This chapter was devised by PrincessEzzy and myself and written by me.
Chapter one: Esme's soup
Bella cuddled into Edward's hard chest and sighed. What she would do for love? She thought absentmindedly drumming her fingers against his rib cage. Edward peered down at her.
"You aren't enjoying this are you?" He stroked her hair, she said nothing. "We could watch something else." She still didn't say anything. Edward frowned. She looked up at him and then wished she hadn't.
"Look Edward, it's alright…" She sighed. "I mean…every guy has their fault, I knew you couldn't be perfect and who cares if we have to watch…I mean it's only once a year." Edward stared into her eyes.
"You really don't mind?" he asked and she shook her head. "Good" he said brightly and patted her on the head.
"Where is everybody anyway?" asked Bella, trying to distract herself from the hideousness on screen.
"Carlisle is at work, Rosalie is in the garage, fixing up Emmett's jeep, Emmett is in the bath, Jasper and Alice are…well…doing stuff…"there was an awkward pause. "…and Esme is making dinner."
"Making dinner?" Bella said, confused. Edward never got the chance to answer though as Jasper and Alice emerged from upstairs, hand in hand.
"She said she was making something special…oooooooo the Eurovision song contest." Squealed Alice and she and Jasper raced to come and sit next to them on the sofa.
"Is this some sort of vampire thing?" Bella muttered. "Normal people don't watch this." The three engrossed vampires either ignored her or didn't hear her.
"DINNERTIME! All of you in the dining room now!" came a yell from the dining room. The Cullens gathered in the dining room where Esme stood at the head of the table with her car keys in one hand and a gigantic watt of soup resting on the table in front of her, at least it was supposed to be soup. Esme beamed at Bella.
"I've just got to pop out." She said happily. "Bella…help yourself to soup, I made it specially." And with that she gracefully glided out the room, pausing to talk to Emmett. "You boys can do the washing up while I'm out" she grinned at them. The three guys exchanged grim looks and traipsed into the kitchen.
Bella advanced towards the gigantic saucepan of liquid. The 'soup' was bright purple in colour and had the scent of a badly kept hamster. Rosaalie and Alice sat down at the table, watching her as she ladled some of the gloop into a white plastic bowl and took up a silver spoon.
"You aren't actually gonna eat that are you?" Alice asked as Bella sat down next to her and gently lowered the spoon into the goo making a large slurping noise.
"I have to." Said Bella with a strong air of melancholy in her voice. " I don't want to hurt her feelings." Bella had an idea and brightened up. "Will you guys have some with me?" Rosalie and Alice exchanged glances.
"Erm…no thanks." Said Rosalie but Bella had already grabbed two extra spoons and she slid them along the table into their hands.
"Well alright." Said Alice. "Just one spoonful."
They dipped their spoons into Bella's bowl and all three of them raised the vile concoction to their lips. Not a wise decision.