Author's Note: Hello Faithful Readers! (if I have any that is). Welcome to the next installment of Love Exists! Yay! I hope you enjoy and please review!
Oh yeah! Thank you Gina Lee, I hope this new chapter will answer some of your questions. Being that you are my first reviewer, I dedicate this chapter to you.
And now, CHAPTER TWO!!!
Chapter Two: Sorrow and Friends
Analia woke to the sun shining on her face. She was lying on a soft bed in an unfamiliar room, the window just above her head. To her right across a square rug lay a desk, scratched and chipped but clean. A wardrobe stood on the left wall and a chest was positioned at the foot of the bed.
Analia at once knew where she was, the Herald Collegium. And all at once the events that had transpired the night before rushed into her conscious mind. The fire, her parents, and Dirkus; the memories of what had happened swirled around her leaving her confused and unable to think.
Tears slowly welled up in her eyes as she suppressed the hacking sobs that threatened to let loose. But the sorrow was too great, she began to cry with an abandon that shocked her and yet seemed to fit with her disconsolation.
Why? Why? Why did our sanctuary have to be destroyed? Why did this have to happen to me and my parents? Other people get hurt and suffer but not our family! I don't get it, I don't GET it. She pounded her fists onto her pillow in anger which only caused more tears to flow. Now I'm all alone, all alone.
A sound at the window said differently.
Stark white and beautiful, the head of her Companion Dirkus was pushed against the window, morphing his face to one that looked alien. Analia sobbed again and threw open the window with a fierce movement.
:Dirkus, oh Dirkus, I'm sorry. I'm not alone, I'm not alone.: Analia threw her arms round his neck and buried her face into his mane.
:No,: he said back, his voice saturated in love and comfort, :and you will never be again.:
Analia would lament, yes, she would lament her parents, but not as she expected. She would not mourn them alone.
The next day awoke a new Analia, one who would not grieve forlornly at the thought of her parent's death. They were not forgotten but yesterday's episode left her stable and capable of tackling the new life of a Herald Trainee.
:Someone is coming at the door Analia. Are you ready to start your new life?:
:Yes,: she answered her Companion confidently in her mind, a trick Dirkus had taught her while they were together. :I can't hide in my room any longer.:
:Then answer it.:
The knock came right after Dirkus finished his reply from the window. He hadn't left the spot since the day before.
Striding towards the door Analia reached for the knob. Noticing the bag of clothes she had left at the Inn by the chest she turned the handle.
A girl, short compared to Analia's height, stood before her in a gray uniform. Her blond hair, wet from a previous bath, contrasted sharply with her icy blue eyes, almost as blue as a Companion's. She had a homely yet exotic face, not the most handsome in the world but still attractive. It was her smile that had Analia wanting to be friends with this stranger the moment their eyes met.
"Heyla, new trainee! I'm Anastasia but you can call me Stasia." Her voice was chipper and warm and her smile was contagious. It seemed Analia was catching her disease, she felt happier than she had been in a long while.
"As you can see by my ugly grays I'm a trainee like you. We are in the same year since I got Chosen just a few weeks ago. Well, I'm supposed to take you the Dean's office. He's going to give you your classes and judge your abilities and all that stuff. He's a really nice guy but he can get boring sometimes. But, once you get your classes- oh wait, I forgot to ask you your name. What is it?"
"Analia," she answered.
"Analia? That's a funny name, but then again, me being from Iftel a lot of Valdemaran names are strange."
Now Analia knew why Stasia had an exotic face, but a Herald from Iftel? Although Iftel's borders had been dropped years ago, not many things had been revealed about Valdemar's mysterious neighbor.
:Did her Companion travel all the way there or had she been here previously?: Analia asked Dirkus.
:I'm not really sure, but I think she was in Hardorn when she was Chosen. I don't know why, some say she was escaping from people in Iftel.:
Stasia's continued talking broke her discussion with Dirkus. "Are you going to follow me anytime soon?"
"Oh yes, sorry." Analia stepped out into the hallway and Stasia immediately walked off.
"Are you the only person other than me in our year group?" Analia had a million questions in her head about Stasia but decided to start with questions about the Collegium.
"No, actually. There are two other boys, brothers, who got Chosen together. They are named Liam and Paulen, I think. We have all been waiting for your arrival. Until all those Companions that have gone on Search come back, people Chosen earlier in the year can't start classes. You are the last person we are waiting for, Dirkus took forever to Choose you."
:I was merely waiting until the opportune moment!: Dirkus said impudently. This sudden interruption startled a laugh from Analia.
"What's so funny? Oh wait, I know, you're talking to Dirkus. Don't worry, I talk to Kiddy, my Companion, all the time."
"Kiddy? That's a peculiar name."
"You're telling me! She's the strangest Companion that ever lived I tell you! Lazier than a log and fatter than a hog is how I describe her. Of all the Companions that could've Chosen me it had to be her." She rolled her eyes and turned left. She exited the hallway by a door that opened up onto a garden. Crossing the paths that wandered through the enclosed space, she opened the door on the other side. Analia scurried after her.
"I've heard that all Heralds have gifts, right?" Analia questioned. "Do you know your gifts?"
"Yeah, I just learned I have a weak Empathy gift yesterday when I went to the Healer's Collegium. All that suppressed pain drove right through my shields. Other than that I have ThoughtSpeech and ForeSight. But all I have are weak gifts, nothing powerful. I can barely talk to Kiddy when we are apart. Well, here we are." They stopped before a small, ordinary wood door. "I'm going to stay outside, but go in. Don't worry, the Dean doesn't bite."
"Thank you for leading me here. I'm starting to think I'm going to like it here."
She chuckled, "You are very welcome Analia. But I do assure you of one thing."
"And what is that?" Analia asked as she opened the door.
"You will like it here, I know it." She smiled and Analia pushed through the doorway to the room inside.
Analia sat nervously in her seat in the Dean's office as he finished writing on a scroll of paper. The Dean, named Jahn she had found out, placed his quill into an inkwell, folded his hands on the desk and looked intensely at the new Trainee.
"So Analia, right?" He continued while she nodded. "I'm the Dean of the five Collegiums. Do you know the five I'm talking about?"
"Yes," she responded, "there is the Healer, Mage, Heraldic, Bardic and Fighter Collegiums." The Fighter Collegium was newly added to the Palace. Due to the many wars Valdemar had been involved in recently the current King had decided to set up a school for all those children who showed exceptional talents in Weaponry. Before hand, only those children with rich parents or in the four Collegiums could be tortured in fighting. Now this new Collegium allowed all to train and become excellent fighters.
"Yes, very good. Well, when new people come to the Five I decide what classes are right for them. I suppose Stasia had told you already about who I am, but I do believe I can explain my job better than she could." He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, his eyes still on Analia. "But to understand your ablitities I'm going to ask you a few questions. I will need you to answer as best you can but if you don't know the answer, don't guess. If you guess right but weren't sure about the answer that will make it harder for me to understand your capabilities. Is that alright with you?"
"Yes sir."
He then launched into a relentless barge of questions, ranging from inquiries about her family life to questions about Court etiquette. She knew about half of the questions but only due to the tutoring of her parents. Being Artificers, they had wished Analia to follow in their footsteps and taught her everything they knew. Or everything they had time to teach her up until their death.
The questionnaire stopped abruptly as the Dean began to scribble on a piece of paper. A smile dominated his face as he wrote.
:He's happy with your results. I guess he didn't expect the daughter of Artificers to be Chosen.:
:That's a good thing, right? What does that mean for me?:
:The good news, less classes. The bad news, more time for Weapons training.:
Analia started in surprise. :There's Weapons Class? That sounds really fun, I've always wished to learn how to wield a weapon.:
A snort was all she heard.
What's so bad about Weapons Class? Analia thought to herself. She shrugged as the Dean began to speak.
"Alright then Analia, here are your classes." He handed the paper to Analia. "I put you in only three since you pretty much know everything else. That will give you more time for Weapons Class and Horsemanship. Also, you have Orientation, but that class is short and will only take a week to complete. Stasia and your other year mates will be having that class with you. Gift training comes later.
"Gift training, sir?"
He nodded. "Gift training. Every Herald has them so every Herald learns them. But you will learn all about that later, so go ahead and find Stasia while I set up your classes. "
"Thank you, sir." Analia said as she got up and turned away.
"My pleasure," the Dean said with a smile.
"Oh, let me see your classes!" Stasia exclaimed right when Analia came out of the room. She grabbed the list before Analia could protest and headed down the hall to an unknown location.
"No fair!" Stasia said as she finished the list. "You don't have to take Maths. In Iftel, girls aren't allowed to go to school very much. I knew next to nothing about anything when I got here and know I have to learn everything it seems."
"My parents are," she caught herself, "were Artificers so…" The twinge of guilt she felt at speaking about them nearly drove her to tears.
Get over them Analia! She thought. If I cry every time I hear about them there's no way I can become a Herald and have revenge. That sudden thought surprised her, she had not thought before about revenge. I guess I do want revenge. The evil group that killed my parents is probably hurting and terrorizing people every day and it will be my duty as the King's vassal to eradicate all illegal goings-on.
Analia was interrupted from her reprieve as Stasia began to speak. "Hello? Earth to Analia! It is time..." She paused for effect and dramatically looked at Analia.
Confused, Analia asked, "Time for what?" She was still a little set back by Stasia's odd behavior.
"The Grand Tour!"
An hour later, it seemed to Analia that she knew the Collegium like the back of her hand. She was most surprised about the Bathing room. Even in her relatively wealthy family hot baths had been a luxury. Having the baths be mandatory instead of being a special treat still shocked her.
Stasia had taken her on a trip to the Housekeeper during "The Grand Tour." There she had gotten some uniforms and organized her duties as a Trainee. Miserable in mending and cleaning, she had gotten dishes and cooking duty for her chores. Stasia also showed her around the Mess Hall and the main class area, but seeing as it was close to lunch had to end the tour before they had seen the Companion's field and other outside areas. The two friends, seeing as the tour was done, walked back to the Sleeping area.
:I'm going to live here Dirkus! Me!:
Dirkus gave a mental whickerHou. :I hope you enjoy it and don't want to leave. I don't fancy living anywhere else.:
"And now we are back in your room." Stasia interrupted. Opening the door, she exclaimed, "You must be really lucky. Not only do you have just three classes you have a single room as well. I have to share mine with a girl one year my senior. She acts like she's the Queen I tell you. But I guess I'm lucky too. She helps me with my work when I'm stuck." Pushing Analia inside, Stasia pointed to a door down the hall. "That's my room if you need anything. I'll be glad to help you if you are troubled.
"Thanks, I'll probably need it. It's going to take awhile for me to get used to this place."
"I almost forgot." Stasia's voice became serious and the ever-present twinkle in her eye disappeared. "Stay away from the Blues."
"May I ask why?" Analia asked, a little scared from Stasia's sudden transformation.
"Well, they are almost all the sons or daughters of nobles. And believe me, they love to terrorize anyone who seems vulnerable. I mean, if you want to be with them…"
"No, not at all, I was just wondering." Analia glanced behind her to look at the water clock on the desk, (an new invention of the Artificers to make telling time easier), to see that it was almost time for lunch. "It's getting late and I don't want to be missed for my first meal."
Stasia looked at the clock as well and smiled. "Yeah, it is late. I'll see you later!" Stasia dashed down the hall to her room before Analia could respond. The door slowly hid away the empty hall.
"How does she get that much energy? I'm already tired from half a day of this place!"
:I hear she drinks a lot of tea.:
:Has a big amount of caffane. Keeps you awake.:
"Never heard of it." She turned away from the door and took off her clothes to change into the grays. Concentrating on changing she asked Dirkus more questions in her mind.
:Where do you stay Dirkus? Do you live in the Stables?:
:No, no, no! If we were forced to stay in that disgusting place I don't think Valdemar would have Heralds or Companions. We stay in another stable in the Companions field. Those stables are always kept open so the Companions can come and go as they please. I'll show it to you later after you have some food. The last thing you had was some bread that servant brought to you.:
"Alright, alright. I'll get going." The act of remembering food had made her hungry.
As she washed her face in a granite bowl that was in a corner of her room that had running water, (another amazing discovery), she continued to discuss things with Dirkus. The new ability of ThoughtSpeech she found was getting more useful by the minute.
:How many trainees are there here?:
:I'd say about 50 to 60. Two thirds of those are boys. For some odd reason, boys always outnumber the girls in the Herald Collegium. But in the Healer's Collegium there are about 50 girls and 13 boys! So the numbers really do even out.:
Analia dried her face with a towel and headed for the door, stopping only brush her short brown hair on the way out. But once in the hall realize a very vital thing.
:Great, I knew this would happen.:
:Lost Chosen?: Dirkus asked dryly, amusement clearly heard in his mindvoice.
:Yes, unfortunately. I bet you're secretly laughing with glee. Who's my next door neighbor?:
:Bronti, Bonded to Taliana. She's in her second year and she's just about to come out.:
At that moment the door opened and Bronti emerged . The first thing Analia noticed was her height. She towered over Analia's 5 foot 7.
:Oh yeah,: Dirkus added, :and she's Voiceless.:
:Hello, I'm Bronti and I guess now your next door neighbor.:
"Um, Heyla. You're, really tall," she blurted. Realizing her rude mistake, she covered her mouth in horror.
But Bronti just chuckled in Analia's mind. :I get that a lot, don't worry I'm not offended. Six foot to be exact. Anyway, need a guide to lunch?:
"Actually, yes. Was it that obvious?" Analia shook her head. "I thought I knew my way around when Stasia showed me the Collegium but I guess not."
:Stasia? The new trainee?: The glimmer of interest in Bronti's eyes did not go unnoticed by Analia. Did they have some kind of connection? Analia looked at Bronti with suspicion.
"Yeah," she responded.
Quickly covering up her curiosity, Bronti coughed and pretended her question was non-existent. :Well, finding your way around here is simple, you just have to get lost a few times. Nothing else to it.:
Laughing and joking, the two trainees walked together down to lunch.
"She will be a wonderful Herald."
Three men stood looking out a window to the court below and watched Bronti and Analia cross to lunch. Interest in their eyes, they gazed at the girls as they disappeared into an unseen hallway.
"She will indeed," the Dean responded to the King. "No Herald has ever been recorded of having such a powerful Animal MindSpeech and she only needed to take three classes! And the way she holds herself, even I, a relatively bad fighter can tell she has a natural gift."
The last man spoke hesitantly, "But with power comes hardship. Every outstanding Herald in the history of Valdemar had to go through danger and sometimes even death to protect their country. And the power of this new trainee can only mean bad times for Valdemar."
The King turned away from the window and sat down at his desk, his old, weary bones creaking as he sat to relive their pain. "And that is why, Dean Jahn and Herald Cole, you and I must raise her to be the best she could possibly be so that she might overcome this hardship."
"We will do our duty well, my King. But as of now, I have work to attend to and an empty stomach to fill. If I may take your leave." Herald Cole bowed and exited the room.
He would have liked to stay there in the King's office and discuss things with those two good friends but he suddenly felt unsettled. It was not the discussion they were having nor the possibility of danger to Valdemar that made him nervous and uneasy. It was the feeling he had experienced when looking at Analia's face.
Longing had filled his heart, and the sense of wanting to protect her no matter what the cost. These feelings were not what he should be having. This feeling of attraction was forbidden; it was blasphemy for a Herald who already had a lover to like someone else.
But nothing could stop this affection he suddenly had for the new trainee.