Title: Precious & Fragile Things - Chapter Four (4/6)
Author: Andrea88
Rating: R for the general theme and perhaps for sex as well
Pairing: Sirius & Remus
Disclaimer: Not mine, JKR's
Summery: Sirius returns from the beyond the veil, but paid a price.
Warnings: It maybe angsty, It maybe icky. Some won't be pretty. Spoilers for Half Blood Price
Precious & Fragile Things
Chapter Four
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. M. Kathleen Casey
Opening his eyes to the invading sunlight, Sirius realized that he had fallen asleep on the couch. This was troublesome, as Remus never let him sleep on the couch. Sirius also noted that Harry was staring at him, a scowl fixed on his face."Good morning Harry."
"What you did was cruel."
"But…" Sirius was cut off.
"You have no idea how hard it was for him when you fell. Everything he is going through now." Harry looked at his Godfather and shook his head in disgust. "I thought you loved him." Not waiting for a reply Harry stood up and left the room.
Sirius made his way to the bathroom. He was shocked at Harry's accusation. Sirius loved Remus with all his heart. There wasn't anything Sirius wouldn't do for him. But, it had been a long time since he had seen Remus smile. Oh Merlin, had he alienated the most important person in his life?
If only he could walk again. He prayed to a higher power, promising to be a better person, if only he could walk again. He would change his ways and make amends for his lousy behaviour.
After showering, Sirius headed for the bedroom; he needed some clean clothes. Rifling through various drawers, he found a nice pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. He transferred to the bed to change. His lover's scent filled him, if only he could touch Remus again. The fun they had had in this bed, he would give anything to have it back.
"Harry can you come here," Sirius called out as he saw Harry walk past.
"What do you need?" His tone made it apparent that he was still mad.
"I am sorry and I promise to set things right." Sirius smiled, as he knew if he turned over a new leaf he would be cured.
"I'm not the one that needs to hear it."
"I know and I will make it up to Remus, I promise. But I wanted to know if you could help me with my exercises."
"Sure," Harry entered the room.
"Thanks, for being here and putting up with me."
Sirius hated doing the exercises. He thought they were a waste of time. But this was a 'new' Sirius and he did them with an almost smile on his face. Harry talked about his concerns with the horcruxes, and how he wished Sirius would reconsider and help. Through gritted teeth Sirius agreed. It went with his promise. They discussed Remus, Sirius had a plan and needed some help.
Remus took a deep breath before entering his home. He was shocked to see the house clean – and the couch empty. A pleasant aroma filled the air. His nose led him to the kitchen.
"Hi Remus," Harry said as he stirred a pot.
"Remus," Sirius said as he wheeled towards him. Pulling him down and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Sit, have a glass of wine, dinner's almost done."
Flabbergasted he sat and sipped his wine. He was speechless.
"Harry and I made dinner." Sirius beamed, he knew the way to Remus' heart was through his stomach. "We made roast beef, mashed potatoes, and carrots. For dessert we have chocolate mousse –your favorite." Sirius tried not to think of why it was his favorite.
Remus smiled all through dinner. He couldn't remember the last time he had such a great meal. Sirius seemed to be in better spirits, he didn't know why. He didn't care; Sirius was smiling, laughing and not knee deep in cheap booze. Remus choked on his wine when he heard that Sirius would help with research. He never thought he'd see the day where Sirius would do desk work.
Lying in bed, huddled close to Sirius, Remus dreamed of a brighter future. Things would be alright.
Sirius just repeated his mantra, 'if I am a better person I will walk again'.