A/N: Ok, this is my first POSTED Grey's fic. I've written many, but posted none before. I got this idea from another fic I read on here. So anyone who has written a Grey's Anatomy plane fic, this is because of you that I got this idea.

Rating: T, to be safe. May go up to M in later chapters though.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: When asked to accompany The Chief and Bailey to a conference in Italy, expect the surgeons of Seattle Grace to have a wild time on their 14 hour flight. Pairings: MerDer, Burktina, O'callie, and I'm not sure about Izzie, Addie, Mark, and Alex yet.

Chapter 1:

"Cristina! Did you hear the news?" Izzie Stevens ran up to her friend, Cristina Yang, nearly jumping out of her skin with excitement.

"What Izzie? Lemme guess, you perfected your blue-berry muffin recipe?" Cristina's dry humor was ever present.

But Izzie's excitement couldn't be contained.

"We're going to Italy!" Izzie's brown eyes sparkled.

Cristina shut the patient file she was studying and looked up at Izzie. "Seriously?" She questioned. "We? Italy…WHAT?!"

"Yes, Italy!" Izzie squealed. "You missed the meeting chief called this morning. There's a medical conference in Florence and he wants all his surgeons attending!"

Cristina's mouth formed into a smile and her eyes brightened. "Yes!" She pumped a first in the air. "I'm going to Italy…for a medical conference…" she sing songed, walking away.


"Oh, good lord. I don't think I can handle 14 hours on a plane seeing only their faces." Cristina grumbled, arms crossed, bags at her feet.

"Relax. They're your friends." Preston burke responded, referring to the other surgeons who would be accompanying them to Italy. "Remember a week ago you were excited to go?" Emphasis on the 'excited.'

"Not with them." She grumbled.

"Yang! Burke! Let's go!" Dr. Richard Webber called back, just before disappearing past the gate. Meredith Grey, Derek Shepard, Izzie Stevens, Mark Sloan, Addison Montgomery, Alex Karev, George O'Malley, Callie Torres, and Miranda Bailey all followed close behind.

"Cheer up, Yang, it's a private jet!" Alex Karev called back, grinning. "You don't have to be social the whole flight!"

"Shut up, evil spawn." She called back, annoyed.


As Cristina and Preston boarded the private jet that the chief rented just for the 12 of them, she began setting some ground rules she planned to lay out to her fellow surgeons, as soon as Bailey was done with her sphiel.

"Okay, everyone take a seat." Dr. Miranda bailey called, standing at the front of the plane as everyone settled in. "I'm only responsible for my interns but I may as well lay down the law for everyone else, too."

This earned her groans and remarks of disgust from the eager surgeons.

Bailey continued. "Curfew. 12 P.M. In your respective rooms, no exceptions. No drinking within 24 hours of both conferences, and absolutely no PDA among you lusty interns and attendings."

Bailey then took her seat in the first row with the chief; both of them dozing off peacefully even before takeoff. The rows directly behind and across from them were empty. Everyone wanted to stay away from the two of them. The row behind that sat Meredith and Derek, and behind them sat Cristina and Burke. Next to Mer and Der were Izzie and George, and behind them, Addison and Callie. Alex and Mark were feeling a little left out so they grudgingly took the two seats behind Addie and Callie, together.

"Okidokie, you two." Cristina tapped Meredith's shoulder from between the seats. "Rules. No making out. Wait till we get to the hotel. I swear, if I see the slightest bit of tongue, you two will both wish you weren't 32,000 feet in the air with me."

Meredith giggled while Derek rolled his eyes. "Whatever Yang."

"I don't joke!" Cristina waggled a stern finger at them. She then stood up and walked over to Mark and Alex.

"You two. No fighting. No acting like the pigs you are, and stay away from the women." She gestured to Addison, who was talking quietly with Callie in front of them.

"Whoa. We're not even in the air and already she's acting like a bitch." Alex joked and Mark smirked.

"Bite me!" Cristina snapped and stalked off.

She appeared at Izzie and George's side. They were in the middle of a hushed conversation.

"Blondie and George. No annoying games. No obnoxious laughing of the loud variety. And keep your wife in check, George."

"Why would I need to keep Callie in check, Cristina?" George questioned, annoyed.

Cristina glared at him, choosing to ignore him, and returned to her seat, Preston half asleep already.

As the plane began its 14 hour flight, and took off, Cristina grumpily closed her eyes and sighed deeply. At least she had the alcohol to look forward to. The plane had a fully stocked bar, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom. Cristina really was anti-social at times like these and only wanted the booze.

A/N: ok, short chap, I know. but see, I write all these fics in my notebook before I type them up, and they seem MUCH longer on paper. Next chap will be longer. Please please PLEASE review, I will accept critisism and praise. It means alot! Thanks!!