DISCLAIMER: This fic is rated M for gratuitous violence, sexual themes, cannibalism, suicide, disturbing imagery, and all-out corruption of beloved video game characters. So, to all you young'uns out there, please go read something else, kthxbai. The author takes no responsibility for any psychological scarring which may result.
Thrice-Damned Angel
Mia sighed deeply as she shifted her body, trying to make her last moments on Weyard as comfortable as circumstances would permit. Her exhalation filled the hood covering her head with warm, moist air… she wished she could wipe the sweat from her brow, but she'd learned well enough that her meager strength was useless against the bonds that held her hands together across her back. It wouldn't be nearly so bad, she thought, had they not tied her to the platform. As it was, she felt her lungs strain against the tightened ropes with every breath she took.
The voice of the elder reached her ears through the black hood, but she had long since stopped listening. It didn't particularly matter, did it? Mia knew quite well the purpose of his long monologue… and regardless of how it went, the axe would find its mark. She almost wished he'd hurry up.
Now that was interesting, she thought. Mixed amid the elder's speech and the jeers of the crowd, Mia could distinctly hear some sobbing. Isaac? Most likely, she thought with a faint smile. Of course. He, amongst all the people of Vale, would cry for her… and that meant that she had not acted in vain.
Mia sighed once more… she could no longer hear the speech, just the heckling of the crowd and Isaac's tears. The end was coming, she knew, but she'd long since been past the point of caring. Gentle vibrations reached her body through the platform as an imposing figure stepped closer. It would all be over soon…
At this point, she could barely bring herself to reflect on what she had done. She recalled the acolyte who had visited her while she awaited her fate… how he had begged her to confess her sins before crossing over. Sins… the term was too harsh, she thought. She smiled ever so slightly… as the man raised his axe, Mia would think back on the past month. She would confess her 'sins' to none but herself… and remember with delicious glee the toys, the blood, the meat… and Isaac.
Screams rang out from the crowd, and the whoosh of the executioner's axe reached her ears. Her own devilish laughter upon recalling her crimes would be the last thing she would ever hear…
To be continued…