
Lord Voldemort's Attack And Nick Sirius Potter A Hero

Chapter 1

It was a busy day on October 24th, 1981, as it was time for Lily Potter nee Evans and her two children and husband to go into hiding. It was a stressful time for them because they didn't like hiding away from the war; however, James and Lily did it for the sake of their children. The children came first to them—it was just a shame it wouldn't always remain that way. Remus, Peter, Sirius, and Dumbledore all said goodbye to them before the spell was cast and they disappeared from view, sure that Lord Voldemort wouldn't be able to harm their children. A year and almost three months ago, Lily had given birth to twins at Hogwarts.

The first born was named Nick Sirius Potter; Sirius Black was named his godfather. He was born on July 31st at 11.35—twenty five minutes before his twin came into the world.

The second born son was named Harry James Potter, and Sirius Black was also named his godfather. He was born 'as the seventh month dies', his birth time was set at 11.55, an innocent mistake by Poppy Pomfrey because of the interruption of Albus Dumbledore coming into the Hospital Wing.

Peter Pettigrew became their Secret Keeper, and it wasn't surprising Peter was excited. He could not wait to get the news to his Lord, who would be so happy with him, and without further ado he left early, insisting he was going to see his mother. Peter had been a Death Eater for a year, spying for the almighty and powerful Lord Voldemort, his 'Master' the 'Dark Lord'.

It was, unfortunately, a week before he was called.

Lord Voldemort's Current Hide Out

"My Lord, I am the Secret Keeper for the Potter's," said Peter, his eyes gleaming with evilness and no small amount of smugness. He was sure to be His Lord's favourite now after handing the Potter's to him on a silver platter. He hated the fact that he wasn't even named one of the children's godfathers, hated the fact that his friends pitied him enough to befriend him. His Lord saw his power, saw his usefulness, and for once he was noticed on his own, not as James Potter's almost invisible friend—he was never asked his opinion at Order meetings. He didn't regret his actions at all, and was gladly handing them over.

He even had a plan for whenever the Potter's were killed since there was no doubt Sirius would come after him. As Sirius Black would soon be the only one who knew he was the Secret Keeper, he would ensure Black rotted in Azkaban. Everyone had underestimated him, and that would be their downfall.

"Excellent! Now tell me why you took so long to tell me! They have been under the Fidelius spell for a week!" snarled Voldemort. He knew because Severus Snape, his other spy at Hogwarts, had told him they were safe, had gone into hiding to annoy him, though Snape didn't realize just who the Secret Keeper was so it was all for naught.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry," said Peter, snivelling at the powerful wizard. Why wasn't His Lord happy? Why was he being so nasty? This wasn't how he imagined his reaction at all.

"Tell me the address," hissed Voldemort, tiring of the snivelling traitor. He was useful, he had to give the rat that much credit, and taking the smelly snivelling boy had been a good decision after all.

"The Potters shall be found at Number 12 Godric's Hollow," stammered Peter quickly. Where was His Lord's praise about how valuable he was and rewarding him for his loyalty? He didn't like when his 'Master' was mad at him. Maybe he should have told him straight away, but he had to get plans into motion, like saying goodbye to his mother—despite everything, he did indeed love his mother. She had always put him first, but for a grown boy it just wasn't enough. Seeing his friends get girls and have families had taken its toll on the ugly boy.

"Good. Stay here and wait for me to return. You shall be rewarded handsomely," said Voldemort.

How could Voldemort not be happy? He had just received the Potter's on a silver platter! Being the only real threat to his power, he could not let the brats get older. Putting his cloak on, he was gone before anything or anyone could stop him, leaving Peter Pettigrew glowing at the small measure of praise he had received. He had been wrong; his 'Master' was happy with him, he just didn't want to show it until they were dead. Then he would become his right hand man—Snivellus would be kicked aside. Snape may spy on Dumbledore, but it was Peter who had brought the Potters to him, so he would be the Dark Lord's number one. Everyone would be envious of him, even Lucius Malfoy, as the strutting peacock would be moved down to number four instead of three.

Godric's Hollow, Halloween, October 31st, 1981

"The Potters shall be found at number 12 Godric's Hollow," said Voldemort, causing the house to materialize out of nowhere. Smirking, he blasted the door open with his wand, and smirked more when he heard the panic in James Potter's voice. He was going to enjoy this like no other attack. Deciding what he wanted to do, he cast Stupefy at James Potter—he wanted him kept alive, since it was only the brats he was after, anyway. He would relish seeing Potter utterly defeated because his silly little boys were dead.

James ducked the spell and spells started going back and forth as Lily went running up the stairs. James' foot unexpectedly got caught in one of his children's toys. Falling to the ground was the last thing he remembered as Voldemort took that opportunity to cast a Stupefy spell again. That time, it hit its mark and James Potter went limp, falling to the floor, defenseless. The supposed best Auror in the division had been brought down by Voldemort, who wasn't even trying his hardest. Voldemort decided to award Peter for his loyalties and let the rat kill him when he was through. Evan's, though—unfortunately—had to remain alive, as he had promised Snape, who was too valuable to alienate. If he wanted the red head, he could have her. Perhaps he had a potion for her, who knew? Either way, he would take them with him, so cast yet another spell, a body bind so James couldn't get away if the stunner didn't hold.

"James!" yelled Lily in anguish, fearing he was dead when she heard a body hit the floor.

Voldemort yelled out the blasting curse, half hoping she was behind the door. The door smashed into tiny pieces, showing him the huddled figure of Lily Potter trying in vain to protect her children. Lily Potter attempting in vain to protect them from the evil in their house.

"Hand over the brats and you will live," said Voldemort. He loved playing mind games with his victims. She didn't need to know she would survive and be given to her ex best friend as a play thing.

"Never! Not my children! Take me instead, please take me, not my sons! Please, have mercy!" screamed Lily in Lord Voldemort's face, in hopes he would leave her children alone. She was using herself as a human shield, not letting Voldemort see her children, and better yet, not letting her children see the evil wizard.

"Stand aside you silly Mudblood!" snarled Voldemort, his patience waning.

"No! Not my babies, please, no, take me! Kill me instead!" she begged.

"Stupefy!" yelled Voldemort. He did, after all, keep his promises to his Death Eaters—it kept them under his control.

Lily fell unconscious, unable to hear or see anything, lost to the world.

"Avada Kedavra!" was yelled and the green light of the killing curse lit up the entire room.

He was too surprised to even think about moving when the curse rebounded upon him. As his body was burnt to ash, his soul was ripped from it, pain unlike anything he had ever experienced coursing through him. Unable to do anything without a corporal body, he fled, screaming in agony.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Death Eaters everywhere fell, clutching their forearms in pain. They knew that something had happened to their Lord. Peter, seeing his Dark Mark almost gone, Apparated to Godric's Hollow immediately. He saw James lying there motionless, probably dead, and heard children crying. He fled the scene when he heard a bike roar in the distance, assuming it was Sirius Black's bike already coming. Turning into a rat, he went down to the sewers, wondering how things had gone so wrong. The prophecy had come true; a one year and three month old child had defeated Voldemort.

Their spy, of course, clutched his arm in agony too. It was night and Severus Snape had obviously been asleep. As soon as he saw the Mark disappearing, he ran as fast as he could to Albus Dumbledore. He had to tell him what had happened; somehow Voldemort had been hurt or possibly killed. The Dark Mark was now a faint outline, like someone had taken a pencil and drawn it on him. Barging into the office, he was thankful the old fool was still awake, so without further ado, he told him, not even winded by his run from the Dungeons up to Dumbledore's office. He might only be a Potions Master, but he was by no means unfit.

"He's gone Albus! The Mark is not completely gone, though, it's still there just a little bit," said Severus, his eyes wide in shock—he had never expected to survive the war; spying was a sticky business, after all. He was showing his left forearm to Dumbledore, who could only stare in shock, knowing the prophecy as well.

Fearing something had happened to the Potters, he quickly spoke. "I have to go see if they are alright. don't worry, Severus, it's over. Tell Minerva and get everyone to the Great Hall—there is much to celebrate! They deserve it, even your Slytherins," said Albus, smiling softly.

"Yes, Albus, right away," said Severus coolly, as if he hadn't just been given the information he had wanted for years. He was a tad bit worried about Lily, though, but until something was said, he refused to let it show.

Albus created a Portkey out of one of the many dark detectors on his shelves. He couldn't Apparate, so he had no choice but to Portkey—he had to get there as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it didn't take him right to the house, but down the road. With speed which shouldn't have been possible for a man one hundred and forty years old, he got to Godric's Hollow. The door was blown off its hinges, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that James and Lily were fine. One of the twins was in their arms and they looked greatly relieved.

"Lily! James! Is everything alright?" asked Dumbledore, stepping in while looking powerful and concerned.

"Nick defeated Voldemort," said Lily, still shaking. The relief in her green eyes was unmistakable.

She had been so close to losing her children...She felt as though it was all a dream and she would wake up to find that her children were really dead. Seeing Dumbledore there, she realized it had happened, but they had all survived.

"Are you sure?" asked Albus, frowning. Nick had been the first born; if anything, he had expected it to be Harry. He was born last and closer to the 'seventh month dies'. However, he would of course trust Lily's judgement—she had been there and seen the whole thing. Perhaps Nick had been close enough to the 'seventh month dies' condition.

"Yes, Albus," replied Lily adamantly.

"It seems he is the child of the Prophecy then, my dears. The coming years are not going to be very good for the little one," said Albus softly. He tried to stop himself from thinking about training Nick, but it couldn't be helped. Voldemort wasn't gone or the Dark Mark would have been gone completely.

"What about Harry?" asked Albus after a few minutes silence.

"He's sleeping. I finally got him back down, but Nick's too scared to sleep," whispered Lily, looking worried and as though she had failed all at once.

"Do not worry yourself, I'm sure he will be fine. Just Floo me if you cannot get him to sleep. I shall get Severus to brew a potion for him if that is the case, so fear not," said Dumbledore soothingly.

"Would you? Thank you, Albus," sighed Lily, still clutching her shuddering son close. He had finally stopped crying, even though had closed the scar and healed it as much as possible. Harry's too had been healed as much as possible, but she was too proud of her son to get rid of the marks the twins bore. He had, after all, got rid of the Dark Lord at just one year and three months old.

If only she knew that Nick had gotten his scar when the door had been blown from its hinges by Lord Voldemort.

If only she knew that Harry had been the one to defeat Lord Voldemort, things might have been different for the family.

Or maybe Harry might have lived the life of a prince instead of a pauper with his family.

It seemed it wasn't meant to be as they ignored the crying of their second born son.

If only Dumbledore had enquired more, instead of just accepting that Lily had seen it.

They would, in time, come to regret what they had done, and by then...they would never be able to reverse it.

Big thanks to Snow Leopard Pasha for editing this chapter! :)