This whatever-you-wanna-call-it has been extended to include other characters. I'll try to keep it evenly spread so everyone can still enjoy it. Well, here you go!


Alice eating/snorting a pixie stick. The effect: she's basically on crack.

Madame Pomfrey telling Hermoine that she has testicular cancer.

Kagome farts while she's sleeping.

Alice slipping a popsicle into Rosalie's purse, then blaming it on Emmett.

Ron trying to figure out how to work a laptop, coming across Hermione's porn collection (an extensive gathering of red-heads going down on brunettes) in the process. AWKWARD.

Sango freaking out when she realizes that her stuffed Dolly must have fallen out of one of her bags while fighting. Then she falls down and throws a tantrum, demanding that they all turn around to retrieve it.

Edward finger-painting a picture of Bella holding Renesmee while Emmett paints a [very crude] picture of Bella falling down a flight of stairs.

Harry having a staring contest with a statue … and winning. He shouts victoriously and pumps his fists into the air.

Inuyasha throwing a stick and telling Kagome to go fetch. The result: a nice (sarcasm) Inuyasha-shaped mini-crater.

Alice, Hermione, Kagome, Ron, Edward, Emmett, Harry and Inuyasha poking me with sticks, telling me to start writing more often or they'll go on strike. I tell them that they can't go on strike and they leave to find larger sticks ….


A huge thanks to natsume-N-miakn4ever for the Alice comment that resulted in this. However, do not fret and do not frown, for I will add more with more Alice, 'cause this just isn't gonna cut it. J