Here is my first story! (Hey i'm sorry i deleted the story, I just messed up on the beggining and I got some complaints and I am new to this and figuring out how to work everything. I didn't see a way to fix it without deleting it.)

Summary: Harry is the so called brother of the boy who lived. His brother Adrian is the supposedly boy who lived. What is Harry to do when he gets the chance to choose between the light or dark side? Maybe slash, Abuse, maybe rape, neglect, and some other stuff. RATED FOR SAFETY! I'm not sure where the story is going so that is why it's rated so high.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine. It is J.K. Rowling's and I respect that! Some of it I may have created, but most of it is J.K. Rowling's. Also I am not getting any sort of payment except maybe reviews for this story!


The wind was howling mournfully for what was to come. It was hot and gloomy this fateful Halloween night and nobody was the wiser. If only they knew in advance…


"Wormtail, you are the secret keepers of the potters correct?" Voldemort asked forcefully, glaring and the sniveling man at his feet.

Voldemort had that effect on many people. He had dark brown hair with the 'I-just-got-shagged' look. His crimson red eyes looking in foreboding at anyone but his friends. His ghostly pale skin shining lightly in the light of the full moon. Voldemort's look made him look appetizing yet deadly.

"Y-yes ma-master" Wormtail stuttered out, shifting uncomfortably under the gaze he was getting from his lord.

Wormtail was a short stout man. He had thin brown hair and was already balding at the age of 21. His nose twitching nervously, an unfortunate effect of his animagus form, a rat. His beady blue eyes glancing around scared. His pale clammy skin looking almost sickly yellow. With his looks he had the complete opposite effect Voldemort had.

"Well!" Voldemort forced out, not happy waiting this long to kill the potter twins. He wanted to kill the only threat to his throne as the leader of the wizarding world."

"T-the house is at Godrics hollow, number 15." Wormtail mumbled out quickly.

At that Voldemort turned toward his other followers who were at the moment standing in the back awaiting orders. "Wait here for my return; I am in no need of help in killing to sniveling babies." Voldemort said sneering at everyone except his friends who were standing by his side.

"Alas, I'll be back!" Voldemort whispered softly to his friends as he apparated to the Potters house Just as a nearby clock struck nine.


"James we can't go!" Lily screamed in frustration. Lily was a beautiful woman. She had long wavy red hair streaming down her back. Her green eyes were so different from any you would ever find. She was the women of most people dreams but only one man had got to her, James Potter.

James was a nice looking chap himself. He had short black hair messily sitting on his head. His warm hazel eyes held misleading kindness. His muscled body, toned from quidich, was currently leaning on the fireplace as he listened to another of his wife's rants.

"Lily we need to go! You know I might get fired if we don't, the minister takes his parties seriously and he would not take our absence well." James patiently explained to his pouting wife.

"I just don't want to leave our babies alone!" Lily whispered, close to tears.

"It will be Ok to leave them for one night baby; they will be here with the babysitter when we get home." James murmured soothingly to his wife who was currently in his arms.

"Ok I guess your right!" Lily said as she pulled away from James and started to straighten up her outfit.

"Ok Jean," James stated addressing the babysitter, and old women who had seen better days. She was James's old nanny and he trusted her completely so he let her through the fidelius charm. She had wispy white hair flowing crazily around her head; her half lidded green eyes stared into nothing, as her old wrinkled skin clung loosely to her skin. "I would like you to put the boys to bed in an hour, they need their sleep! They don't need fed or a bath I took care of that already."

"Ok Jamie deary." The babysitter said, happy to be helping such a famous person as James.

As James and Lily flooed to the ministry the babysitter picked up both of the young boys to put to bed. It was already 8:45 and little babies need their rest. She put them in the same crib and kissed each of their little foreheads before leaving the nursery and going downstairs.

In the nursery while Adrian the younger of the potter twins, although everybody thought differently, was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow Harry was not. He could sense something wasn't right, but what was it? He was going to figure out soon enough though…

Downstairs in the living room Jean was reading a book 'The Pro's and Con's of T.V.s!', happily, as she sat on the couch. Suddenly there was a huge boom as the door blew up. Smoke billowed through making it impossible to see. Jean immediately stood, pulling out her wand. "Who's there?" Jean asked, forcing her voice to remain steady.

As the smoke started to clear Jean saw a cloaked figure enter through the doorway. As soon as she saw him, she knew exactly who he was, Lord Voldemort. Jean was scared shitless! She was paralyzed with fear. She came to babysit not fight the most feared dark lord of their time! As she stared into the cold red eyes the only thought running through her head was 'Merlin, I'm going to die tonight!'

"Stupefy!" Voldemort muttered disdainfully at the women now residing on the ground. He hated people so weak they were groveling fools. He hated Wormtail for that; the only reason he didn't get rid of Wormtail was because he was semi-useful.

Turning away from the filth people considered a witch Voldemort continued on upstairs to the nursery. He soon came upon the door and opened it, expecting to find to sleeping babies. He was rather surprised to find the smaller of the twins awake and watching him curiously.

As the baby examined him, he took the time to examine it. He was smaller than his brother by a few inches, he also had a leaner build. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green, even more beautiful than his mothers, while his brothers was a common brown like his fathers. His raven black hair hung in waves around his head while his brothers fiery red hair flew in every which direction.

The baby, Harry, if Voldemort could remember correctly was looking at him with no fear in his eyes. "Up," The baby said, wanting to be held by this new person.

Voldemort looked at him incredulously. At that moment in time he knew this must be the chosen one. For a moment his eyes showed regret as he made his final decision, but he soon masked his features. "I'm sorry I have to do this, but I need to make sure you can't stop me." Voldemort whispered to the baby just before he spoke the dreaded words, Adava Kedavra. Being the slytherin he was he saw the force field the child conjured and stepped out of the way right before the green beam of light hit him.

Voldemort gaped in amazement. How could a child put up a barrier so strong as to stop the killing curse and bounce it back!? He looked at the baby in a new light as his mind thought of all the possibilities. He finally decided on a plan. He was going to stage his death it would be easier to take over right under peoples noses would it not? With that decision in mind Voldemort apparated away.

Because he left so early he didn't notice the plaster starting to fall or Harry's unconscious state, maybe if he did things might have turned out differently…



My story is defiantly slash but I haven't got everything figured out so I need your help.

Should harry be in a threesome?

Should harry have one partner?

Also if you want harry to have different partners (no girls) then you have to suggest them to me!

So here is what I need help on! (Good is Voldemort's side, bad is Dumble's side)

Is Narcissus good or bad?

Remus/Sirius ?

Lucius/Severus ?




Should it be different pairings than I have stated?

Are Remus and Sirius good or bad?

Is Bella good or bad?

Is Wormtail good or bad?

Is Neville good or bad?

Please post what you think for these things in a review.

If nobody does than I'm going to have to take it into my own hands and decide for you… I'm just trying to make this story better for my readers! )

Wow I guess this wasn't just a short not… That seemed pretty long to me!

Please review.