Title: The Monsters Next Door
Summary: A high school fiction. FemNaru. Konoha is a village full of pretty weird people, but who is this secretive family next door? Could they be criminals? Can Kiba and Naru find out before it's too late?
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter 3: Fight and Meet
The three friends froze as the new boy came around the corner of the house. He walked like he was frozen stiff. He had black sandals, but the unique feature of him was that he had fiery red hair and two black rings around his eyes. He seemed like he hadn't slept in days. He had a kanji, "love," on top of his eye. Naru noticed that he looked a bit like the red-hair man that had went into the house.
"What do you think that you are doing on this property?" the redhead growled. "Did you try to hurt me? Don't bother because I will beat you up. You can be sure of it. I love blood…Cackle… Cackle…"
Naru's eye was twitching; Hinata and Akamaru were whimpering; Kiba had turned a bit pale. They felt the atmosphere thickening as they watch the boy.
Suddenly, Naru got off the bush and shouted out, "SHUT UP, YOU EYEBROWLESS PANDA! You don't scare me. Believe it! I will be the one who will be beating you…umph!" Kiba had covered Naru's mouth up before she could make things any harder.
"Heh,…heh,…Don't mind my dumb, little friend here," Kiba stammered.
"That doesn't explain what you were doing on this land." Gaara growled.
"We're sor…ry…" Hinata squeaked out fearfully. "We…we…we will leave…now…Sorry"
Gaara glared at the friends. It didn't seem that he was going to let them go without a punishment for trespassing. "No…you CAN'T go just yet. Not until I give you a little beating. I want to see your BLOOD! Cackle…Cackle…"
Kiba, Hinata, and Akamaru shrunk in fear. However, Naru was not so easily frightened. "Tch! You don't scare me you little bastard! I had been in situations worse than this. I used to get beaten up before, but I learned how to defend myself. You dare try, and I'll be the one who is going to beat you up!"
"We will fight right here and now," said Gaara. "You'll be sorry for challenging me to a battle."
"You three stay back," Naru said firmly to Kiba, Hinata, and Akamaru. "I'll take care of this punk."
"Be care..ful," Hinata whispered. She got a thumbs up from Naru in return.
Suddenly, without any words, Gaara rushed at Naru and punched her in the stomach. "That was low," Naru breathed out. "You'll pay for that." She got up and used her moves to hit Gaara. Gaara seemed to have a great defense, but Naru's determination kept her going with her offensive moves. She managed to make a couple of hits on him.
The fight continued for a while until Naru accidentally tripped Gaara. She landed an uppercut on him and knocked him out.
"Woo-hoo!" Kiba cheered. "You got him!" Akamaru gave a loud bark in agreement. Hinata gave a small smile.
"Eh-heh-heh," Naru chuckled in return. "So, do we leave him here and leave or what?"
"May…be…be…" Hinata said quietly. "May…be we should wait for him to wake up. He may be hurt."
Kiba and Naru stared at her strangely before Naru gave a deep sigh. "Fine. We'll just make sure that he's all right before we go. If he gets on a rampage again, I'll just give him another beating of his lifetime!"
------------------------------------------------- Time Break -------------------------------------------------
It was about time that Gaara woke up. He gave a grunt and then a glare when he saw that the three friends and the dog were still there. "Grr…what do you want. You already beat me. You going to hurt me?!!!" He growled out.
"Geez," Naru returned. "What got you in a tight spot? I already beat you. Get in that head of yours that that was it. I already beat you, and I won't fight you again unless you want another loss."
"Why aren't you like the others?"
Kiba, Naru, and Hinata blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"You beat me in a fight and that's it?" Gaara asked. "You're not going to complain or try to sue?"
"You're so weird." Naru said. "Just like Hinata." She gave a wink and said, "No offense, Hinata."
"Um," Hinata sweatdropped. "None taken."
"So, what am I supposed to do now?" Gaara asked.
"You just moved here, right?" Naru said. "How about this? We can show you around town if you want."
Gaara paused and gave a pause. "All right. I'll introduce you to my family first."
Naru grinned and gave a whoop. "Great! Now you can introduce them to us and answer some questions that we have."
Kiba turned a bit pale at that. "Maybe we shouldn't. We should go about now. We shouldn't barge into someone else's business." Naru gave him a look. "Let me talk to her in private for a couple of minutes," he said to Gaara and Hinata.
"Are you crazy?!!!" Kiba whispered to Naru. "Don't" you remember what we saw? What if his family are killers or murderers. We can die. It can be a trap and they may want our body parts. This is just….whimper…whimper.
"This is the only way that we will ever get our answer, baka," Naru returned with a glare. "I can kick them where men will never want to be kicked if they dare try anything. We'll just face our challenges with a glare in face and a determined look. Nothing will ever stop me from finding my answers."
Kiba paused and gave a nauseated nod. They both turned their attention back to the others. "All righty guys!" Naru grinned. "Let's go meet your family first!"
------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Break----------------------------------------------------------------------
Gaara led his new acquaintances, perhaps new friends, into his new house. It seemed that he was getting a new start with everything new.
He gathered his family around and was going to introduce them to Kiba, Naru, Hinata, and Akamaru. "Eh-hum." When everyone got the attention, he said, "I want you to meet some people that I met today."
"This is Kiba and his dog, Akamaru, Naru, and Hinata. And this is my sister, Temari, brother, Kankuro, and our recent guardian, Sasori."
Kiba's and Naru's eyes dilated. They were shocked by what they just heard. Those three were related to Gaara! Hinata gave a quiet giggle when she saw how bug-eyed her two friends were.
"So you're Gaara's new friends?" Temari asked. She was shocked by the turn of events. Perhaps this moving was good. Gaara finally made some friends.
"Yeah…" Naru said. "I just want to know something. Why do you guy have body parts in the house." She's so blunt, Kiba thought. They're gonna kill us!
"Eh?!!!" Kankuro said. "You saw the box?!!!"
Uh-oh! They're gonna kill us for knowing! (Kiba)
Kankuro gave a beam and said happily, "Those are the wooden body parts for my new puppets! Isn't that just wonderful?!!!"
"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!" Kiba and Naru shouted with shock.
Temari explained what her brother said. "He's obsessed with his dolls. He's making new ones because I broke his other ones the other day."
"THEY'RE NOT DOLLS!" Kankuro shouted. "THEY'RE PUPPETS!!!"
And that was how the truth of the murderers was found out. It was only Kankuro's puppets and nothing else.
A/N: Sorry. This is my last chapter. I didn't know what to write. I just wanted to thank the ones that reviewed my story and put it on the alert list. Sorry to those who thought this was a pairing, but this is sort of a friendship story, that's all. Thank you very much for reading my story.