Power Rangers Tornado
The Siege, part III

"Asdrubael, we beat your evil forces, if you want to survive, now's the time to stop trying to conquer this planet," Tornado Blue commented.
"Oh, but you're forgetting, there's no way you can beat me!" Asdrubael shouted.
"We'll see!" Tornado Black shouted, before drawing his Tornado Laser and firing. Asdrubael began to melt, so the shot missed.
"What's going on?" asked Tornado Yellow, watching Asdrubael dissolve into liquid, which sped towards the remains of the Generals.
"Somehow, I get the idea this isn't a good thing," Tornado White stated, and the liquid enveloped the Generals' remains.
"It looks like he's trying to absorb the remaining power of his five Generals," commented Tornado Silver, before noticing that all the plants surrounded by the liquid were vanishing too.
"There's no way to stop this," Tornado Red commented, "We'll just have to let him finish and destroy him when he reforms!"

The liquid, the Generals' remains and the surrounding plants assumed a bipedal form before finally solidifying. Although bipedal, this form could never honestly be referred to as humanoid. It also had two arms, but Asdrubael's reptilian DNA seemed to have fused with that of the plants. This creature had a huge snout that opened into three sections, and each section was somewhat plant-like, but had crocodilian teeth.
"At last we meet each other on a battlefield, Rangers," Asdrubael, stated, as his new form was complete.

"Ultra Volcano Cannon, fire!" The group called, and they fired their Ultra Volcano Cannon. It hit Asdrubael, but he only staggered backwards. The Rangers were shocked that he actually stayed on his feet!
"Rangers, my empire spans many planets in many galaxies," Asdrubael stated, "A superhero team will never stop me!" Asdrubael fired a stream of exploding pollen at the ground, which exploded, knocking them to the ground.

"Now you'll see why I've conquer so many civilisations," Asdrubael commented, as his huge snout opened and he fired something that resembled both a chameleon tongue and a vine, entangling the damaged Super Bio-Cannon. Asdrubael then devoured the Super Bio-Cannon, and its powers caused him to grow instantly. Presumably, Asdrubael had done this because there was nobody to launch the Super Bio-Cannon's energy at him, leaving him with no choice but to eat it.

'Rangers, we thought you'd need our help,' the Plesiosaurus informed the group, and they turned to see that the ShuttleBase had landed. The Plesiosaurus, Basilosaurus, Sarcosuchus, Nothosaurus and Basilosaurus fused into the DreadnoughtZord, and the Rangers appeared in the cockpit.
'Rangers, we won't let you and the Tornado Dinosaurs fight alone,' the Dragon Kidenjuu stated, as the five Kidenjuu appeared and fused into the Immolator Megazord, who stood next to the DreadnoughtZord, ready to finish Asdrubael.

'Phil, it may be better to wait, unless the Rangers and DreadnoughtZord need someone to rescue them,' the Aucasaurus informed Tornado Silver.
"Understood," Tornado Silver replied. Suddenly, Asdrubael teleported himself, the DreadnoughtZord and the Immolator Megazord into the city area of Denham. People watched the battle.

"Today you all die!" Asdrubael shouted, as he launched vines at nearby buildings, striking them hard, and they collapsed into rubble.
'We won't allow the human race to fall,' the Plesiosaurus stated, and the Megazords both punched Asdrubael, knocking him back. Suddenly his vines struck repeatedly, hitting the Immolator Megazord and knocking him down.
"That's right, we won't give up simply because you've transformed into a new form, you're still our final enemy!" Tornado Silver shouted, as the ShuttleBase flew in, firing on Asdrubael, who staggered back.

"Dreadnought Cannons, fire!" The primary five Rangers called, and both cannons fired, hitting Asdrubael and forcing him back.
"Plesiosaur Lance, ready!" Tornado Red called, as the DreadnoughtZord energised the lance and struck Asdrubael, knocking him back further.
"You can't stop my reign of terror," Asdrubael calmly stated, as he fired exploding pollen at the DreadnoughtZord. The pollen exploded, and the five Rangers and five Tornado Dinosaurs fell to the ground, the dinosaurs injured by the attack.

'Take them to safety!' The Dragon Kidenjuu ordered, and Tornado Silver used the ShuttleBase's teleportation system to teleport the Tornado Dinosaurs and Tornado Rangers onboard. The Immolator Megazord stood ready as the ShuttleBase retreated.
"This won't be difficult," Asdrubael commented, before firing the vine/chameleon tongue again, which entangled the Immolator Megazord, dragging the five Kidenjuu into his mouth, where they were eaten.

"The Rangers just left!" A man who was aged approximately thirty-six shouted, seeing the ShuttleBase retreat.
"The Rangers and Tornado Dinosaurs have abandoned the city!" A woman who may or may not have been the man's wife added.
"We're doomed!" shouted someone who may or may not have been the man's mother. Despair flooded through the streets.
"You're insane!" Dave shouted, "the Rangers lose once, and you immediately think they've given up!"
"I've even helped the Rangers at some point, I know they're not invincible," Jeremy continued, "but still, losing a battle has never made them just step aside before!"
"They even said that this was their final enemy!" Dave followed, "They're probably just retreating to come up with a strategy to beat him!"

"Is it possible that we can beat Asdrubael?" Phil asked, having seen the carnage.
'I don't know,' the Spinosaurus replied, 'normally I'd say yes, but the Kidenjuu were eaten. We can't be that reckless when facing Asdrubael.'
"We'll have to avenge the Kidenjuu," Ted commented, "Some tornado Dinosaurs are still hurt, though."
'Hopefully we can still win,' the Suchomimus replied, 'I was actually starting to enjoy life on Earth. I hope we don't have to die.'
"We don't really have to die," Sean suggested, "Tyranno still hasn't tried to fight Asdrubael, and we all know Tyranno hasn't lost against anyone yet."
'Maybe if we can combine our power with Tyranno, then we actually have a chance of beating Asdrubael,' the Styracosaurus suggested.
"That's probably it," Sean replied, "If that happens, I think we could probably beat Asdrubael without much difficulty."
"The only problem is, we can't really contact Tyranno," Cheryl pointed out. "So we don't know when he'll try to stop Asdrubael."
'I know, but that just means we'll have to help him when the time comes,' the Pteranodon replied.
"But right now, Asdrubael's probably rampaging through the city," Darren commented, "We have to stop him."
"Right now, we can't do anything," Louise replied, "The Immolator Megazord was destroyed easily and we don't have anything more powerful than that right now."
"Not until Tyranno shows up anyway," Ted commented, "And fighting him now could weaken the other Tornado Dinosaurs so we wouldn't be able to stop him at all."
"Somehow I think he knows that," Sean stated, "The sensors detect something flying towards the ShuttleBase at high speeds!"

Suddenly the ShuttleBase was hit hard, and was now severely damaged. Fortunately, the Rangers were able to control its fall, and it wasn't destroyed, but it wouldn't be flying again soon either. The heroes ran outside.

Outside, the heroes saw Asdrubael approaching the damaged ShuttleBase. They couldn't escape him now, so they had no choice but to fight him.
"Tornado power, activate!" the, er… six human heroes called out, as they activated their Morphers and once again became the Tornado Rangers.

"We have no choice but to stop him now!" Tornado Silver shouted, as his three Tornado Dinosaur partners fused together, and he appeared in the CycloneZord cockpit. The CycloneZord stood ready to finish Asdrubael… hopefully.
"Hopefully the Sky Commando Megazord can beat him," Tornado Red stated, and the Ceratosuchus, Ankylosaurus, Suchomimus, Seismosaurus and Quetzalcoatlus fused together, the five Rangers appearing in the cockpit.

"So, this is the best you can come up with?" Asdrubael asked, before firing a stream of exploding pollen at the group, which exploded, obviously, but the CycloneZord and Sky Commando Megazord weren't hurt by the blast as much as the five Tornado Dinosaurs who formed the DreadnoughtZord had been.

"Cyclone Tail Staff, full power!" Tornado Silver called, and the staff energised and cut into Asdrubael. Asdrubael punched and kicked the CycloneZord repeatedly, and the CycloneZord then collapsed.
"Double Impalement Strike!" The primary five Rangers called, as their spear and drill hit Asdrubael, but he wasn't harmed much by the attack.
"Ankylosaur Rapid-Fire!" The group called next, but despite repeatedly launching the Ankylosaurus at Asdrubael, he was far from beaten. The Ankylosaurus again fused with the rest of the Sky Commando Megazord.

"You'll never compare to my powers!" Asdrubael shouted, as he struck both fusion warriors with his claws and they fell backwards. Asdrubael fired another stream of exploding pollen, causing another explosion, and both combinations fell back.
"I have an idea," Tornado Silver stated, "CycloneZord Artillery, transform!"
'Good thing I can help this time,' the Albertosaurus commented, before fusing with the CycloneZord. While this was happening, Asdrubael blasted the Sky Commando Megazord repeatedly, most of the blasts hitting the chest and wings.

"I'm here, everyone!" Tornado Silver shouted, "Artillery Cannons, fire!" The two cannons fired, but Asdrubael easily stopped the attack, sending his own energy and the cannon blasts back to CycloneZord Artillery. There was a huge explosion. The Sky Commando Megazord ran over to CycloneZord Artillery, standing in front of the weakened CycloneZord. Asdrubael fired one more blast at the two, and they separated. The Quetzalcoatlus, Albertosaurus and al three of Tornado Silver's partners collapsed, weakened.

"We've still got one chance!" Tornado Red shouted, and the primary five Tornado Dinosaurs and Triceratops fused together, the primary five Rangers appearing in the cockpit. Tornado Megazord Knight sped towards Asdrubael, but he tore into both arms, as well as the sword and shield with his claws. The Triceratops was immediately forced to separate from the fusion!
'I'll try to help,' the Rhamphorhynchus stated, fusing with the Tornado Megazord Glider. Tornado Megazord Glider began to fly into the air, but Asdrubael launched a stream of exploding pollen, exploding against the Megazord's legs.
"Everyone who's injured, retreat!" Tornado Red ordered, knowing he had to save the injured tornado Dinosaurs. The arms and legs of Tornado Megazord glider separated from the fusion and teleported away. However, surprisingly, the Suchomimus and Ankylosaurus fused with him, so he once again had legs, and then the Ceratosuchus and Seismosaurus fused with him, forming the Executioner Megazord.

"Execution Spear, fire!" Tornado Yellow called. They fired the spear, and it hit Asdrubael, who screamed in agony and fired another stream of exploding pollen, hitting the Executioner Megazord, but to no effect.
'Sorry it took so long to find you, Rangers,' Tyranno stated as he approached.
"That shouldn't be a problem now!" Tornado Red replied, and the Executioner Megazord and Tyranno fused into Executioner Megazord Paladin.
"Paladin Spear of Execution, online!" the group called, and their spear began glowing. They struck Asdrubael, piercing him fatally and finally causing him to fall and explode. Tyranno and the Executioner Megazord the separated again.

On the streets of Denham, people stared up and Tyranno and the Executioner Megazord… the evil that had been attacking their town was finally defeated! They hadn't been expecting this, as many of them had read today's newspaper, that said that yesterday, the Patrol Force Rangers had lost their powers. The Tornado Rangers and Tornado Dinosaurs had succeeded and remained alive and with their powers, even though the only other Ranger teams that had been on England, the Gamma Rangers and Patrol Force Rangers, were now gone. It was always possible that England would come under attack again, but with the Tornado Rangers and Tornado Dinosaurs here, there would be someone to protect the country, and the Earth.