:D Yay, new fic. I'm kind of basing it off of one that I did before, but this is about Mokuba. - So…notes!

Italics: letters from Molly Benette

Bold: letters from Mokuba Kaiba

Also, seeing as when he and Seto are in the orphanage, they don't have the last name 'Kaiba'...So...their last name is…Yamano. Yeah, I opened up one of my various mangas and pointed at a name. Also, original Japanese names shall be used. Joy. Anyways…Onward and upward! Or something to that effect…


Dear Mokuba Yamano,

Hi! My name is Molly Benette. I am five years old. My dad is in the Navy and my mom is a nurse. Right now, my dad is in Egypt. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I have a Pomeranian that I named Altoid! And my parents said that if I get really good grades for the entire first grade, they'll buy me a bird! Isn't that neat? What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Does the orphanage let you have pets? I hope we can be really good friends!


Molly Benette

P.S. There's a picture of me and my mommy and daddy and my doggy!


Yamano Mokuba sat quietly in the orphanage classroom, listening to his teacher talk about adding and subtracting. It was interesting. But he was really waiting for the English lesson to begin. When his teacher had been to university, she had become friends with some lady who ended up as a teacher for first graders in the States. They had set up a pen pal thing where their students could write letters to each other. Today, they were getting their first letters. He was excited. His pen pal was some girl named Benette Molly. He jumped as the teacher snapped her book shut and announced that she had received the letters from her friend's class. She passed out the letters. Mokuba's blue-grey eyes stared at the envelope. There was his name, except his first name was in front of his last. Weird. He ripped it open and read it. "Katakura-sensei!" he called his teacher, raising his hand and standing. "What's a P-p-pomer…pomer…"

"Here, Mokuba-kun," Katakura-sensei offered, holding her hand out so that she could read it for him. He handed her the letter. "Pomeranian?" Mokuba nodded. "It's a small dog with a lot of fluffy fur."

"Oh. Thank you, sensei," Mokuba said, taking his letter back from the teacher. He finished reading and looked inside the envelope. Sure enough, there was a photograph inside it. There was a tall lady with red hair. It was really long and pretty. There was a man in a white uniform and a cool white hat. Mokuba couldn't see his hair. And in the middle of the two adults, there was a five-year-old girl with kind of short, auburn hair and dark-blue eyes. She was holding up a small puppy with fur. It looked more like a big reddish puff-ball to Mokuba. He laughed at the thought. Katakura-sensei told everyone to start writing their replies when they were done reading. She also told them to stay quiet and look busy, because the important millionaire Kaiba Gozaburo was coming to visit the orphanage. He ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and picked up his pencil.


Dear Benette Molly,

Hi! It was nice reading your letter. I haven't ever owned any pets, but I have a big brother named Seto. He is ten, and I am five. He's really nice and good at chess. Your parents sound really neat. My mom died when I was really little, and my dad died a little while after, so I do not really know what they did. Big brother never wants to talk about it. I'll send you a picture of me and him learning to play chess. When is your birthday? I can send you a card! Mine is on July 7, but my teacher said that school ends in June and then starts again in September in the United States. Is that true? I think that is weird, but interesting. I hope to hear from you soon! I know we'll be best friends.


Yamano Mokuba


Yeah, so this was a kind of prologue so that you know what's sort of going on. Next chapter will be longer, I promise. Not that anyone will care…but that's okay! I need to work on my writing skills anyhow. Ahaha…So...review?