The Daughter of Black
Chapter 7: Quidditch World Cup
I was seeing, but it was like I wasn't really there like I was floating. It was the scene of a manor that had once been great. It had the traces of its once lavish stylish décor that is now covered in grime. The walls held sinister pasts. Painful deaths. Sorrow. And frightening futures. I could feel it pouring off in waves. Then out of the dark I saw a sliver of light.
The door swung open and I saw Wormtail and a man kneeling before something. "I will not let you down. She is the one from the prophecy, the powerful psychic." The man kneeling before that thing said – I had the vague distinction that the thing may be Voldemort; only this man was not tense with fear before him. "I have faith that you will not let me down." I heard a weak, voice hiss and I know it is that evil son-of-a-bitch. I never saw the other man straight in the face. He sounded so familiar…who the hell is he?
"How close are you able to get to her?" I heard the weak voice hiss. I could practically hear the smile in the man's voice as he spoke, "I believe I can get very close. As her power has only emerged on the year before last on the thirty-first of October," that's my birthday; could they possibly be talking about me? "She has not yet been able to master her power, yet she is still naturally very talented in a way that is extraordinary of a witch of an elderly age and she is only fourteen. She had the skill to become an animagus," now I'm sure it's me, that would explain why I keep having these weird dream and have been fainting so often. "I am sure she is naïve enough to disregard her intuitive instincts." Yeah, first lesson don't assume what I'm going to do.
Oh God what am I going to do? I feel like I'm in physical pain. A searing pain like fire coursed through me as the images burned into my mind, not to be forgotten. The men, the sinister house, the plan.
I felt someone shaking me roughly and I felt that I was tossing and turning violently. I was drenched in cold sweat and my hair was soaked and sticking to my neck. "Isobel wake up." I heard Ginny say shrilly and I shot up in the bed I was restlessly sleeping in a moment ago. "You were having a nightmare," she said worriedly. "Mum, wants us to come down for breakfast." She said and left the room already fully dressed.
I slid out of bed with much effort and grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and a hunter green fitted t-shirt. I fixed my hair as best I could, the curls would not calm into their mellow waves like I had wanted, but I let the spiraled tendrils hang freely. I slipped on my gray sneakers and walked lightly down the stairs into the packed and bright kitchen. I received many smiles and I went to sit between Harry and Hermione.
Soon enough Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were sneaking away from the clean up and off into Ron's room. "How was you summer?" I asked Ron and Hermione. "Better than yours," Ron said and I took the liberty to punch him in the arm really hard. He sat there rubbing it as Hermione answered. "I enjoyed spending time with my parents, but I was worried for you and Harry. At least I could send letters to Harry you were cut off from everything." She said. "Tell me about it." I mumbled.
I had this awful feeling settled in my chest and it just wouldn't let up. I have no idea what it is from but if I am the seer that Voldemort was talking about I am not at all safe and I don't even know what my pursuer looks like. "Have any of you heard from my dad?" I asked and Harry nodded. "He's sent me short letters. He's worried for you and upset with himself that you had to stay with the Malfoys, but I can't deny that I wasn't either worried either. You should probably write to him." Harry said. I ignored the last part of his statement. If I am going to write to my Dad I am not going to tell him something just to upset him more when it could be nothing.
"Can I tell you guys something?" I asked. "Anything." They said simultaneously. I sighed and began, "last night I had a dream, well actually it was a nightmare, but I'm not even sure if it was really even a nightmare it was more of a vision. Or it might just be a figment of my imagination, I don't really know," I began to babble and Ron spoke up interrupting me, "skip the prattle and get to the point."
I began again, "Okay, well, I saw inside this manor that overlooked a graveyard. I could feel the pain and sorrow and fear seeping from everywhere. The thing that is freaking me out is that I think I saw Voldemort," after I said the name Ron and Hermione flinched. "It's just a name no need to flinch. He was planning something…he is has found a seer, a psychic. Her birthday is on the thirty-first of October, she's fourteen as of right now, and she's an animagus. I just wonder is there anyone out there that has that many similarities to me or is it me that is being pursued?" I said staring at the wall, not looking at anything, just dissolving in my own mind as it replayed in my mind once more.
"You should tell Sirius about this." Harry murmured as Ginny came into the room and we stopped out previous conversation and began a lighter hearted one. The dread eased a bit, now that I've told someone.
"Ahhh!" I screamed in excitement. "We're – we're going to the WORLD CUP!!" I squealed enthusiastically. Harry look was of amusement at my giddy display and Ginny smiled widely to have another girl with as much interest in Quidditch – if not more – as her.
"Who do you think will win?" George asked as soon as I had stopped jumping up and down. I smiled at him and said, "Not Ireland." A look came into his eyes, "Why do you say that, do you even know a thing about quidditch or is it just Krum you fancy?" George asked and I glared playfully. "Well I cannot deny Krum is an attractive player, but that has nothing to do with it Bulgaria is just a far better team." I said smiling. Though as I made that argument a scene flashed through my mind Ireland winning without a question, but I shut the images out not wishing to see them, I am determined.
"Want to make a bet on it?" Fred asked teasingly. "What kind of bet?" Knowing I would lose. "If Ireland was to win, you will allow me one kiss." Fred stated looking at me to see any sign of embarrassment, and I saw a twinge in his eyes when he saw none. "I'm not doing that." I said, it was too easy, almost as if I would forfeit. "Scared?" He asked. I smiled and laughed, "Oh, I'm terrified." I said feigning fright and Ginny and Hermione burst out laughing. "Maybe, my lips are reserved for a certain quidditch player." I said faking dreamy daze and twirled a strand of dark hair around my finger.
Finally we were all off. I never realized how ungodly the hour we woke at – fifteen minutes before five o'clock – as we started away from the Burrow. I walked contently along side Harry as the others walked ahead a bit. "You really should tell him." Harry whispered and I groaned. "I don't need to add to his worries."
"Isobel, Voldemort, has someone after you. Do you really think no one should be concerned? You've always aced Divination without the slightest difficulty actually you could even explain things you saw much better than Trelawney. You knew things that weren't even printed in the text book." Harry said and I quietly groaned. "Okay, the psychic stuff I can handle and so can my dad, but if I told him straight off about the whole dangerous situation at the moment he might do something rash or stupid." I said.
"He'll find out eventually." Harry replied and I said, "Then that will be when he finds out." I said. "Just drop it for now Harry, please," Harry nodded but there was something weird about it, I just brushed it off and smiled. "Thank you," I said and jogged up to Hermione and Ginny and quickly delved into their conversation. We were walking through the trees when a kind looking man emerged and Mr. Weasley greeted the man. "Hello, Amos," he patted the man warmly on the back.
"This is Cedric," a gorgeous guy jumped from a tree. He took my breath away at first glance. He had mesmerizing gray eyes, a tall muscular figure, and light brown hair that fell perfectly over his chiseled face. I diverted my eyes when I saw him glance over and I looked straight ahead and kept walking. At some point he fell into step with me, "Hello," he said a soft, smooth voice. "Hi," I said usually British accents didn't have much affect on me, but made him all the more sexy.
"I haven't see you much; may I ask your name?" He inquired and his politeness almost made me swoon. "Isobel," I said. "I know who you are though, Cedric Diggory, the seeker for Hufflepuff." I said smiling up at him and he returned it.
"Do you like quidditch?" He asked and I smiled, "I am going to the World Cup, now aren't, I?" I replied coyly. "That means nothing." I laughed and when I did something on his face when he heard the noise but disregarded it. "I love quidditch, watching it isn't as good as the thrill of playing. The speed, the exhilaration as you make a goal and the chase for the snitch. It's amazing." I said and then his spoke again running gentle shivers down my spine, but good ones, they felt good. "Now I believe you're not going just to see Viktor Krum." I smiled.
Soon enough we came to a clearing and there was a boot there. That's so weird, what would a boot be doing there – Oh it's a portkey. Well that's interesting. We all grabbed hold of it and we spun off. The air was suctioned out of my lungs and I felt like I was falling at a very rapid rate and my skin was going to separate from muscle and bone. Then my butt slammed into the hard earth along with my back and my head striking the earth with a loud thud. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all landed similarly.
"Need a hand?" Cedric asked and I stared at it for less than a second then took it. "Thank you." I said as he pulled me from the ground. Accidently or purposely I wasn't sure but he pulled my into his chest with the jerk he pulled me from the ground. There was a longing in his eyes as he looked down at me and still held the hand he pulled me up with. He was looking down and I looked up then he let go.
There was definitely a spark, actually let me think that word – spark – over. It was less of a spark and more of a lightning bolt that made me want Cedric Diggory, it's not only that he's immensely handsome, I know – I just do – that he is kind and sweet. I'm drawn to him, not in the eerie way I was to Damon, but a sensual pull that I would love to just give in to. It was like destiny was calling me to him, like we were meant to be. My lips tingled as I glimpsed his as slight warmth flooded my cheeks.
I turned away and flushed furiously at my thoughts. Of my lips grazing his lips, of my lips kissing his…ugh why must I torture myself. "Isobel, c'mon." Fred said gripping my arm and pulling me along and out of my daze but not before casting a – I can't deny it – jealous glance back at Cedric. He dragged me ahead, until we were in swarms of people. Suddenly someone from the crowd reached out and grabbed my arm.
"You're so jumpy Frost, what is with that?" The group of people asked. I glanced at them after jumping about a foot in the air, "Oh…my…God." I said staring at Lena Kar's smiling yet mocking face. "Are you turning to slush on us while you're here Frost, what happened to the fearless Isobel Black, who didn't so much as say a word after you were found making out with Julian in the closet?" She asked and I blushed. "Thanks, oh so much Looney." I said to her and she scowled playfully. "Who's this?" Harry asked.
"This is one of my best friends Lena Kar." I introduced her to everyone. Her light, glowing, almost as translucent as peridot colored glass raked over everyone of them and landed on Harry last, then away. "I gotta go Frost," sadness leaked into her eyes. "If you don't write me, you will so regret it when I tear you to pieces." She said and smiled I laughed and everyone else looked tense. "Gotta go meet my awful cousin. Thank God, I don't need to see his father," she shivered. Unlucky for my best friend Lena, he uncle is Ferir Greyback, in the summers she practically lived at Jackie's house it was way better than spending time with the infamous Ferir Greyback, unfortunately I met him once and would not like to repeat the experience that lasted mere moments.
"Oh, I'm terrified, Luna," I said and she glanced back and smiled, "I'm sure you are Frost." And she laughed getting swallowed by the crowd. "Who exactly was that?" Ron asked there was a twinge of fear in his eyes. "Someone who I'm gonna miss a lot more after this." I said. "Why'd she call you Frost?" Ginny asked. "It was short for Black Frost. My nick name, back at the Salem Institute, we needed something so we would never get caught doing half the stuff we did. A group of five that never followed the rules would have been very conspicuous if we hadn't." I smiled devilishly as we made it up to the stadium. I didn't mention that Lena was a werewolf and the other three and me as well became animagi to keep her company during the full moon.
We climbed up the stares and then I saw the familiar long blond hair on a rather thin man and hid behind Harry. He glanced at me and then back at who I was looking at and hiding from and scowled. "Well if it isn't Potter?" Lucius said in his pompous voice. I could practically see him in my mind looking at the others in disgust. "We have a seat in the Minister's box," Draco bragged and I practically gagged. Then I felt a familiar gnawing presence, the charge in the air made me uncomfortable. It made me cringe really.
I glanced over Harry's shoulder where I was slightly crouched down and I was spotted. Damn it!
"Isobel, you were to be visiting you aunt and uncle. Why are you attending the Quidditch World Cup with them?" Lucius inquired with such contempt that I wanted to slap him. "Aunt Marguerite and Uncle Scott are my real family who has cared for me for twelve years; if they trust that I am safe with who I am with they allow me to go. They are not prejudice of whom I spend my time with since that is entirely my decision. By the way they send their regards." I said saucily.
"Very well," he gave in unhappily. "Pleasant to see you again, Isobel." Damon said raking his gaze over me and made me shiver to his satisfaction. I turned away and quickly ascended the stairs. Soon we were all so engrossed in the game, that confrontation was ancient history.
"Go, Bulgaria!" I screamed and Fred and George were both screaming for Ireland. Cedric stood next to me from where I leaned on the railing before me. I could feel he was steeling glances at me while I watched delighted with the game. I glanced his way once and found he was still watching me as I smiled and screamed for Bulgaria. I smiled at him and went back to being engrossed with the game. It was becoming unbearable to be near him and not reach out and touch him…ugh, this is so frustrating.
Then the image of Ireland ran through my head again. C'mon please don't let that glimpse of doubt come true, please don't be what I thought you were, please don't be a vision. Then confirming my fear Ireland won. Fred and George were ecstatic. Me on the other hand I was shaken a bit.
I'm sure there has to be an up side to these freaking visions. That's right always focus on the silver lining. Stop with all the negativity.
We were back in a tent. George was lounging on an armed chair, I know odd furniture for a tent, but it barely resembled a tent from the inside. "So where's my kiss, Isobel?" Fred asked. I glared at him and he released his laughter. "The bet remember?" Fred said boisterously. "I never agreed. That's just your luck isn't it Fred." I said teasing him.
Then there were loud bangs from outside the tent. Mr. Weasley came rushing in, "we have to leave now." He said and we all crowded out. "Fred, George take care of your sister." He called over the blasts. There were people with black masks shielding their faces as they sent flames through their wands. I gasped death eaters.
We were hurrying off and Harry and I were separated from the crowd. "Where'd they go?" I asked Harry and then someone knocked over Harry and he was knocked unconscious and I was no longer in my own body. I fell to my knees beside him. I was seeing through the eyes of one of the attackers. By now the people were cleared out and the man was approaching Harry and me.
With a gulp of breath I was back and Harry was stirring and I helped him up and saw someone approach. I didn't get as good a look at him as Harry had, but then I heard Ron and Hermione calling to us. And then I noticed it. In the night sky the dark mark loomed and cast an eerie glow. "Thank Merlin, you two are alright." Hermione gasped as I felt a gust and Aurors were all around. "Do not move!" We were directed threateningly, by none other than Barty Crouch, Sr.
"Stop! Stop!" I heard Mr. Weasley shout them told them we had nothing to do with it. "Then who was here to conjure the Dark Mark?" Crouch asked and then I replied, "A man, I assume he was a death eater. Wouldn't that make more sense than a bunch of teenagers who don't bare that mark."
He looked at me with a sour look. I really need to control the words that come out of my mouth better especially in front of these people.
A/N: Hoped you enjoyed this. I hardly got any reviews – does my writing really suck that much that I only got 3 reviews? – on the last but I just could not stop myself from writing this. It has been nagging at me for a long time. I actually may type up the next chapters and not post them since I have my lack of reviews, I don't even know if half of you reading this even really like it. Reviews equal updates.
So anybody have any ideas about Damon? What do you guys think of Damon, what's up with him? Any theories? Okay, here's the plan if your theory of what gives Damon so much power is right I will dedicate the chapter that everything unfolds to you and any of my other fans that guess correctly. Deal? Review! REview! REView! REVIew!! REVIEw! REVIEW!!
love you all.