Hello, Friends & Lovely Readers!!

I've been spending the past few months working on some original characters and improving my writing skills. I'm learning a lot and the most important is to trust that I'll one day figure out how to get the visions in my head onto the paper exactly as I see them, and in a way that keeps you, the reader, interested.

Whenever I need a break from my main project, I work on one or two small side pieces. And one of those side pieces just happens to pick up a few months after where Year Two ended - with the wedding Bella wants, snow and all. The title of this short story is Reality is Sweeter. First chapter is going up now. I don't know how many there will be, but I have outlines for five more chapters so far.

It'll be fluffy and fun, but I'll rate it as "M" just in case.

Hope you guys like it!
