This was originally part of the Gamma Legacy. It was originally half of a third season, but I removed everything from the Gamma Legacy. This is being re-uploaded for reference terms (a second Tornado Ranger team will be appearing in another fanfic, involving the Assault Force, Cyclone and Inferno Rangers)
NOTE: 'Asdrubael', 'Kharn'' 'Cypher' and possibly other villains' names in the future come from the wargame 'Warhammer 40,000'
Power Rangers Tornado
Arrival of Evil
A spacecraft flew towards Earth. However, as it approached, the people onboard quickly noticed another spacecraft in the Earth's orbit.
"Who are they?" asked the leader of the first ship
"Apparently, they are agents of an inter-galactic crime organisation," stated one of the lower-ranking officers.
"What are they doing here?" asked the leader.
"They seem to be trying to establish a base on Earth, as they have on many other planets," a second lower-ranking henchman stated.
"So, there's another force besides us that plans to attack Earth," the captain said, "We won't defeat them right now. It may be better to attack a city first. What does the ship's database say about Earth's defence forces?"
"As with on various other planets, Earth has some teams of Power Rangers who live in various cities," the first lower-ranking henchman said, "However, in the nearest area, the only city to have Rangers protecting it is, or rather, was Denham. It used to be protected by the Gamma Strike Rangers. However, their ally, Inferno Defender, has left the area. Of the seven Rangers, one has even left the planet, and three have moved to Greenford. Not to mention, their powers are destroyed."
"That's perfect," the leader of this group of villains stated, "When we attack Denham, the three former heroes still there will be forced to watch as their city is torn apart around them. Denham isn't ruled by evil or destroyed, so they must have sacrificed their powers to destroy their previous enemy. They'll regret giving up their powers so easily, when they see the city torn apart around them!"
"What would be the best way to begin the destruction of the city?" asked the second henchman.
"This would be the ideal time to begin the testing of the Bio-Cannon," stated the commander.
"Understood, Master Asdrubael," stated the first henchman, as a strange cannon appeared in his hands. Then he turned and teleported away.
The henchman, known as Cypher, appeared in the forest. Cypher had silver armour with lightning designs on it, and there was an energy rifle attached to his armour. Aiming the Bio-Cannon, he pressed the button marked 'load'. The cannon began sucking in the leaves of a nearby tree. Then he pressed 'transfer' and fired at a bird. Once he fired, the bird landed, in obvious pain, as it mutated into a humanoid bird monster, who was green and seemed to have leaves instead of feathers. Cypher teleported himself and the bird away.
Asdrubael's ship-
"You seem to have made unusual choices for what to fuse," stated Asdrubael, "Regardless, it's obvious this monster can defeat anyone who tries to get in its path. In a few minutes, we will attack."
"Yes, the pitiful former heroes will stand no chance against us," stated Kharn, the female captain under Asdrubael's command. Kharn had mostly white and black armour, but the helmet and some of the leg armour was red. A staff was attached to this armour. Since no one had seen Kharn or Cypher without their armour, it was unknown what kind of aliens they were without it. However, Asdrubael was clearly a reptilian alien. Also, he was blue, but his armour was gold and silver, and had flight capabilities.
A large group of blue-armoured soldiers approached.
"Bio-Warriors, assist this monster by destroying everything and everyone in Denham!" ordered Asdrubael.
The monster and Bio-Warriors teleported away.
A park in Denham-
Cheryl was walking down a path when she was suddenly blasted. Turning, she noticed a bird monster and several strange warriors.
"I'll have to hope this works," Cheryl said to herself, before holding out her Wing Gauntlet, "White Matrix Armour, activate!"
The Wing Gauntlet activated the armour, transforming Cheryl into Gamma White in the process. Gamma White used the wings of her armour to fly. The bird monster laughed as his wings began glowing. Then he flew into the air, his wing cutting through Gamma White's wing. Gamma White fell to the ground and Bio-Warriors closed in. The bird monster fired and not only caused Gamma White to demorph, but also destroyed the Wing Gauntlet. Suddenly, Cheryl noticed Bio-Warriors being forced away.
Two people known as Louise and Sean were forcing the Bio-Warriors back.
"Tornado power, activate!" they called, as Louise became a White Ranger and Sean became a Blue Ranger. They managed to help Cheryl to stand, and then they drew their laser pistols and fired. Several Bio-Warriors fell back and the heroes used this chance to escape.
Sean and Louise took Cheryl to a shuttle-based fortress known as the ShuttleBase. Onboard, surprisingly, was an area that seemed like a Jurassic forest. Cheryl was then shocked somewhat, as a Spinosaurus, a Tylosaurus, a Postosuchus, a Styracosaurus and a Pteranodon appeared.
"What's going on, and why are dinosaurs here?" asked Cheryl.
The Tylosaurus responded telepathically, 'The Pteranodon you see chose Louise to be the White Tornado Ranger. Likewise, the Styracosaurus chose Sean to be the Blue Tornado Ranger. I need you to be the Yellow Tornado Ranger.'
"It's odd that I'm talking to a dinosaur," Cheryl said, "But I was the White Gamma Ranger before. Fighting as a Ranger and protecting Denham during that time will be for nothing if I let these new evil forces destroy everything."
A park in Denham-
Gamma Red was sent flying by an energy blast. Darren landed hard, as his Wing Gauntlet fell off and shattered. Ted was knocked over by three of the Bio-Warriors. Suddenly, three Rangers leapt into action, knocking the Bio-Warriors back.
"We've got to return to the ShuttleBase!" shouted Tornado White.
"This is becoming frustrating," stated Tornado Yellow
"I know, but the dinosaurs have to actually meet people to give them the powers!" Tornado Blue shouted. Then Tornado Blue blasted the ground repeatedly with his laser, causing smoke to rise from the ground. The monster then noticed that his five opponents had disappeared.
Once they returned to the ShuttleBase, the dinosaurs telepathically explained to the former Gamma Rangers what the situation was. The Postosuchus then gave Darren the Black Tornado Morpher. The Spinosaurus gave Ted the Red Tornado Morpher. Presumably, Ted had ended up being chosen for the position of the team's leader because he had been able to access the Vortex Ranger powers against Tiamat's forces.
"I thought the Gamma Rangers' powers were destroyed," stated Asdrubael.
"Their Morphers are gone," replied Cypher, "However, I didn't know their Wing Gauntlets would allow them to morph, even temporarily. It doesn't matter now, because their Wing Gauntlets are gone, and with them, all the remaining power of the Gamma Rangers."
"Who were the new group of Rangers who appeared?" Asdrubael asked.
"It's strange, but there is no record of them, well not that I can find right now!" Kharn replied.
"Their powers must have been unleashed for the purpose of stopping us," Cypher stated.
"Interesting, but they won't last long enough to defeat us!" Asdrubael shouted.
A few Bio-Warriors were suddenly hit and fell back. Ted, Cheryl, Darren, Louise and Sean stood ready to defeat the Bio-Warriors and the monster that had decided to attack with them.
"Tornado power, activate!" the new Ranger team called out as they morphed.
"Interesting, it seems we finally have opposition," the monster stated.
"You'll find that these powers can't be destroyed as easily as the Wing Gauntlets were," stated Tornado Blue.
"Interesting," the monster said, "You seem to think your powers will prove a challenge. I guess we're about to find out if that's correct! Bio-Warriors, destroy the Tornado Rangers!" The group of Bio-Warriors then charged at the Tornado Rangers, hoping to attack with large numbers.
Tornado Blue kicked the first Bio-Warrior to approach. The Bio-Warrior was clearly harmed by the kick, even through his armour, and collapsed. The Bio-Warriors seemed to fall back, before charging again. Tornado Blue drew his laser pistol and blasted several as they closed in.
One of the Bio-Warriors fired an energy rifle. Tornado White split her laser blaster into a sword and shield, and held the shield out as the warrior fired. Tornado White's shield began glowing as it held the energy blast in place. Tornado White aimed the shield at another Bio-Warrior and released the energy.
Tornado Black, being the former leader of the Gamma Rangers, had taken initiative by counter-charging some Bio-Warriors. Tornado Black then punched one Bio-Warrior, who staggered back into two more, disrupting their formation momentarily. Tornado Black continued to fight Bio-Warriors off.
Tornado Yellow managed to kick one Bio-Warrior, knocking the enemy soldier down. The soldier collapsed in the path of others, so they had to walk around him to get to Tornado Yellow, giving her more time to prepare for their assault. Tornado Yellow continued pounding them into the ground.
Tornado Red also separated his laser into a sword and shield, and used the sword to cut through the Bio-Warriors, while using the shield to block the attacks of the ones that were trying to attack. The Bio-Warriors fell back and then decided to teleport away, leaving the monster standing alone.
"I don't need help to defeat you!" shouted the monster.
"You'll be regretting that comment in a moment," Tornado Blue stated, as he charged. The monster attacked to kick him, but he rolled under the monster's leg and simultaneously slashed it with his sword. The monster collapsed.
"That wasn't what I was expecting," stated the monster as he managed to stand.
"What exactly were you expecting?" asked Tornado Blue.
"I was expecting to win easily, like this!" the monster shouted, as he extended his hand and fired energy blasts. Tornado Blue ran through them, holding his shield in front on him. While he was hit several times, the shield reduced the impact enough for him to continue running. Then he slammed his sword against the monster's gut, sending the monster rolling across the ground.
"This has gone on long enough!" shouted the monster, as he once again stood ready to attack, and charged towards Tornado Blue.
"I guess it has!" Tornado Red shouted, as he charged at the monster and sliced him across the waist with his sword when they ran past each other. The monster stopped in front of Tornado Blue, then collapsed and exploded.
"That didn't work as planned," stated Cypher.
"It doesn't matter," stated Kharn, "It showed us what the Rangers' powers were capable of."
"It was also a good test of the Bio-Cannon," stated Asdrubael, "However, even without information on this new Ranger team, we can defeat them. Soon enough, we will test the Bio-Cannon's full potential, and obliterate the Tornado Rangers."