LadyMiku-I'm finally getting around to writing Heather's story…after much procrastination, I figured that I'd better get started since she won't let me see the picture until she's done.

Takey- looking around You're just board, and finally decided to do this.

LadyMiku-shut your mouth

He was their last hope, the child of the great summoner Takashima. His name was Kouyou, but he insisted on being called Uruha. The outer walls had fallen, and there was fighting every way you looked. He knew what he had to do, he had sent theT boy, while he slept, to another world, one that had not seen a summoner for many a year.

It was morning when Uruha awoke, he found himself lying on the ground. He was dressed in the outfit he would wear if he were going to be traveling, he also saw his horse and a large pack on the ground with a note attached to it. Reading, a look of shock crossed his face, he now knew he was in another world, his father used a reverse summonce to get him there. He was now the only summoner of the great Takashima clan left. Once he had organized himself, he mounted his horse and decided to try and find someone to help him.

Aoi had never had much excitement in his life. He had lived in a small village of farmers all his life. Unlike most of the boys in the village who were content to carry on their father's lives, and hoped their own son's would do so, Aoi wanted more. He had a spirit for adventure. The most adventure he got these days was hunting in the woods, but someday, as he often told himself he would leave on a grand adventure and see the world. Of course everyone had laughed at him when he said this, but he still was determined that one day he wouldn't be just another face in the crowed.

He was out hunting that morning. He was up a tree ready to make any kill he could, winter was coming soon and his brother, mother, and father, as well as himself needed the meat. Suddenly from behind him, he heard the sound of hoof beats. He whipped around to see a young man. He was gorgeous by any standards male of female. He turned to look at Aoi as he came to a halt. He seemed rather on edge, and ready to fight someone if they posed any danger. "Who are you? Show yourself."

Aoi, not doubting that the other knew he was there, being the fact he was hidden, it was a mystery how he did. He lept out of the tree and landed in front of him. "Can I help you with something?" He asked trying to be polite. This guy seemed to be someone of importance judging by how he was dressed, as well as how he carried himself. He seemed to be scrutinizing Aoi, as if looking for something. Then he seemed to relax a bit as if he saw no threat from the other.

"Well, actually…I'm kind of well…I'm lost." The other answered hanging his head in embarrassment. "It's just, I'm not from around here, and I just suddenly found myself here. I was reverse summoned from another detention, so I have no idea where I am."

Aoi was in shock. A real live summoner, the art of summoning was said to be only within certain families. So he had been right about high blood, but the art was a lost one in his world, that meant this boy could be his way out of the village, and on the road to adventure. "Of course, I'm from a nearby village, I'll take you there."

"Thank you, I'm Uruha by the way, Uruha Takashima." He dismounted his horse so to be on level with Aoi. If this guy was a Lord or Prince he sure didn't act like it.After a good ten minutes on the horse they finally reached the village. Uruha had told him what had happened to him and Aoi was rather shocked. "I know this sounds crazy, other dimensions, summoners, and demons, but it's the truth." Uruha finished as they rode up, Aoi was currently settled behind him, and holding onto his waist as they galloped through town. Everyone was staring at them, well mostly Uruha, but still they were staring.

After a few moments of silence and consideration, something told Aoi Uruha wasn't lying to him. "I believe you. It seems a little strange to be sure, but I believe you all the same. I'll even help you, on one condition, take me with you." Uruha seemed shocked, but he nodded. So began the adventures of Aoi and Uruaha.

LadyMiku-faints Okay chapter one is finished

Takey -Your really trying to write your best work aren't you?

Ladymiku-yes, because Heather is awesome an totally deservers this story.