"Moogles are the absolute best pet in the world. They say Kupo a lot and they're located in every world. Yes the best pet ever!!! Now only 4200 munny!!!"

Demyx sat there staring at the TV ad, a little stream of drool dripping off his chin. "I want one! I want one!" he screamed childishly.

"Shut up, Demyx!" Axel yelled across the room.

"Axel, can I please have one? Pretty please? With sugar on top and a cherry, and whipped cream, and sprinkles, and those little chopped up peanuts you like, and--?"

"OKAY! Fine, but you have to come up with the munny yourself!"

"YAY! This is the best day ever!!!" Demyx jumped up into the air, but when he landed, a Gambler Nobody slithered by, and Demyx fell on his face. He quickly got up and created a water-clone that oddly resembled Michael Jackson. The clone captured the Gambler Nobody. "Give me all your munny!" demanded Demyx. He stared at it evilly for a moment and then it exploded with munny. The water clone also disappeared.

"Hey, that stupid water-clone got some of my munny!" He pouted, but then got over it. "That's okay I still have 4000 munny. Now all I need is 200 munny. Where can I find 200 munny?" he mumbled to himself. Then Demyx had an idea; he quickly went to Saix's room and got his Berserker club thingy (please comment to tell me what this really is). He then got on the nearest computer, went on eBay, and put up an ad:

One, (near) mint-condition, Berserker Club-Thingy: Very effective… Great at comic conventions and/or bachelor parties!!! Starting bid: 1 munny.

He stared at the computer and waited for the first bid. It came within the first few seconds; the bid was now 199 munny. "C'mon Mr. Computer, one more bid… I'll give you a cookie!!!"

He waited a whole week, but the bid was still unchanged. "NOOOOOO! Well, at lest he paid by credit card…" Demyx now had 4199 munny. "Wait! I'll have a concert at the Green Bay Packer's game! That's it! That's what I'll do!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!..."