arms. Never would he have thought that this would happen on his last day at Hogwarts. Her red hair tickled his left cheek and as she sobbed on his chest, he felt warm knowing that he was comforting someone. This was definitely something that he had never done before. His life had always been depicted as harsh, uncaring and full of rage. Holding someone like this was something totally different from him and yet it doesn't scare him.

She looked at the girl in his arms and knew that this was not going to be forever. He had to leave her if he wants her to stay alive.
