Disclaimer: I do not own any of the charactors in this story. They are all the property of L.j. Smith.


Lightning flashed in the misty skies, illuminating the jagged peaks and ridges of the land below; Ice, mist and shadows stretching into the distance. The shadow men had gathered for a conference. They were ancient beyond years, merciless and unpredictable, living in a land that was as cruel as them; travelling alongside earth but never quite touching. They had once been devastatingly beautiful, born in perfection, but centuries of malice had reflected on their features – and they mirrored their souls; hideous and deformed.

The stave of life lay, pulsating with energy, in the middle of a circle surrounded by the elders of the shadow race. It was the only beam of light in the thick murky darkness.

It was time to commence the ritual. Every 500 years a new shadow man was formed, carved into the Stave to continue the lineage of the Niflehiem race. "It is time" said a voice like wind chimes, musical, cold and malicious. "But who shall be the heir?" said another. A pause, then "Not him?!" said a voice like broken glass slowly, "He would remember everything!…"."Then perhaps it should be him!", said the voice like wind chimes, mockingly, " After all, It would provide us with a new game…" "Yes" agreed another, "We've been far too bored for far too long!" A chilling laugh resounded through the mist, echoing into the distance, as the eldest shadow man carved a name into existence. "This will be our sport" said a voice like rain on water, "yes" said another laughing, malice lining every word "our sport". Slowly the laughter evaporated as the elders departed.

A thick white mist developed in the darkness of the circle as the newest shadow man formed. Confused, alone and with mounting anger, Julian lay on the rough ground- and he remembered; everything.

Chapter 1.

Jenny Thornton sighed deeply as she glanced once again at her watch. Tom was late. Tom's never late, she thought, agitated her foot tapping impatiently on the living room floor. Today was a big day. After having sworn for many years that college was not right for her, Dee Eliade had applied to colleges and had been flooded with acceptances. All the colleges wanted Dee for her natural athletic abilities. She had finally accepted a place in UCLA, a course that offered the opportunity to mix athletics with learning – perfect for Dee. And today was graduation – which Jenny was going to miss if Tom didn't hurry up. Where is he? She thought, impatience welling up again – no don't get angry its Dee's big day! It was all thanks to Julian really, she mused. Dee would never have considered the idea of college if her experience with Julian hadn't opened her mind, and, Jenny thought, given her the courage to believe in herself. Dee had always been sporty but had used her ability as a shield against academic pursuits. Pursuits she had thought she wasn't able for. How wrong she had been.

The ring of the doorbell roused her from her thoughts, "Finally!" Jenny said to herself as she gathered her coat and bag and made her way to Tom. "What happened?! You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago" "Sorry Thorny, the tire burst and as it turns out the spare had a flat too, had to hitch a ride to the gas station to get it fixed." "That's ok" Jenny said "Doesn't matter we'll make it anyway". Her feelings for Tom hadn't changed one bit. They were still as strong- stronger, than the day she first saw him in 2nd grade and stronger than when she saved him from Julian and the shadow-men. "How much he's changed since then", she mused casting a fond glance his direction, "especially with me".

Ever since "The Julian Episode", as Audrey liked to call it, Tom had treated Jenny as her own person. She was no longer just "Thorny" his girlfriend. She was Jenny Thornton, his partner, his equal. And he loved her, which to Jenny was the most important thing. She still wore Julian's ring, her emblem of good overcoming evil. Tom understood, and she loved him all the more for it.

"Are we meeting Audrey and Summer there?" Tom asked, "yup"" Jenny replied. "And Michael is bringing Zach along I think Zach is going to be staying with him for the summer" Zach had never gotten along with his father and it had just gotten worse after he was trapped in the shadow world by Julian. Jenny's uncle had never believed that Zach had been kidnapped by Julian – well, none of the parents did, but Uncle Jack had been apoplectic with anger. He believed Zach had made it all up along with Jenny and the rest – as a result of drugs or something worse. Zach had never been comfortable at home after that and after he joined college had never returned.

It had been 4 years since they graduated high school – 5 since Julian came into their lives, and so much had changed. Audrey and Michael had broken up. They had stayed together for senior year but had decided before going their separate ways to college, Audrey to study languages in Harvard and Michael to study psychology in Berkeley that it was better to break up. It had been amicable enough, but recently there had been an undercurrent whenever the group reunited. An unspoken barrier between the 2, that Jenny couldn't understand. Maybe, since they were all back together for the summer, it would be better Jenny thought. She would make it better. They had been through too much – knew too much about each other, to be keeping secrets now.

Summer had changed most of all. More confident, perceptive and more aware of her surroundings. There was still an air of sweetness about her, a – muddled air that would always be unique to Summer alone. Her parents had been overjoyed at her return. And Cam, well the look in Cam's eyes at the return of his older sister had been the most rewarding experience of Jenny's life. The tough kid disappeared, leaving a vulnerable blond kid who was heart breakingly happy his sister was home and that his family was whole. It had, in fact inspired Jenny's career path. She had always loved children and so Child counselling had been the right choice for her. She had another year in college and then she would be qualified.

"We're here". Excitement rushed through Jenny, "Oh my God Tom!" Jenny said, twisting in her seat to look at him, green eyes flashing. "Can you believe it! Dee's graduating! And we're all going to be here! I can't wait to see everyone" Jenny said, excited at the thought of seeing everyone again. They were so much a part of who she was that it was like coming home. "Come on!" Tom said laughingly! "None of that today!" but as he took her hand and squeezed it Jenny knew he understood –and felt exactly the same.

"Audrey, Summer! Over here!" Jenny said, waving her hand as she spotted the two in the grand amphitheatre of UCLA. "Jenny! Mon Dieu! You haven't changed a bit!" Audrey cried drawing Jenny into an embrace. "And you Audrey Myers are as chic as ever!" Jenny teased. Audrey was wearing a Black trouser suit by Chanel, pearls hanging prettily from her ears. She looked as composed as ever, excitement only revealed through the sparkling glint in her eyes. "Summer I've missed you!" Jenny couldn't bare to be away from Summer for too long. A part of her still felt that if she let her get too far away she would lose her again. And that was something that Jenny knew she would never be able to handle again. The guilt the first time had been – unbearable. "Jenny! I saw you two days ago!" Summer replied giving her a quick hug and flashing her dimples. "I know but..." "I Know" Summer replied, before Jenny could finish, squeezing her arm in reassurance. Summer was Jenny's roommate in college, studying to be a primary school teacher, and had travelled home before Jenny to spend some time with her parents. It was nice to have some one from home with her. Especially after her and Tom had decided to go to separate universities. Tom had received an application from Duke on a football scholarship, but they didn't have Jenny's course so she had gone to UCLA instead. It wasn't what she had dreamt of when she was younger but it was more ideal. She and Tom didn't have to be together every second now. She knew she could survive without him, and he without her.

Tom was hugging Audrey and Summer in turn. "How have you been Audrey and you Summer?" "Where are Michael and Zach" Jenny butted in before either could reply. "They should be here any second" Tom replied, seating himself on the plush chairs of the amphitheatre. "Michael just rang there to say they're here", from the corner of her eye Jenny saw Audrey lower her head and bite her lower lip, Jenny frowned. She would really have to find out what was going on. "So what's the plan for after Jenny?" Audrey asked, " Are we all getting together?" "I think Dee is going to be spending time with her family. I've organised for us to all get together tomorrow". "Aba must be really happy today", Summer smiled. "She is!" Jenny said. "She's so proud!". Jenny idolised Aba. She was Dee's grandmother but had been a mentor to all of them, guiding them through tough choices. Guiding Jenny in her decision to pursue her own life course, and not follow Tom to Duke.

"Hey hey it's the gang!" Michael Cohen's' sarcastic voice rang out, as he and Zach meandered their way through the seating over to their group. "Michael! Zach! I'm so glad to see you guys!" Jenny jumped up and hugged each in turn. "And how are you Zachary?" she asked her cousin as the others exchanged hellos with Michael. "How's the photography course? And Aunt Lily?" "Moms fine" Zach replied, as non-committal as ever, "and the course is great, there's some talented guys there", "I bet none are as good as you!" Jenny said, hugging Zach again. She always worried about him, she was essentially his only link to his family – he rarely even saw Aunt Lily anymore.

"Ssshh Ssh Quiet! The ceremony is beginning!" Audrey hissed waving her hands for quiet, as the band started the procession music. One by one the awardees entered the theatre, wearing deep ruby red robes, matching the décor of the theatre, and took their seats. "Look there's Dee!!" Jenny whispered giddily to Tom, as Dee walked tall and proud to her seat. "Oh my God Tom she looks so beautiful!" Jenny said softly as Tom squeezed her hand in reply and clasped them within his own.

The Dean began his speech. It was long winded with parts in Latin that had Audrey snorting in disbelief, "The pronunciation is COMPLETELY wrong!" she snorted to Jenny, who smiled indulgently at Audrey. "What a pity we're not all language gurus like you Aud, then maybe we'd care", Michael whispered mockingly down, rolling his eyes as Audrey shot him a look of deepest loathing. Shaking her head softly, Jenny sighed…this was worse than before. She would have said something to the two of them, if only she wasn't so tired. The lights had been dimmed, for the ceremony, casting deep shadows in the corners of the theatre and dulling the gold and cream painted interior. The air felt oppressive and politely stifling a yawn she shut her eyes – for just a second- just while the Deans speech was on. It had been such a long day. Driving down from UCLA to Vista Grande, then hurriedly unpacking and getting ready before Tom picked her up.

With the Dean still talking Jenny relaxed for a second and found herself alone in the dark. It was frighteningly cold. She couldn't see anything except for a muffled beam of orange-y light surrounded by thick swirling mist. Jenny stared at the mist trying to decipher what was going on. It was almost like the mist was alive, undulating and curving like a giant serpent. For a second it looked like…No, there were actually arms coming out of it and a quick flash of blue. Jenny gasped and stumbled back, jerking awake in the theatre. Her hand was still grasped in Tom's and she sat upright, heart thumping violently, and tried to gather her composure. "You ok Thorny?" Tom whispered, shooting her a concerned look, "No.. I mean yes! I'm fine just fell asleep for a second. Did I miss anything?" "No The Dean just finished his speech" Tom replied, "They're going to do the coronation now" "Good" Jenny said relieved, settling back in her chair shaking of the sense of dread that had filled her in the dream, and watched as the graduates were awarded their degrees.