"Oh damn, was that a left on first street and right on second street or right on first street and left on second street?"
Lee looked at her gps again. It has an odd tendency to fritz out and often it gets things backwards.
"Well there is the small English Castle inspired building…that must be it."
Turning into the parking lot, she found it practically abandoned except for a few assorted vehicles. A new silver Hummer caught her eyes. It was simple…sort of box like, and pleasant.
After admiring the peculiar hummer, she found an adequate parking spot for her precious 'Merik'. Merik was her life, without it she seemed to be lost. Who knew that she would get so attached to her black Ducatti Mulstrada. Merik has been the only the only male-ish thing she has ever trusted. To her Merik is what some would a lover in a way. She is affectionate towards it as a boy and his new 1983 mustang in mint condition, nobody messes with him.
She turned off her engine, said goodnight to Merik, grabbed her duffle bag out of the compartment, and headed to the front doors of a new life.
As Lee looked to the doors she sighed deeply, shaking her head.
"Why am I not surprised. It just looks like I will have to find things on my own." A mischievous glimmer shone in her eyes as her lips formed into a smirk and disappeared. "All well it's more fun that way."
Twirling her neon keys to her dearly loved Merik in her hand, she walked up the steps and opened the door. A smirk crept its way on her face.
As she walked in the door, a brown haired blue eyed boy came running to the foyer. When he saw the new student standing there, he attempted to skid to a halt, but fell flat on his face instead.
With his pride, sense of balance and himself on the floor, he knew things couldn't get that much worse. He looked up smiling at the new student while trying to keep from blushing from embarrassment.
"You must be Raphael."
The student just nodded its head. After a few seconds Raphael offered her hand to Tyler.
Accepting the 'new boy's hand' he pulled himself up of the floor. In a worried tone he looked at the new student and asked.
"You haven't been waiting long have you?"
Raphael shook her head.
"That's good. There were supposed to be two others with me, but something came up so it's just me. You don't mind do you?"
Again she just shook her head.
"Oh yeah, Where are my manners. My name is Tyler."
Her eyes glazed over slightly as she went into thought.
'Tyler…Tyler…it fits him in a way. So far he seems to be the quiet innocent and shy type of person. I will just wait and see.'
The blue eyed boy put his hand out to greet Raphael. She cocked her head to the side drifting her eyes down; she finally noticed what he was waiting for. So she shook his hand. Tyler looked down and saw that his finger nails were painted, sheer neon blue over a solid black. He looked back up at Raphael with a questioning look in his eyes. She just shrugged.
She loved this. It was like a game to her, to see how long she could go without them figuring out she was a girl. Everyone automatically assumed that she was a guy since her first name was Raphael. That's why she generally went by Lee, since it could go either way.
"Oh yeah I almost forgot. I am supposed to give you this letter from Provost Higgins."
Raphael took the letter from his hand, opened it and read it quickly. Just gazing over the important parts and skipping the whole reasoning behind the actions.
'Dear Raphael,
We apologize for the inconvience...blah blah blah...Due to the lack of female dorms...blah blah blah... However there is a dorm for you...blah blah blah… boy's floor... blah blah blah…don't worry… blah blah blah...no room mate... blah blah blah.
Provost Higgins'
As her eyes scanned the letter and reached the bottom, she chuckled to herself.
'This could work out to my advantage.'
After it appeared that Raphael had read the letter, Tyler smiled and started to walk away.
He was about twenty feet away when he turned to look back.
"Hey Raphael, are you coming or what?"
She just nodded her head and followed.
Tyler looked over to the new guy. He was trying to figure him out. So far all he knew was that Raphael liked black apparently. He was dressed from head to toe in it; black hoodie, sunglasses that looked like those off of the matrix, paired with black semi baggy jeans and black with baby blue accented steel-toe boots. As they began to climb the stairs, Tyler began to think.
'It's nice to get some new guys around here. I wonder if he is one of those goth/punk wannabe people. All well I guess. Who knows we might end up being friends. I wonder if swims or anything? What is his room number? Oh crap I don't think I even asked him.'
"Hey, what's your room number?"
He looked at her questioningly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the letter, folding it in such a way where he could only read the number at the bottom of the letter.
"Oh. Ok. Room number 268, wait…"
He put his hand on her shoulder. Instantly upon contact, she noticeably became rigid.
Seeing this, he removed his hand and made a mental note 'doesn't like physical contact'.
"My room is right next to yours."
She stopped and looked at him smirking.
'This is going to be good. He is kind of cute. Blue eyes suit him very well. Next door…so that might make things a tad difficult. Showers…shit showers here are all pretty much like locker room showers…everyone can see everything…damn.'
She cleared her throat and tried to make it sound deeper.
He was shocked that he finally spoke. He looked at him with a look that said 'I wonder why his voice sounds funny'. Reading his facial expression she responded to cease any rising suspicions.
"Sorry…bad cold."
She coughed for added effect.
"It's ok. I hope you get better soon."
She just nodded her head.
"When do the showers close?"
An odd look crossed Tyler's face… leaving just as quickly as it came.
'I wonder why the first thing he would ask would be about the showers. Usually that one of the last things on a guy's mind'
"Uhhh… as far as I know it's open twenty-four seven, but I'm usually the last one out of the showers, so about 11:30pm is generally free."
"Thanks Tyler."
Her voice sounded like she really was a guy with a cold. Tyler pointed to her door than walked over to his own.
"Just be glad you have me on the other side of the wall and not my friend…let's just say I can barely sleep from all the noise."
An all-knowing smile crept its way on both of their faces.
"Oh and just to let you know each room has its own bathroom, meaning like a toilet and sink. Oh yeah if you can't stand the noise you might want to invest in something that will drown it out."
Smiling, they both went into her room.
Her stuff was already up here, save for her duffle bag. Tyler looked around.
"You're lucky."
Raphael had a questioning look on her face, well what is uncovered anyway, with her head tilting slightly sideways.
"You don't have to share your room with anyone."
Realization hit her like a basketball to the face.
'Everyone else has to have a roommate. But since I'm on the boy's floor and a female…I get it all to myself…Sweet.'
Just then Tyler's cell phone began ringing.
"Hello…Hi Pogue…uh huh… ok, I'll be there in a few."
Shutting his phone he turned to look at Raphael.
"I'm sorry but I have to go…I will show you around later…if you would like."
She again nodded. His slightly sad demeanor shifted to a slightly happier one.
"You should come with us to Nicky's when you get better. Trust me there is nothing else to do on the weekends."
He turned to leave, and began to walk out. With his hand on the cracked open door, he turned and looked back.
"See you around Raphael. It was nice to meet you."
She nodded and smiled.
"It was nice to meet you too."
With that Baby Boy Simms left to go meet up the rest of the boys. She fell backwards onto her bed.
'This is going to be a very fun and interesting game and year.'
(A/N) Well That's it for chapter 2. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to review please. I try to get the chapters out as fast as I can but it helps to get review to help speed up the process. Even if it's a simple "I love your story" or "Update soon" something that will work. I am trying to keep the chapters long, at least 5 pages each on MS Word. Anyway I got to get working on chapter 3. I am sorry for the lack of Reid, Pogue, Caleb and everyone else…they will be coming soon. All good things come in time. Oh thereason for the mass update is...well... I am tired of looking at the chapters on my pc so I wanted to edit them one last ime and post them. Chapter 3 needs a little revision, but I have an observation paper to write and math to do for tomorrow. I will try to get it up asap.