Hey everybody this is my first fiction so please send lots of reviews and leave any suggestions you can offer all I ask is that are no flames okay be nice at least for a little bit. Okay for everyone who doesn't know this is a NarutoxHinata fiction and takes place in shippuden time but enough talking lets begin
It was about nine in the morning when Naruto was woken up to the sound of Sakura callin out his name for him to wake up." Naruto you bum wake up Lady Tsunade has assigned us to a mission". " what again man it's like we can never get a break from that slave driver " said the blonde haired ninja. " alright get dressed and meet me inside Tsunade's office when you're ready" said Sakura .
After Naruto got dressed he headed for the Hokage's building. When he got there Sakura had already been waiting about an hour for him to arrive. "your late Naruto" yelled the pink haired kunoichi. " sorry Sakura I fell back asleep after you left but it's okay because I'm here now". " Naruto your hopeless". Said Naruto's now very angry teammate. " Alright quiet " yelled Tsunade " this is your mission , the lord of the land of Earth has hired konoha to locate and take out rogue hiding outside the village hidden in the mud seeing that this is a A ranked mission I will also be sending Hinata and Lee with you so they should be here any minute now". Just as Tsunade spoke those those word Lee and Hinata showed up at the at the door to the office.
" Lady Tsunade we are here to tackle this mission with all our might " said Lee proudly . " umm Naruto I see you're going this mission too" at that moment Hinata's face turned bright red from being so close to naruto the you secretly love but was too nervous to tell him. To stop naruto from seeing her face turned to face the opposite way that naruto was looking. " oh hey hinata so you're on this mission too then I guess this won't be a total waste at least now we can all hang out together". " hey what about me Naruto" said Sakura feeling left out. " I don't know Sakura you' re kinda mean" said Naruto. " what" yelled Sakura ready to fight if Naruto were to speak another word.
" Alright now that everyone's here you will head out tomorrow ". Just then Jiraiya came in through the window instead of using the door as usual. " Tsunade are you sure you want to send them on such a dangerous mission" said Jiraiya " I don't see why not they have the skills to handle it " Tsunade with enough confidence in the people she had chosen for the mission. " fine have it your way" sighed the white haired sannin. " Good we head out tomorrow make sure you're ready we meet at the village gates at 7 a.m. " proudly yelled naruto like the true leader that he is. " Then its set" said Lee and Hinata at the same time. The 4 ninja went home to prepare for the mission tomorrow.