Who's the Killer

By: Late-Sleeper

Beta-reader: Pay Backs a Bitch

Note: I uploaded this chapter to another site…it seems like most didn't know where. I know it's been years since the last one, still for those asking for closure, this is it. I don't know why I didn't post it here instead. Weird.

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing…

Chapter 9: Final confession

Naruto ran as fast as he could, he opened every door he could put his hands on. Time was ticking fast.

He opened another door but saw no one, not even a dead body. He ran again towards the next door, the next, and the next. He was fucking out of his wits, as each door he opened showed neither a clue nor sign of Sasuke.

God, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened.

A loud thud broke his reverie and in an instant, he dash toward the sound. He frowned when he realized that the sound came from a room he swore he never would enter again, too many bad memories resided inside that room.

Involuntarily he gulped for air as he touched the door leading to Itachi's room.

The door opened with a loud eerie squeak like those of an old door from a horror movie, which only fueled his anxiety. He tried to force himself to enter the room, his every step echoing throughout the entire room due to the stillness of it.

He eyed the bed carefully and made a calculated stride towards it. He scrutinized the well-made bed for a minute or two when suddenly he felt a looming presence behind him. He doesn't need to look up who it was because he already suspected as much.

"Where's Sasuke?" Naruto heard his own voice croaked. That only gained him a loud sigh and a muttered 'troublesome'.

"I said where is Sasuke, Shikamaru?!" he repeated again.

"Troublesome as always Naruto." Shikamaru frowned as he shook his head while fighting the urge to rub his nape in annoyance. "I haven't found him yet. The bastard must be hiding somewhere."

Naruto turned around and saw Shikamaru looked sideways to the right, not meeting his eyes. "Is he?" He inquired.

A frown crossed Shikamaru's face as he glared at Naruto, his eyes staring at the blonde's blue eyes. "Yes."

"You fucking liar!" A chuckle escaped Naruto's lips. "Your eyes moved to the right, Shikamaru. Do you know what that means?" He felt a small smirk breaking from his lips.

Shikamaru raised a brow and carefully sat on a nearby chair with a table in front, eyes not taking off Naruto while the blonde man too made himself comfortable on the bed. "Left means accessing memory. Right is constructing images…a lie." Shikamaru replied nonchalantly.


Shikamaru smirked. "Am I being interrogated, Mr. Detective-Novelist?"

"Yes, and you're my number one suspect now."

"Pray tell, how and why?" Shikamaru smirked as he interlaced his fingers together and rested his elbow atop the table while his chin rested on top of his interlaced fingers. "Or are you just playing detective games, Naruto?"

Naruto felt a shiver run down his spine as Shikamaru transformed to someone he didn't know. He felt he was now talking to a totally different person, but he knows he can't back down now, he started it and by hell he's going to finished it. "Most suspects inject themselves into the investigation. You said it yourself."

Naruto saw Shikamaru's smirk widen maliciously. "Oh I did. Didn't I? But again… it would also mean Lee could be a suspect? Am I right? He did try to "find" help outside…or was it just a ploy to distract us?"

Naruto shook his head. He was convinced that Shikamaru was the suspect and no one else, but still, felt his resolved weakening bit by bit. "Touch. Anyone who touches me died, but you didn't…"

A loud chuckle escaped from Shikamaru's lips and Naruto almost flinched in fright. "Then the Uchiha is also on your top list." Naruto almost gave up as he realizes how smart Shikamaru were especially in mind games. He looked at his friend and tried to find the old Shikamaru behind the cruel mask the man is now wearing.


"It's not Sasuke!"

Shikamaru's eyes narrowed involuntarily. "What?!" That came as a hiss.

"It's not Sasuke! I trust him! He wouldn't betray me!"

With that said all hell broke loose as something inside Shikamaru's head snapped. "TRUST HIM?! After all he'd done to you?!" Shikamaru slowly stood up, his eyes blazing with fire and it was directed to Naruto.

Naruto looked sideways as he felt a bad omen as the lazy genius walked towards him in an angry stride, looking for an easy escape route but found none.

"Trust him?" Shikamaru, with head slightly bowed and his eyes are the only thing that could be seen as it blazed with fury and hate, he growled at Naruto dangerously.

Sensing that Shikamaru was no longer sane Naruto tried to bolt out of the room but Shikamaru was fast on his toe and grabbed onto him.

Naruto shuddered as he felt Shikamaru snaked his hand around his waist with a vice grip. "And here I thought you want to know where Sasuke was…tsk tsk tsk… behave Naruto or I won't tell you where the bastard is."

An urge to bash Shikamaru's face was escalating more inside Naruto as felt Shikamaru's hot breathe ghosted over his neck up to his ear. He wanted to fucking punch the daylights out of the lazy genius, but he can't. He needed to know where Sasuke is.

The blonde stood still as he waited for Shikamaru's next move.

"That's a good boy."

Shikamaru took the rope off his back pocket. He smirked and congratulated himself from bringing the said thing. He knew it would be handy somehow. He eyed the blonde warily, but he knew Naruto too well that he knew the blonde would not escape from his hold until he knew where the blasted Uchiha was. He frowned at that thought.

Shikamaru tied the blonde's wrist, making sure that it was not tight enough to hurt the blonde but not loose enough to escape.

Naruto looked down on his left wrist and warily examined the rope around it, though he said nothing. Even after Shikamaru pushed him on the bed and put, the other end of the rope on the bedpost he didn't said a thing. It was like his mind suddenly shut down.

"You know this should have never happened if you just protected yourself from all those guys that wanted you. YOU'RE SUCH A FLIRT!" Naruto felt a stinging pain on his left cheek then heaviness on his chest; he looked down and saw Shikamaru's head lying on top of his chest as the other caresses his side. "But don't worry I'm here now. I won't let them ruin our love."

"You killed them." He heard his voice croaked. He wanted to touch the cheek that Shikamaru just spank but he didn't.

Shikamaru frowned and hovered over the blonde. His eyes blazing with fury at Naruto's accusation, he felt hurt at the blonde's allegation. "Because of you! I killed my friends because of our love."

Naruto eyes went wide as Shikamaru's proclamation. 'Our love' kept repeating inside his head like a broken disc. He wondered what the hell Shikamaru was saying.

Naruto lay still as the man on top of him started caressing his chest with rough and hurried touches. "I killed my best friend because of you." Naruto heard Shikamaru's raspy voice as the lazy genius continued caressing his chest over his shirt, pinching his left nipple every now and then. He felt disgusted every time the genius did that.

Naruto heard a soft chuckle coming out of his lips. "Best friend? You never really did cry hard when he died!" That stopped the caressing but only to be replaced by a grip around his neck, choking him a bit.

"Oh? You're getting good at this detective game Naruto." Lips ghosted over his lips while Naruto tried hard to feel detached from his body.

"But don't worry he died peacefully. Do you want to know how I did it?" Shikamaru leaned more closely to the blonde as he brushed his lips over the blonde's. He felt Naruto fidget, so he tightened his grip around the blonde's neck.

"Yes." A choke escaped from the blonde's lips earning him a small smirk of appreciation from the lazy genius.

"It was his fault actually. He shouldn't have tried to grab what was mine. I was just passing him my judgment…but he saw who I was when I attacked him." Shikamaru once again tried to caress the blonde's chest but this time he did it under the blonde's shirt.

Now he could feel the blonde's skin under his fingers, he could feel the blonde shuddering with his every touch. The heaving of the blonde's chest, the movement, the warmth, he wanted it all…and so much more. He tried to push the blonde's shirt up a bit and he was rewarded with the view of a glistening, tone abs of the blonde. He grazed his eyes up the blonde chest and caresses the blonde once more.

"I thought he didn't see who the culprit was…he said he didn't see it." Naruto tried hard to keep the conversation rolling, tried to distract the lazy genius from his sexual ministration.

Shikamaru stopped his caressing, looked up to Naruto's face, and smiled. "But he did. Before he passed out inside the comfort room after I attacked him he saw me. When he woke up after a few minutes after I hit him, he screamed I ran back again. I was there first, right? Still, nobody suspected a thing. They all thought I was just looking for him…"

"…" Naruto tried to remember what happened when Chouji was attacked. Shikamaru was indeed the first one there but it really didn't strike him as odd at that the moment.

Shikamaru smiled wider at Naruto's confused face. "He knows it was me who attacked him, but you know how loyal he is to me. He would never sell me out. He's loyal like that, right?"

Naruto closed his eyes and nodded slowly. He winced as he felt a wet thing slide over his left nipple. He felt bile rising from his throat as Shikamaru tongued his already erect nipple.

"You know what he told me when we were finally alone? He told me he was willing to die with the truth to save me. I granted him his wish. I let him sleep…forever." Shikamaru chuckled a bit. He looked at Naruto closed eyes once again and rain kisses on it. "Though, I could never harm his body in anyway…the only thing I could do was slashed some on his thigh…but other than that I left him like that."

Shikamaru this time caressed Naruto's thigh over his pants. "…almost harmless except for his injury when I attacked him and the slashes on his thigh…other than that no wound on the head, no bullet…and still no body suspected a thing…tsk tsk tsk."

"I would."

"True…that's why I never let you see Chouji's body." Shikamaru smirked. He knew that Chouji's death was the main clue in this whole fiasco and the only thing that could make Naruto suspect him and he played it really well. If only the blonde suspected him from the start…this killing would have spared so many innocent lives…if only…

"What about Kiba?" Naruto distracted Shikamaru from his musing.

"I snuck inside his room, informed him about Chouji then killed him…he was actually easy to kill since he trust me too much. I gave him the same medicine I gave Chouji…he was sleeping actually when he died…" Shikamaru casually answered as he once again busied himself on caressing the blonde's thigh earning him a small growl from the blonde.

Naruto eyes narrowed at Shikamaru's admission. "Kiba wasn't dead when you saw him was he?!"

Shikamaru smirked at Naruto's outburst. "Wow, you're really getting good at this Naruto. Please tell me how did you figure that one out?"

"Death by blood lost would take too much time…and to think it was just on the wrist, the possibility of Kiba still having a pulse is high…but why? Why did they believe that he was dead then and there?"

"Because Neji said so…he's the fucking doctor here remember?"

"Why did Neji declared him dead?!" Naruto shook his head; he couldn't believe that Neji had anything to do with it. He couldn't.

Shikamaru leaned towards the blonde's neck and rain kisses on it. He grazed his lips downward towards the blonde exposed nipple and nibbled on it a bit. He looked up again on the blonde's narrowed eyes and smiled as he answered. "Because he saw the medicine I've used lying near Kiba's body. He knew right then and there that it was me…and somehow he would be greatly connected because he was the one who gave me that medicine…that prescription-controlled medicine." He nibbled again the blonde's nipple earning him another suppress growl from Naruto.


"What about Gaara?"

"It was never my intention to kill Gaara that early…but Neji saw you two. That fucker kissed you, didn't he?!" Naruto felt his face flushing with embarrassment.

"Then he snapped and stabbed him with a syringe full of that drugs which he found inside my drawer, the one he was going to use to pin me down with…you know what that means right?"

"He was still alive when he was hanged." Naruto heard Shikamaru whispered 'bingo' as the lazy genius made circling motion with his finger on the Naruto's tummy then running down towards the button of his pants. Naruto wanted to squirm but Shikamaru's body pinned him down as the lazy genius lay on top of him fully, smiling wickedly.

"When I saw Neji he told me what he did, he was actually confident that I could clean his crime because he knew that it was me, the killer. I never did trust the bastard, but we were connected, somehow. I know that he won't tell on me now and I wouldn't tell on him." Shikamaru smiled as he descended his lips towards the blonde's.

Naruto squirmed and turned his head away from Shikamaru that enraged the raven head man greatly.

With a vice grip Shikamaru grabbed onto Naruto's neck to steady the squirming blonde and glared at him with eyes blazing with fury. "So I hanged Gaara…" Shikamaru growled lowly, threateningly.

Naruto's eyes went wide. "Still alive?" He couldn't believe it. Gaara was still alive, when they all thought he was already dead. He was fucking alive…

"Yes, Naruto still alive and breathing…just drowsy so he couldn't actually fight me." Shikamaru laughed softly as though he was actually proud on what he did. He then proceeded to unbutton the pants he was itching to take off…for so many years…so many years of lusting…

"Then Shino was right." Naruto snapped Shikamaru's thought, halting him from what he was doing.

Shikamaru gave an evil leer at Naruto.

Naruto wanted to smack his head hard. How can he not believed what Shino told them…why didn't he suspect a thing.

"They were all right Naruto; you just didn't listen to them. Sasuke was even telling it to your face. Still…" Shikamaru cooed at him then gave a contemplative glance after. "But then again, your love for me was blinding you." Naruto's face was rain with kisses. He felt disgusted as Shikamaru run kisses all over his face down his neck.

"It was your stupidity that led to Shino's death…do you know that? He was actually willing to die so that you would be…" A wide leer broke Shikamaru's face as Shikamaru snapped the button and zipped his pants down. "…enlightened."

Naruto became paralyze as Shikamaru raised his body off him but came down once again with his pants down to his thigh then proceeded to undress him to.


Shikamaru chuckled as the blonde's immobility thinking that Naruto was expecting it too…waiting for it…eager for Shikamaru to take him…all of him. "But our love is much stronger…they didn't predicted that." Naruto felt a hand suddenly slipped inside his boxer, caressing him gently…making something in him boil…

Before Naruto could kicked Shikamaru from even thinking of touching him the lazy genius stopped. "Then there was Sai…the fucker! I killed him without using a drug you know. I wanted him to feel the pain. I want him to die slowly…painfully…" Shikamaru growled lowly.

Something in Naruto's head clicked. He was right on his assumption then. "There's no slash on Sai's head."

"Huh?" Shikamaru stared down at the blonde as though he was the one who was spouting insanities. "What?"

"There's no wound on Sai's head."

Shikamaru looked at Naruto puzzled. "I knew it was you after I saw Sai's body. It doesn't have a wound on his head. Sasuke and Shino saw how Sai run his fingers through my hair. Sasuke was furious at it, but there were no slashes on Sai's head…it couldn't be Sasuke. That's why I know it's not Sasuke! It could never be Sasuke!" Naruto voice went a bit louder, taking more confidence.

"Shut up!" Shikamaru slapped Naruto hard. A red hand mark was imprinted on the blonde's left cheek but that didn't deterred Naruto. He growled at Shikamaru earning him another smack, on the right cheek this time. He chuckled a bit as though the pain wasn't killing him inside. Infuriated Shikamaru choked him with both hands; eyes' blazing with promise of death but Naruto was unfazed.

"You killed them! You killed them! You fucking even kill Neji!" Naruto screamed at the lazy genius.

Shikamaru's gripped loosened and he chuckled heartily at the blonde's face. "Tsk tsk tsk, that's were you're wrong my dear Naruto. I didn't kill Neji." He brushed his fingers on the mark he made when he slapped the blonde; Naruto flinched a bit when he did it.

Naruto squirmed as once again Shikamaru rained touches all over his face, he growled a bit. "What?!"

"I didn't kill him. It was actually a fluke in my perfect plan. I didn't calculate that Sai would try to kill us off to save you." Naruto eyes went wide. "Oh, didn't you know? Sai was actually helping you escape from me." Shikamaru laughed out loud this time.

"No." Naruto couldn't believe it, refused to believe it.

"Remember when you saved me Naruto, in the kitchen. Didn't you ever wonder why I was there?" Shikamaru smiled at the blonde, but he saw the blonde's confused face. "No?"

"…" Naruto gave again a puzzled look at Shikamaru.

"I'll tell you…I was calming my self after I killed Shino. Drinking a cold drink but I was careless that I let my guard down. Luckily, you came to save me. It was our string of our love that pulled you to me, don't you think?" Shikamaru gave Naruto peck on his lips on which the blonde hadn't had the time to react because he was too paralyzed to even move or think.

"Oh my god." Shit!

Shikamaru took advantage of Naruto's stillness and once again put his hand inside the blonde's boxer and caressed the blonde's groin as he rained kisses on the blonde's face. "If you hadn't saved me, then maybe your precious Sasuke would still be alive, ne?"

Naruto eyes went wide, he felt something in him snapped and all went black and he feel like falling into oblivion.



Shikamaru frowned when he looked down at his lover. The blonde's eye went glazy then went dull and lifeless. Shikamaru felt something inside him panicked. Something was off.

A wide leer broke the blonde's face and Shikamaru shuddered at the foreseen danger he was in. He wanted to flee right then and there but he was nailed on where he was as he unconsciously watched the blonde's tongue glide on his sharp canine teeth. It somehow reminded Shikamaru of a vampire movie he had once watched.

A loud thud echoed throughout the room and Shikamaru found himself thrown out at the far end of the room. He stared wide eyed at the blonde who was now sneering at him maliciously on top of the bed.

"They don't make a good rope nowadays…" The blonde raised both his hand to show the tattered rope. Shikamaru frowned a bit at the bloodied wrist of the blonde. It was too fast. Too strong. He wondered for a second how Naruto broke the rope off from the bed.

The blonde stood up and stalked towards the frowning genius with a sarcastic sneer on his face as though taunting Shikamaru to attack him first.

Shikamaru moved his feet to stand but in a matter of seconds, the blonde had already pounced on him like a wild animal in search of a prey.

The tattered rope was now over his neck, choking him, he tried to push the blonde away, but the blonde didn't budge. The blonde was too fast to his liking.

His eyes then became fixated on the blonde's eyes; a gasped left his lips as realization downed on him. "Kyu…Kyuubi?" He tried to choke out.

"Nope. Guess again." Naruto sneered at Shikamaru as he tried to choke his only remaining friend. It shouldn't have ended like this. Why did all his friends and family need to end like this?

Why do they all leave him…?

Why was it always his fault?

"Nar…Naru…Naruto." Shikamaru gasped as he tried to pry the blonde's hands off the rope. He could feel his lower extremities getting numb. With one forceful punched on the blonde's gut he escaped his sudden death.

Naruto fell down on his butt as Shikamaru escaped from his attack. He growled angrily at the hobbling genius. Seeing Shikamaru's wobbly state he once again leaped towards Shikamaru and once again pinned him down.

Shikamaru eyes narrowed as he tried to push the blonde off him. He tried kicking the blonde on his groin but the blonde was quick as he felt a punched on his gut. "Where is Sasuke?" Naruto growled angrily as he banged Shikamaru's head on the floor with fury. "Where is he?!"

Shikamaru's eyes became blurry as the blonde continued banging his head on the floor. "Tell me!"

"At the east wing…" Shikamaru coughed out, blood already trickling down his lips. "…the room near the window…" He coughed once again. Naruto stopped as he glared at his bloodied friend.

Shikamaru felt Naruto's sudden stillness. He peeked a bit at the confused blonde and touched the blonde's arm gently, caressing it. Naruto jolted back to reality with Shikamaru's touch and his eyes narrowed in disgust. "Is he still alive?" He asked hopefully. If Shikamaru gave him that medicine, then there's still a big possibility that he was just drowsy and bleeding to death like what happened to Chouji and Kiba…right? Right?


Shikamaru smiled at the blonde as he continued to caress the blonde's arm which is still gripping his bloodied head. Naruto took away his arm off the lazy genius grasped and glared at him hard.

Shikamaru eyes narrowed then he chuckled. "If you think I drugged him then you are horribly mistaken, my sweet Naruto."

"Is he still alive?" Naruto felt his patience dripping away slowly as he growled lowly at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru laughed out loud. "Alive?! HAHAHAHAHA!"

A hand slapped him hard on the cheek stopping his laughter. He growled lowly at the blonde. "He's dead! I fucking killed him with my bare hands! I slashed his face, rip his chest open and pull off his heart!" Shikamaru laugh out once again.

"He had no right to love you! I'm the only one who should love you!" Naruto punched Shikamaru, which stopped the insane man from laughing as the lazy genius coughed out more blood.

"Why?!" Naruto grabbed onto Shikamaru's collar and yanked him up, his feet few inches off the ground. "Why are you doing this?"

Shikamaru smirked down at the blonde, not minding that he was hanging with the blonde choking him. He grabbed onto the blonde's hand to lessen the choking sensation. "Why?! Why?! Because you are mine!"

"I was never yours, nor anybody's. How can you even say that?!" Naruto growled more as he raised Shikamaru further off the ground, choking him more with his vice grip.

Shikamaru chuckled. "You know you loved me. I can feel it with the way you stare at me, the way you smiled at me…" Shikamaru coughed again. "…the way you say my name. I know you love me. Don't deny it."

Naruto shook his head. He can't believe that Shikamaru was a fucking mental person. "You're a fucking demented bastard!" With a strength he never knew, he flung Shikamaru to the wall. Shikamaru fell on the floor, body limped from the impact, but Naruto was not yet satisfied.

Naruto looked all over the room to search for something, a vase caught his attention, and he smirk a bit as he stalked towards it.

Shikamaru tried to open his eye but only darkness assaulted his senses, the impact was too much for his body. He tried to stand up, but a sharp thing was suddenly shoved on his neck. He heard someone chuckle.


Naruto gave a leer at the slumped body of his once trusted friend. He grazed the broken vase on the lazy genius neck down towards his chest. "You said that Sasuke shouldn't love me, right?" Silence filled the room. "Right?!"

Shikamaru choked a 'yes'.

"So you took his heart off. Right?" He received a slow nod. He smiled and run the broken glass all over the bloodied shirt of Shikamaru. "But you too don't have the right to love me. No one has the right to love me, love a monster." Naruto laughed as he then shoved the sharp glass on Shikamaru's chest…towards his heart. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth…ever heard that, my dear Shikamaru?"


Lee ran towards the house, police hot on his trail. He didn't need to search the whole house when he saw Naruto slumped on the floor as he opened the main door from the house.

He eyed the bloodied man searchingly when a body near the blonde caught his attention. He barely could recognize it with all the slashes and burn on the corpse face but seeing how the blonde's hand tightly held on the corpse hand he knew who the dead man was.

"Naruto?" He walked towards the blonde man.

A loud laugh stopped him from his track. "You're back Lee? Tsk tsk tsk…sorry to tell you but the game is already finished. You failed to catch the killer."


A loud chuckle then a soft sob escaped the blonde's lips as the policemen surrounded him, guns pointed at him. He caressed Sasuke's face…or what was left of it with sorrow written all over his face.

"Naruto, please surrender peacefully." Lee ordered at the blonde, emotion in check but he knew he was dying inside as he stared at Naruto.

A loud laugh echoed the room as Naruto was dragged off away from Sasuke's body. The blonde looked over his shoulder and stared at Lee as he was being dragged away, hands in handcuffed. The two remaining friends stared at each other…wanting to convey things left unsaid.

Naruto stoic face then broke into a menacing smirk. "It was my entire fault."

"Monster would always be a monster." Lee mumbled as Naruto was taken to the police car laughing maniacally.


Late-Sleeper: And that ends it all…and no don't go blaming me on killing Sasuke…I told you to guess it right but only 2 tried to actually guess it right…although…-stare at Mother Night- someone did get it right, but she was a chapter late –shakes head-


Late-Sleeper: Well…ehehehe yeah. To save my Naruto of course or you would rather be alive and Naruto dead?

Sasuke: I hate you!

Late-Sleeper: I feel the same way, feel the same way….