Waiting for Forever
Chapter One
(A/N: This is the first fanfic that I have ever written. I'm not for sure how this has turned out. But I hope you all enjoy. Sadly, I own none of these characters and am only borrowing these for a while. I hope I did them justice!)
Slightly bored and at the verge of insanity, I decided to check my email. Edward was hunting and I couldn't help but feel helplessly alone. As my computer groaned to life, I watched as it went through its slow startup process. The model was long out of date and it was a wonder that it worked at all.
Finally, it had gone through all the necessary processes and I was ready to dial-up. This was going to take a while. I stood up and stretched my legs. Looking around my room, I groaned at the disarray that surrounded me. I was such a slob. As I heard the dialup connect I went back to my computer. It had been a while since I had heard from Renee and I knew she was probably panicked by now.
Since I had dropped the news to her about Edward's and my wedding she hadn't exactly been easy to talk to. This had resulted in a little neglect on my part. Feeling guilty, I had succumbed to finally replying to her prying emails.
As I opened my inbox the first thing I saw was a message from Renee with my full name in all caps as the subject. This wasn't going to be pretty. Knowing there was no turning back now, I opened the email. This was going to be pleasant.
I did not raise you to go off and get married out of high school! You know very well that I respect you and will honor your decision; I just think you need to take some time to think about things more thoroughly. Marriage is not something you just jump into. Hopefully you realize that. I know you love Edward, or at least you think you do, and if that is the case then it can wait. Please consider this! I love you so much Bells. Phil says Hi. Email me soon, I really miss you.
I reread this and sighed as I finished it for the second time. She wasn't going to understand that there was such a thing as first and final love. Maybe her and Charlie's relationship hadn't worked out, but that was nothing to compare the love that Edward and I had for each other. Words were beyond the feelings I had at the moment so I just closed out of my email and shut down the decrepit PC.
Looking at the clock, I could see that it was only eight thirty. It was much too early for me to go to bed. Days always seemed to crawl by when Edward wasn't around. For lack of nothing better to do, I decided to take a shower. Grabbing my old sweat pants and t-shirt off the floor I went to the bathroom.
The warm water was refreshing. I stood motionless in the downpour for five minutes just taking in the feeling. How much longer would I get to enjoy this? Taking my strawberry scented shampoo I washed my hair. Feeling completely refreshed, I stepped out and dried myself.
Returning to my room, fully dressed and hair brush in hand I wasn't expecting anyone to be there. I was quite startled to see Edward perched carefully on the end of my bed.
"Edward!" I exclaimed in a quiet whisper. His presence had taken me by surprise and despite myself I found that my hand was grasping at my chest.
"What is it?" he asked in a worried tone and in a blink of an eye he was at my side.
"Nothing," I giggled as I realized the response my reaction had caused.
"Are you sure?" he asked still worried. Looking up into his beautiful godlike face I saw the worry pinned in his expression.
"I'm fine," I smiled and dropping the brush I wrapped my arms around his waist. In return, his arms wrapped around me and at that moment I felt completely safe and at ease.
"Good. I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to my love," he purred in his velvety voice. Still looking up at him I saw his mouth twist into his crooked smile. His hand went under my chin and he raised it slightly as he kissed my lips. His cool mouth and his breath were amazing. He could take my breath away in only a matter of seconds and I felt as if I were floating. But all too soon he pulled away and laughed as I knew he would.
"Even I don't have perfect control," he laughed. He held my head to his chest and I listened to his rhythmic breathing. We stood that way for a few minutes until he pulled back and looked down at me.
"What are you thinking?" he asked as he studied my expression carefully.
"What I think about all the time, you," I replied. I turned my face up to look at him and I could see he was smiling at me. His butterscotch eyes were seemingly piercing into my soul and I felt my heart fluttering in my chest.
"Why so excited?" he asked.
"I'm always excited when I'm with you," He could make my heart leap out of my chest and stop all at the same time.
"If my heart could beat it would be jumping out of my chest," he replied. He then turned his head towards the door of my room as if listening to a far away conversation.
"Charlie?" I guessed. Charlie always seemed to have a way of ruining moments like this.
"Yes. I'll hide," he laughed. He kissed me quickly and went to the closet. Knowing Charlie would think it odd for me be standing in the middle of my bed room I went to my bed and picked up my copy of Wuthering Heights and flipping to a random page, I pretended to read. Just as Edward had foretold, Charlie came to the door of my room.
"Hey Bells," he said sticking his head in the door. His curly hair was in a messy arrangement and I could tell he had been lying on the couch watching whatever sporting event that happened to be on.
"Hey dad," I replied as I sat the book down to give him my attention.
"Just wanted to check in," he smiled and with that he turned and walked away, closing my door behind him. Before I had time to move Edward was lying beside me, his arms wrapped securely around me.
"That was odd," I said finally. Charlie never just checked in on me.
"He thought you were up to something," Edward laughed. His musical laugh was contagious and I found myself laughing as well.
"Ugh. I wish he'd trust me," I complained. Even though Charlie had a good reason to check in on me, it still hurt that he hadn't started trusting me again.
"Charlie has trust issues,"
"I know," I groaned.
"What did you do this evening?" he asked changing the subject.
"Nothing really. Checked my email," I replied.
"What did Renee have to say?"
"The usual," I sighed rereading her message in my head. It was painful that she felt so.
"I'm sorry love," he replied sensing the pain that it was causing me.
"I just wish she would understand," Going over the message in my mind, I dissected it piece by piece. How could she say those things?
"She will in time," he replied confidently
"I don't know," I seriously doubted Renee coming around any time soon. She had a way of keeping grudges.
"Bella, maybe you should call her?" he suggested.
"I don't know about that," I couldn't help but think of how the conversation would turn out. She would start out with the whole hello, I'm happy to hear from you routine, and then go straight for the attack. She was so against the marriage and it was hurtful that she didn't trust my judgment.
"Have you responded to her since you told her?" he asked in a concerned tone.
"Well…" I started.
"Bella, you need to speak to her,"
"I know. I just don't know what to say to her. Since the last time we spoke all I have heard from her are emails telling me what a mistake I am making,"
"You can't just ignore her," he said. I knew he was right. Although she didn't agree with my choice and was obviously completely opposed she didn't deserve to be completely cut out of my life. It would be hard enough not communicating with her after I had changed. I had to be the bigger person.
"Bella," he said.
"Oh sorry," I laughed realizing I had spaced out.
"I will leave so you can call," he offered as he started to get up.
"No! That's ok. I don't mind if you hear," He already knew that she was completely opposed to it.
"Well, if you insist," he laughed as he returned to my side. He took the cell phone from his pocket and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I said as I took the phone. Looking at it gingerly, I flipped it open and dialed Renee's number.
"Hello," she answered in a joyful tone.
"Hey mom," I said. I had to admit, it was nice hearing her voice.
"Bella!" she exclaimed. I could tell she was overwhelmed to hear my voice.
"Mom," I replied.
"How are you?" she asked hurriedly.
"Good, how about you and Phil?"
"Good, Phil's healed up nice, he's started coaching again,"
"That's great mom," I said in faked enthusiasm.
"How's Edward?" she asked. I knew she was only prying for details concerning our relationship.
"He's fine."
"And the plans?"
"They're going fine. Alice is taking care of everything."
"Oh. So the wedding is still on?" she asked her tone sad.
"Yes mom," I answered. Why did she have to do this? Why couldn't she simply be happy for me?
"Bella, dear, I really think you need to think this through," she started.
"Mom, I have made up my mind. There's no one I love better than Edward. He's all I want. When you realize that call me back," I said and with that I snapped the phone shut. Tears were streaming down my face and Edward instantly had me in his arms.
"Bella, its ok." He comforted me. I buried my head into his chest and my salty tears soaked his shirt.
"She will never understand," I said between sobs.
"Give her time Bella," he said before kissing the top of my head.
"It's July Edward," I reminded him.
"She's only human,"
"I wonder if she will even come," I said as I rested my head on his chest.
"She will be there,"
"How do you know?" I asked without thinking.
"Alice, remember?" he laughed.
"Edward?" I asked.
"Did Alice really see her there?"
"I'm sure she did,"
"She didn't, did she?"
"No," he replied.
"I knew it," I said. Tears didn't come, but I felt terribly sad. Renee was my mother and she was supposed to be excited about the whole situation. Instead she had put all her energy into me changing my mind. Charlie had been less trouble than she was. Of course he asked me if I was sure of it. But after I had answered him he was satisfied.
"Bella, I will do all I can to get her here,"
"No Edward. If she doesn't want to be here that's fine with me," I lied. I clenched my jaw and unknowingly I started to grit my teeth.
"Let me try,"
"Really, It's ok Edward,"
"She's your mom Bella. She needs to be apart of our wedding,"
"Honestly Edward, if she is going to be the way she is ,maybe it is better off that she wasn't there,"
"Bella.." he started.
"Please Edward. Just leave it alone. If she doesn't want to be apart of it that's fine with me. She will just be the one missing out,"
"Alright," he gave in. I had a feeling he was just saying that to humor me. But at that moment I didn't care. I just wanted some peace of mind.
"Alice is coming," he announced.
"Ugh," I said. If there was one thing I didn't want to think about at the moment it was the wedding. I wanted nothing more than to be left alone to rest in Edward's arms for the rest of the evening-eternity for that matter.
"What's wrong?"
"Just not up to talking over wedding plans,"
"Don't worry," he laughed.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You'll see," he said