El Tigre: Evolution
A man in a decorated military uniform stepped off of an underground elevator. Two guards snapped to attention and saluted as he passed, heading down the long white hallway. He reached the door at the end, where another officer was waiting. The waiting officer punched in the key code, and the door opened. Both officers stepped into the room. Several men in lab coats were bustling around fancy computers and other devices. One of them approached the officers.
"It's good to see you Lt. Reyes," he said quickly. "Is this…?"
The lieutenant nodded. "This is General Guillermo Contreras. He will be overseeing the Miracle City Military Base from now on."
The scientist looked around nervously. "So…we should probably brief him on Project 6045?"
The General furrowed his brow. "Project 6045?"
Lt. Reyes cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you know about…"supers," right? Like Miracle City's own El Tigre?
"Yes," the General responded. "I know of them."
"Well," the scientist picked up. "We've found that quite a few of them get their powers from "mystic objects of power", such as El Tigre and his belt.
"Yes. And?"
"Legend tells that the objects of power were created by ancient gods and given to those they deemed worthy…the Chosen, if you will," the scientist explained.
The General scoffed. "You actually believe that fairytale?"
"Believe what you will," the scientist returned. "But we got our hand on one of these objects. Mind you it was ancient and damaged beyond repair, we could study it and its power signature nonetheless, and in doing so we were able to create Project 6045 or La Corona…the Crown. It's an object of immense power. We still don't know its full capabilities."
General Contreras frowned. "Then study harder. Isn't that what we pay you for?"
The scientist gulped. "Um, we can't."
"Why not?" General Contreras demanded.
The scientist and Lt. Reyes exchanged nervous glances. Lt. Reyes finally spoke up.
"Because we don't know where it is, sir."
And so it ends...with an open ending for a sequel! Maybe...I am evil...BWAHAHAHAHA!
I thank all of you readers for your reviews. Jose, Mutant Bat Freak, loozje, SuperMacho, eltigre221, I love you guys!
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Until next time...