Thank you guys so much for the reviews!! This is my first story on here, and I really was overjoyed when my email inbox said so many people put this on their story alert list! This chapter is shorter than the others will be, but I hope you still enjoy!
Chapter 1: An Exit to Eternal Summer Slacking
Driving her old red mustang, Haley James impatiently traveled to her favorite spot on the face of the earth. The sign eight minutes past said Tree Hill was in ten miles and the next two miles couldn't come fast enough. She finally pulled into the long driveway, leading to the beach house.
Nathan turned around when he heard the tiny car come up the driveway. He grinned because he knew Haley was here. He dropped the basketball he was holding and yelled for Lucas to come out. She turned her car off and leapt out as fast as she could right into Nathan's arms.
"Nathan!" she squealed. He picked her up and spun her around.
"Geez Hales, you've grown!"
"Yeah like, point zero, zero, one inch!" She laughed and looked up at the guy standing in front of her. She had known Nathan since she was born, but she had to admit, 18 years of growing had done him no harm. "It's good to see you Nate," she said, softer.
"You too Hales." He stepped back to look at her more. He couldn't help feeling something new towards her. His insides churned and he wanted to hug her again. What was he feeling? 'This was Haley' he told himself, the Haley he had known forever. But there was something different this time.
"Miss Haley James!" Lucas called as he ran down the front stairs. The Scott brothers looked only alike in their 6'5'' height and their piercing blue eyes.
"Mr. Lucas Scott!" She said, walking towards him. She extended her hand, and as their decade-and-a-half tradition went, he bent down on his knee and kissed her palm.
"You two are the weirdest." Nathan commented, shaking his head. This caused Haley to laugh, which made Lucas get up and wrap her in a hug. There were never any romantic feelings between Haley and Lucas; they just had a knack for doing goofy things and having a blast together.
"Well I see you are still wearing those baseball caps. At least it's not backwards this time." A voice called from behind Lucas.
"Hey Brooke," Haley said, giving the vixen of the group a big hug.
"Tutorgirl, you are so hott-why do you hide it?" Brooke asked her. She had given Haley the nickname after Haley helped her pass her junior year of English and math via AOL.
"Because," a voice spoke up from behind Brooke. "Not all of us are skanks like you B. Davis."
"Hey Peyton," Haley laughed, going over to give her a hug. Peyton was the sarcastic, broody artist who had golden ringlets that caused the girls to be quite jealous and the boys to be quite interested. "Wow is everyone already here?"
"No, Jake's not here." Peyton answered, suppressing a grin. The previous summer, Jake and Peyton had flirted all through July and August, but only hooked up once, much to the dismay of Brooke, who fancied herself as cupid.
"Not yet, Brooke said swinging her hips to nudge Peyton's. "But that's a good thing cause when he comes you are gonna need to look really hott to properly seduce him so you can have the wild sex that was denied you last year."
"Geez Brooke, turn down the whore factor for five minutes." Nathan said, his face disgusted.
"What?! Not all of us are as lucky as you three-we have to wait ten months before screwing each other!"
"There was no screwing over Christmas!" Haley spoke up.
"Whatever Hales-you were with two Scotts." Haley rolled her eyes. Nathan and Lucas had taken a road trip to see Haley over Christmas Break and had surprised her when the showed up at her door, both dressed as Santa. But there was no "screwing"-just a lot of basketball and Mighty Ducks Marathons.
"You want help carrying your stuff?" Nathan asked Haley, opening her trunk.
"Yeah, that's be great, thanks!" she said, grabbing the biggest suitcase and leaving him her small bag and pillow. Nathan chuckled-Haley constantly tried to prove herself to the world, prove she could do anything.
"C'mon goldilocks, lets go slut ya up!" Brooke said, linking arms with Peyton and leaving Lucas outside. He stared at the long driveway, back to reality, back to normal. But this was Tree Hill and this was anything but normal. He saw a Jeep pull up and he smiled.
"Hey man!" Jake said, getting out of the Jeep and giving Lucas a "manly hug".
"Yo Jake, how ya been?"
"Not bad. Peyton here yet?" Lucas laughed.
"Anxious much?"
"A wee bit." he answered taking his suitcase and guitar out of the back seat.
"A wee bit? Geez Jake, you ditch Nate and I to drive your grandmother to Charlotte and now you sound like her. Do you think you are going to get Peyton by talking like an eighty year old?" Jake laughed.
"Well let's hope I don't have to resort to that." They walked up to the house, talking about the past year and basketball. The summer had officially begun.