This is my first story so any reviews with any advice on how I can improve it will be appreciated.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any characters in this story.


It was a hot San Francisco night, and Paige and Piper were making dinner. Paige had just pulled the roast out of the oven when a vampire bursts through the window and grabs Piper. Paige tries to get to Piper but the vampire blinks away before she can get to them. Paige grabs the phone and runs up the stairs to the attic.

She calls Phoebe and starts flipping through the Book of Shadows for anything on vampires. The only thing shecan find is what was in there before from the last time they came across vampires. She slams the Book shut, and it flips back open to a page with the heading Vampire Slayer.

Phoebe comes home and yells for Paige. Paige hollers, " I'm in the attic." Phoebe heads upstairs and drops her stuff in her room and goes and checks on Wyatt. After checking on Wyatt she goes up to the attic. She asks Paige, "did you find anything on this vampire?" "There is nothing in here on vampires except for the one little article that we've seen before, but I did find something on a Vampire Slayer."

Phoebe looking confused asks, "What the hell is a Vampire Slayer?" "The Book says; she is a young woman who tracks down vampires and kills them and she lives in Sunnydale. "Ok is there a summoning spell?" "Yeah right here, we need six white candles arranged in a circle. " OK let's do it," Phoebe says. Phoebe and Paige gather the candles.They hold hands and repeat the spell,

"Our sister's gone and we can't save her, bring us the Vampire Slayer."

A whoosh of wind burst through the attic windows, and nothing else happens.