Lady-Miku- I've had writers block for a while now, so this is the first time my inspiration's come back

Lady-Miku- I've had writers block for a while now, so this is the first time my inspiration's come back.

Takeru- Yup, cause I was on vacation any way R&R

Swift- She owns the plot nothing else!

Reita collapsed next to Uruha on the couch , they had just finished moving his things out of his apartment and in to Uruha's home. "Sheesh, I didn't think moving was this exhausting, even with the help of magic." He leaned his head on Uruha's shoulder.

Uruha just laughed, hugging Reita tightly and kissing him on the cheek. "Ne, it would be worse if I wasn't using my powers Rei-chan." He ruffled the other's hair as they sat together comfortably. "Lets go and get Ice cream my treat."

"Really?" Reita perked up immediately a huge grin on his face. Uruha just nodded smiling at his childish behavior, Reita may have been twenty but sometimes he could act like a seven year old kid. "Let's go then!"

Uruha chuckled as he teleported them to the forest's edge. "Come on then." He and Reita walked hand in hand down the street towards the Ice cream shop in town. It had been two days since the incident in the forest and people were starting to wonder where the young farm hand had disappeared to.

As they walked Uruha could hear the whispers of people they passed, things like 'who is that with Reita', and 'where has that boy been?' were all around them. As they walked in to the shop, Reita started to laugh. Uruha looked up to see Reita's friend from the other day standing behind the counter. "Hey Aoi, I didn't know you worked here." Reita looked at him a huge grin on his face.

Aoi sent him a death glare. "Just because you're strong and can be a farm hand for a job doesn't mean everyone is." He snapped the looked over at Uruha and smiled. "So what brings you here?"

"Hey! Stop flirting with my Boyfriend!" Reita pulled Uruha into a hug. Uruha and Aoi just laughed at him. "What?"

"I know he's your boyfriend, I just like teasing you." He smiled and leaned on the counter. "Now what do you want?" They ordered their ice cream and sat outside eating it at one of the picnic tables.

Kai who was walking by noticed the two sitting there, and walked over. "Hey! Reita!" Reita turned and waved towards his white mage friend.

"Kai! How are you doing?" He smiled as the other took a seat next to him. "Has anyone started to get suspicious about me being gone yet?"

"Only the whole town, it's a ruckus right now, I mean you gone for two days and then showing up with some strange guy. In their minds it's pretty suspicious." Kai looked over at Uruha intently. "He hasn't tried anything on you has he?"

"No, no, of course not Kai!" Reita looked at his friend hurt he wouldn't trust his sense of judgment about things. "He's actually been really helpful when I was moving my things."

"I'm only evil half the time thank you, and that's only when people endanger me or the people I care about and tick me off." He replied coolly finishing the last of his ice cream. "We should probably be getting back, I've got a bad feeling about something."

"What about Aoi and Kai will they be okay?" Reita looked up at him his blue eyes filled with concern. "I'm not coming unless their safe too."

"What about Aoi and Kai?" Aoi asked walking out just having finished his shift. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, just come on I'll explain later." The clear sky suddenly was filled with dark clouds and the winds picked up. "We need to go now!"

A streak of lightening hit a tree about five feet from Aoi. "I second that idea!" He ran up and grabbed on to Uruha's cloak. "Please can we go?"

We need to get to the edge of the town, there's a anti-teleportation barrier surrounding the town, and I can't get us out of here other wise." They set off running towards the edge of town. Another bolt of lightening struck in front of them, once the smoke cleared about ten feet off stood a man. He was wearing all black and a mask covered his nose and mouth. "Well, well, well, fancy seeing you out of the darkling woods Kouyou." He laughed suddenly; it was the laugh of a mad man.

Lady-miku- Dun dun dun!

Takeru- Nice stop point….

Nara- Cliff hanger!