The first chapter of Atra Regnum has been posted, which means that this is officially the end of Shades of Gray. Sad as that is, I feel that Atra Regnum is going to be far, far better. Also, thanks very much to everyone who offered to help out with AR! In the end I chose solunvar and Teufuel1987—and thanks a ton to them!
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of you who turned out to be 1/2 Prince Fans. I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the story as it progresses. Also—I forget to mention this in the last note—those of you who like 1/2 Prince should check out the 1/2 Prince forums at halfprince(DOT)ipbfree(DOT)com/index(DOT)php?act=home. It's a fantastic community there with a lot of 1/2 discussion, news of updates, character fanclubs, RPs, and fanart and fanfiction contests. If you'd like to drop a line, I can be found there under the same username.
Thanks sincerely to all of you who've enjoyed Shades of Gray. Have fun with the rewrite!