As the gang gathered around Robin, he filled them in on what had happened.
" Arrested! That just cannot be! ", stated Much.
" This…… I do not like. ", blared Little John.
Robin continued, " We need a plan to get her out. "
Allan said, " I'm not bein' funny……. But, we just got out. We can't go back in! You know there will be a trap waiting for us. "
" Yes, they will be waiting for us. Give me a moment and let think. " , said Robin.
After several minutes, Robin announced, " I have a plan. " Everyone turned to listened to Robin.
" Will, I want you to go to Locksley and see what you can find out from Thornton. Allan and Djaq, go to Nottingham disguised as beggars and see if you can hear any discussion that will aid us. The rest of us will take Edward to safety. We will arrange for the servants to spread that Edward has died in the fire. We will make a grave and make it appear it is true. If the sheriff and Gisbourne believe that he has died, they cannot use him against Marian. We will take him away for now. "
They all got busy with their duties. The Knighton servants were happy to cooperate in order to protect Edward and Marian. Edward was not as easy to convince, but he eventually agreed to the plan in order for Robin to be able to concentrate on saving Marian.
Later in the day, Will, Allan and Djaq returned with the information they had gathered. Will reported, disappointingly, that Thornton did not know of Lady Marian's arrest. Gisbourne had not been back to Locksley after he left yesterday afternoon. Allan and Djaq had over heard guards going on about the arrest. They had learned that she was being kept in the castle under constant watch. She was not allowed to leave the grounds.
Robin felt relief that she was alive and not being held in the dungeon. However, not knowing the sheriff's plans also made him very weary. Getting Marian out would not be very easy.