Lady-Miku- Wow already on chapter six

Lady-Miku- Wow already on chapter six


Takey- They own nothing, thank goodness

Lady-miku & VampireSho- Smack Takey

Uruha sighed as he sat on the couch across from Ruki. "Ruki? Ruki wake up." Ruki shook off the last folds of a deep sleep as he heard a soft voice calling him. He sat up and yawned, glancing around to see Uruha. Ruki seemed confused, he was about to say something when Uruha spoke. "I brought you here, Ruki. I brought you here because I needed someone to comfort me and give me the love I'll never get from my family. I hope you like it here, because it's your home now."

Ruki was speechless with shock. Coming to the full realization of what had been said, he shook his head violently at the thought of being owned by someone. "No!" He hugged his knees close to his body and hid his face.

"Ru-chan please." Uruha whispered softly letting his fingers run through the spiky blond locks lovingly. Ruki looked up at him is brilliant blue eyes filled with hurt and distrust, Uruha brought his hand to rest against Ruki's cheek. "I won't hurt you I promise. I brought you here because I was lonely, just like you were." His body seemed to tense as he looked around. "Hyde's coming."

Ruki turned to see his friend stumble down the steps covered in fresh cuts and bruises that were just beginning to form on his pale skin. Uruha quickly rose to help Hyde over to one of the couches. Ruki had to restrain himself from hugging Hyde as Uruha went into the kitchen. "Who on earth did this to you?" He asked his voice heavy with worry

"My master." Hyde spat the words as if they were poison. Uruha returned followed by a young man who looked about their age. "I hate it here."

"Things will get better, I promise. Gackt will have these kind of nights every now and again. He's got two sides to him, if you get him angry he's a monster, but other wise he can be sweet and kind." The boy responded setting down the first aid kit he was carrying. "How rude of me, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Kai."

"Kai's our only other human. We took him in off the streets, a long time ago, and now he's our personal chef. Neither Gackt or I can cook so that is a good thing." Uruha added ruffling Kai's coarsely cut black hair affectionately.

Hyde just sat there as Kai cleaned and bandaged his cuts as well as the large gashes in his arm. "You must have really pissed Gackt of to put in him Mr. Grumpyass mode." Kai muttered cleaning those more carefully than the rest. "Hold still this one I'll need to take longer with if we don't want it to scar up."

Hyde nodded doing his best to hold still for Kai. "So Kai was it?" Hyde asked inquiringly. "Pardon if you think I'm being nosy, but how on earth did you end up here?"

"Like Uruha said, they took me in a long time ago. See this world really has no sense of time, that's why Vampires and other creatures of myth are said to never age, or at least very slowly. What year is it?"

"It's 2008 why?" Ruki asked looking at him curiously.

"See, I was born in 1897. I was brought here when I was seven, and I just stopped ageing at about 18 so, I doubt I will any more." Kai replied finishing the last of the gashes on his arm.

"Thanks, Kai." Hyde smiled at him warmly. "Um…Ruki?"

Hyde looked at his friend curiously. "mm…what?" He sounded annoyed. "What is it Hyde?

"I was just wondering if you were asleep." Hyde asked shrugging.

"I was, until you woke me up." Ruki muttered sitting up and glaring. "What?"

Kai kept glancing at something behind Ruki. Uruha spoke slightly startling Ruki, and causing him to turn around. "If your tired I'll show you too where you'll be staying. You should get some sleep as well Hydeto." He replied helping the brunette off the couch.

"How did you know my full name?" He asked a little shocked. He and Ruki never used their real names.

He held up Hyde's Student ID from his high school. "You dropped it earlier, when you were running." He replied handing it back to Hyde who slid it in his pocket. "Not that you'll need it any time soon."

Hyde separated from the others as he reached Gackt's room. Walking in he saw the Vampire was already asleep, or at least appeared to be. He collapsed onto the bed next to his master feeling drained of energy, it had been a long day. He fell quickly into a deep and dreamless sleep, as outside a soft rain began to fall.

Lady-Miku- Yay! Finally done with the next chapter!

Takey- Finally

Jaden(My comedy muse)- Ease off she's under a lot of stress

Lady-Miku- nodds Over the summer I will be updating lots though.