Labyrinthgirl- Hey! Whats up! I decided to write another story here.

Takey- ...oh, that was my cue! Um...I her guardian spirit Takeru, or Takey for short, and her new writing partner!

LG-any who R&R

Takey- she owns nothing!

Ch. 1 Into the Forest

It was around noon, and most of the farmhands were on break. Reita was among them, and staring in disbelief at what they had just dared him to do. "You want me to what!"

"Go into the forest, we have the day off tomorrow, so it's no trouble with work." One of the other guys replied. They had all decided to test his bravery, or rather how foolish he was. It was a well know fact that the woods to the east of town were inhabited by a dark sorcerer. The only problem was Reita had too much pride to back down from the dare.

"Fine, and I'll spend the night there too!" he shouted, immediately regretting have said it. All of the others looked shocked.

"Dude are you nuts?" One of the other guys asked looking as if he were talking to a mad man. "If the sorcerer doesn't get to you during the day, he'll almost certainly get you during the night!"

"So, I don't think Reita has the guts to do as he said. He just said that so we would try to persuade him not to go in at all. Let him stay the night, he's digging his own grave." Another answered. It was set, tomorrow at sunrise Reita would enter the forest, and not return until dawn of the next morning.

A few hours later, after finishing his work, Reita decided to go visit a friend of his named Kai. Kai, though only Reita's age, had an amazing talent for white magic. He figured if anyone could give him an advantage in that woods, it would be Kai.

Kai heard a knock on his door. He set down the book he had been reading, 'An Idiots Guide to Repelling Dark Magic', and went to answer it. "Oh Reita, it's good to see you. What's the cause for such a late visit?"

"Listen Kai, I kind of got myself into a spot of trouble." Reita replied with a nervous laugh. Then continued, "The other farm hands dared me to go and spend all day tomorrow in the woods, where that "Evil Sorcerer" supposedly lives."

"What do you mean supposedly? The guy almost killed me once for breaking a spell he put on someone's daugheter!" Kai shouted. Kai was very cool tempered most of the time, so Reita knew Kai was serious about the whole Dark Sorcerer thing. "You got lucky, he rarely uses his powers during the day. Although, he does sometimes make exceptions, for certain reasons."

"Um…well actually, they're making me leave at dawn, and stay til' at least dawn." Reita added looking kind of ashamed. "I couldn't say no because they would never let me live it down."

"Reita! How could you accept a dare like that!" Kai muttered as he collapsed back onto the couch next to his book. "Let me guess, you want a charm or something to help protect you?"

"If it's at all possible, and won't trouble you too much Kai. I need some kind of edge of this guy. I mean seriously! How the hell could I make it though the night, especially since it's a full moon tomorrow." Reita pleaded almost in tears. He hadn't realized how stupid he had been, until now. There was no chance of backing out now either.

"Alright, calm down. I do have one thing that could help." Kai brought out a silver necklace from his pocket. "It's white silver. It should help to repel any spells that would do you harm, but beware, this only protects from physical harm. If here were to cast a love spell on you, or another spell that would only effect your mind, you would fall prey to it."

"Thank you so much Kai!" Reita shouted as he hugged his friend affectionately. Kai left as Reita returned to his home so he could pack for the next morning.

LG- . More writing while at school…


Next chapter: Find out who the dark sorcerer is. Will Reita make it out alive?