KuraiShinzo, I've been teaching myself simple elvish for a long time now. I can fluently write in the Tengwar as well, but obviously I can't do that here.  Sadness I know. But it's very pretty looking anyway and all my teachers can read my name in it at least because that's how I mark all my papers. Hehe.

Little Star, Thank you very much! Actually I'm only a high school student. Just going into my junior year as a matter of fact. I am going to major in British lit. and minor in education though. I suppose that helps. As far as a professional writer? Ha, I wish.

Thanks to those of you who review! You're the reason this chapter is up so soon!

Chapter Two

Erelasiel looked up at the sky at the cloud of birds. "Mani naa Tanya?" She asked the twins, a small frown adorning her features.

When she didn't get an answer she turned her attention from the sky to the twins who were staring up at the sky, mouths gapping. Idly she wondered is she'd looked that stupid. With not even a second thought she decided, no, she had not. That was impossible for any one but the two of them. Frown deepening, she punched Elladan in the arm.

"A! Tanya awara!" He yelled at her, rubbing his arm. But the action gave her what she wanted, turning his attention from the sky back to her. "Mani?"

"I asked what that was." She said in a matter of fact tone that was flavored with an undercurrent of, 'hello? Where the hell have you been?'

Solemn hazel eyes regarded golden blue. The owner of the latter raise a delicately arched eyebrow in inquiry and that cause the owner of the former to sigh heavily.

"You have to tell me Elladan." She said. "If you don't, I shall simply ask your father and you know that he will tell me."

Elladan looked to Elrohir who was no longer his usual flamboyant self. Rubbing the back of his neck, Elladan shrugged. What harm could it do all things considered?

"Those were, well," He paused. "I don't know exactly to be honest. No really!" He assured her, noting the face she made at his words. "If I knew I would tell you. You know that."

Erelasiel sighed heavily and rubbed her arms. "Are we going to go fishing or not?" She asked, doing her best to push away the doom and gloom feelings away from them for the time being. There would be plenty of time to be bothered by things later. For now, she only had a short time to spend with the people who really mattered to her and she wasn't willing to spend that time on things that she didn't understand.

Elrohir gave her a sharp boyish grin and nodded. "Aye Merkahiniel." He said, sounding a little happier. "Let us and catch us a feast."

Elrond studied the sky with a frown. He wasn't sure why those birds gave him such a bad feeling but obviously it wasn't good.

Shadows, Elrond. I can feel them snaking through the land. Mani nauva lle sinta amin mel, iire I'daerea tula lle?

Elrond shook his head and wondered why on earth he was hearing the voice of his dead wife; especially delivering such an ominous message.

"Well mellonamin, I believe I see your daughter and my sons." He smiled. "Looks as though they've decided to go fishing." He gave a low, throaty chuckle and stood up. "Tula mellon nin," He beckoned. "Let us go eat while they are gone. Perhaps today we'll be able to get a decent amount of food today with them gone."

Glorfindel smiled at his friend and wondered if he should express his doubt. But no, Elrond looked almost excited at the prospect of being the first to get at the sweets that were usually lain out on the table with the midday meal.

So he got up and agreed that going down to lunch sounded a fabulous idea.

Elladan set the picnic basket down next to the river and grabbed his fishing rod before heading over to the river. Elrohir on the other hand, set down next to the basket and helped himself to the maple gum sweets that Elladan had packet for later.

"You lazy bum." Erelasiel said with a frown, watching as Elrohir licked the sticky glazed that had covered the pecans he'd been snacking on off of his fingers. "Those are for later when we've all decided that we have no talent for fishing."

Elrohir regarded her with a grin that would have made the devil want to run and hide. "Speak for yourself ai'edainme. I'm hungry now." He paused. "And also, I find it unfair that just because you have no patience for fishing you assume the same for Elladan and myself." He nearly chocked on the sweet gum because the look she gave him should have incinerated him on the spot.

"Are you challenging me selen? She asked with a sharp grin.

Uh-oh. Now he'd done it. It was a well known fact that no one who wanted to keep even a fraction of their dignity challenged Erelasiel in anything because she had a nasty habit of running people to the ground in any competition.

But Lassë really couldn't fish so maybe…no, don't do it stupid. It's a trap…

"Yeah that's a challenge." Shit. That's not what he wanted to say at all.

Her smile gave him shivers as he watched he pick up her fishing rod and walk over to the river shore. "So the one who catches the biggest fish by the end of the day is exempt from doing the dishes agreed?"

This was his chance. Turn back before it was too late! Say something you idiot!! "Sounds good. Elladan and I will miss you while you're washing dishes all night." Damnit.

It didn't take long for Elrohir to shout loudly that he had hooked something on his line.

He struggled much with the rod in his hands as he tried to pull the fish to the shore. "It's really big Erelasiel." He told the she elf with a grin. "I can tell." He smiled at her in a way that made her want to smack him. "Looks like you'll be doing the dishes to tonight because this thing is HUGE!" While saying 'huge' he pulled the fish out of the water with a triumphant smirk.

"Ah yes, you have a real killer there Elrohir." Elladan said, laughing. "A real whale you've caught."

Elrohir looked at the fish at the end of his line and found himself looking at a tiny minnow the side of his palm.

He cleared his throat. "I was just practicing for when I win." He said simply, cheeks and tips of ears flushed. He unhooked the fish and let if go, ignoring the taunts the other two bestowed upon him.

"What do you mean there are no sweets left?" The crushed note in Elrond's voice made Glorfindel smile despite himself. His smile deepened as the young elf girl who worked in the kitchen fumbled over her words.

"You see my Lord, y-you're sons came in and said they wanted a picnic basket and some food." She wrung her hands together. "And…well No offense my Lord, but your eldest son is very persuasive."

Elrond's shoulders sagged and the usually dignified Lord of Rivendell looked like a put out child. He sighed heavily and gave the girl a look. "It's quite all right. I understand." He assured her with a strained, monotoned voice. "I'll just wait until tomorrow."

Relieved that she wasn't getting in trouble, the girl sneaked off to the kitchen.

Glorfindel continued to smile at his friend. "You have my deepest apologies because we didn't get here in time to stop your sons from stealing the sweets." He said. Laughter laced his voice and Elrond just…stared at him. A nasty, venomous 'die, you, die!' sort of stare.

Glorfindel just continued to smile. "Lovely day isn't it?" He asked pleasantly. Of course now there was a slight waver in his voice as he tried to change to subject.

Elrond paused and looked out the window, "I suppose it is, yes." He said with resign as he resolved to beat his children later.

Erelasiel held up what must have been a ten pound salmon and compared it to Elrohir's itty, bitty minnow.

"I win." She said with resolve "Lasta lalaithamin." Elrohir stared at the huge fish as a malcontent.

"You cheated." He said finally.

"Aiye did I?" She asked, horrible amused.

"Yes, you did." Elrohir said. "You used a net."

He was met with silence, and then "Antolle ulua sulrim. Using a net isn't cheating. It's part of fishing."

"We didn't agree on that." He said defensively.

"Let it go Toror'amin." Elladan sang. "She beat you bad and you know it." He dissolved into maniacal laughter that man his brother frown.

"Auta miqula orqu." His hissed in the direction of the all too happy male elf.

Elladan smiled happily. "Well if you insist." His kissed his brother's cheek and bounded off because Elrohir could get to him.

Elrohir looked at the two fishes and sighed. "Fine. You win. Good for nothing she elf." He muttered darkly before unhooking his little fish and tossing it in the water.

"Glad to see you're smarter than you look." Erelasiel stated happily.

e.e'' (Glare face)

All he did was glare at her.

naa - Is

Tanya - That

A! - Ah!

Tanya awara - That hurt

Mani nauva lle sinta amin mel, iire I'daerea tula lle? - What will you do, my love, whe the shadows come to you?

mellonamin - Just another way to say 'my friend'

ai'edainme - Little woman (though when Elrohir says this he means little girl)

Antolle ulua sulrim - Much wind pours from your mouth

Toror'amin - My brother

Auta miqula orqu - Go kiss an orc

e.e'' (Glare face)

So for now that's all. Thank you to my two reviewers. I hope you stay with me to the end because reviews are nice.

So yes, button, clicky, reviewy, cookie.

And if you don't like cookies (First off shame on you) Then I'll give you some cheese. Because every one likes cheese. No really.