Title: Midnight Duet
Author: tallymark
Genre: General/Romance
Word count: 250
Rating: G
Warnings: My attempt at meaningful writing? Too many metaphors?
AU/Canon: Canon.

I wrote this drabble for the week five theme, Blue Moon. It won second place!

Alternate summary: He revolves around her.

"Nights like this make me feel alive," she said, twirling. Energy hummed under her skin and his presence made her dizzy. "They make me want to…" she struggled for the words. "To run and sing, forever."

When he didn't comment Kagome snuck a glance sideways. The moon shone on him, luminescent, and it seemed to her that he shone back, emitting his own light. Her eyes were drawn to his forehead and she had the thought that he was her own personal satellite, and every night was a blue moon.

With the moon above and the moon beside her, the night felt doubly bright.

"Don't you ever feel that way?"

Sesshoumaru smiled thinly, looking up at the stars. "Perhaps. But I have learned not to act upon it."

In that moment he seemed distant as the faraway moon. It made her sad. He was so restrained; so alone inside himself.

He should unlearn, she thought.

Then she ran.

She ran, dancing through the fields, and he followed in that quiet way of his, wearing a puzzled frown.

Stopping suddenly, Kagome grinned at him, threw back her head, and howled.

He listened to her human howl with the strangest look in his eyes, and she was beginning to think she'd made a mistake when, laughing, he tossed his head and howled back. Haunting and beautiful.

They howled together until her throat went raw, and then he slanted his mouth across hers and poured his light into her.

He tasted like stars.