Chapter 2- An Unexpected Detour

Ed closed his copy of the book and placed it on the desk in front of him with a sigh. A week had passed since they'd started on this new lead and the progress was slow.

"This is gonna take forever," he complained aloud, frowning.

Al looked up from where he was reading and set down his pencil, seeming to agree with his brother by the wistful tone of his next words.

"We just have to be patient, Niisan," he said.

The elder Elric nodded, then opened the book with new vigor; he was determined to see this through.

Perhaps two more days had passed when Ed got called in to see the Colonel. The Fullmetal Alchemist wasn't exactly sure how long it'd been, since he was constantly locked up in his and Al's dorm. He hadn't seen daylight for about a week now, and only broke his concentration to order food from the mess hall. Somehow, Roy knew all of this.

"What day is it, Fullmetal?" the Flame asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice as the alchemist sank heavily into the couch.

"Huh? What kind of crackpot question is that? You high or something?" Ed retorted, continuing as his annoyance grew, "You interrupted me to ask me that? Go look at a freaking calendar!"

"Do you know the answer or not?" Roy asked, in a tone that threatened an ultimatum.

"It's…Wednesday, isn't it?" Ed guessed.

"No, it's Monday," Mustang corrected, seeming disappointed, "How long do you intend to confine yourself in that room? I can't just give you free reign all the time, you know, I have to give you missions at some point or the higher ups will be nipping at my heels. Don't forget—you're a dog of the military and that's what you serve. You don't get to pick your agenda, you do as you're told!" the Colonel lectured.

The Flame Alchemist's frown grew as his subordinate arrogantly waved off his words.

"Give me a break. Since when do I listen to you?" Ed replied, pointing his eyes skyward.

"That's the problem. You don't. Now, I'm sending you on a mission whether you want to or not. Before you refuse, keep in mind that I still have your secret in my back pocket."

Ed glared at the man in front of him, an icy hatred instantly consuming him as soon as Roy mentioned his secret. He couldn't stand it when he was threatened with something so important to him. And yet, he didn't have the courage to test Mustang on the subject; it was too fragile.

"So, what's this mission anyway?" he asked, swallowing his pride.

"That wasn't too hard, was it?" Mustang prompted; Ed merely glared at him so he continued, "Very well, your assignment is to go to Aquroya and meet up with Psiren. Apparently she has something you might be interested in."

Confusion flitted across Edward's brow. Psiren? What could she possibly have?

"Wait, how did you know about this?" Ed replied as this thought hit him.

"Well, since you weren't checking your mail…"

"You went through my mail!!"

"Calm down. I merely sifted through it. This particular message got my attention though."

Mustang held out a ripped envelope to the boy in front of him, a slight smirk on his face. Ed snatched it from him, hurriedly reading it aloud.

"Dearest Edward. Give me a break—Dearest?" Ed shook his head and continued, "I have recently liberated a piece of art that may interest you. This item is said to hold great power, which I presume is equivalent to the Philosopher's Stone. There is a pair of people after it though, so you may want to hurry. P.S. It's going to cost you."

"Is that good enough for you?" Roy asked snidely.

"When can I leave?" Ed replied seriously, ignoring the jibe.

"We're leaving!" came Alphonse's protesting voice, "How can you do that brother? We're so close!"

"Even if we can get behind the Gate, we still need a power source to keep us in one piece. We may be able to get a safe ride this way," Edward explained.

Al sighed, hanging his steel head and staring at the floor. He knew Ed was right, but he hated leaving in the middle of a research project.

"Alright," he agreed finally, "let's go."

A/n- hope you enjoyed that minne; sorry the chapters are so short. I'm trying to make them longer, honest! And in case any of u are fans of Scry, …I'm getting there. Another chapter IS on the way. But school's been rough and this particular fic has been bugging me for forever and a millennium. So I decided to put my mind at rest. After this I'll be able to concentrate better, promise! For all and the rest of you, reply please!!!