Hi this is my first ever fanfic and I promise it will get better. Please leave a comment…

Disclaimer-Sadly this all belongs to the fabulous J.K Rowling. If you don't recognise the character it probably belongs to my imagination though.

Happy reading! Don't forget to drop a line to tell me how to improve or give me ideas or something

BTW this takes place at the end of the sixth year (sorry if it's a bit confusing).

Lily stood shaken, in the same place where James had left her. Her mouth was hanging open, her green eyes wide with shock. Potter had never shouted back at her like that. He would never say a bad word against her. Something felt wrong. Lily sunk to the ground, the words replaying in her head. A tear dripped down her face as her friends hurried over, pushing through the crowd that was gossiping about what had happened. Her best friends Alice and Mary quickly crouched beside her. "Lily, sweetie what just happened?!" A surge of anger flew through Lily's body again; she scrubbed at her face furiously and stood up. "Potter was just being a prat as usual!" Lily sniffed and threw them a haughty look. Alice and Mary exchanged worried looks as they followed Lily through the crowd of students.

James sprinted through the forest and out of sight. The tears unshed tears burnt his eyes and throat; rendering it impossible to see anything. In a pop he was a stag galloping through the forest, not caring where it was going. The words replayed in his head; I hate you so much…never go out with you…cruellest…you're such a fake… conceited prat; like a never ending movie. Galloping on he did not care that his legs where getting cut by the vines and twigs whipping at them. Stumbling on a tree root he was flung forward, off a grassy verge. His body hit the ground and all went black for James.

"EVANS!" Sirius roared. He raged over to her and pulled her off the sofa. "WHERE'S JAMES!?" Sirius started shaking her and Lily gave a squeal of fright. "I…i don't know." Lily stuttered in fright. "Don't give me that bullshit Evans. Tell me where my Goddamn best friend is! What have you done to him!?" Sirius banged his fist on the glass table and shattered it. Lily jumped back and tried to squirm out of his grip but it was too strong. Fire was burning in Sirius' usually calm grey eyes; hatred for Lily. For the person who had hurt his best friend. Sirius squeezed her harder, the blood from his fist smearing onto her arm. He sneered maliciously, "Am I hurting you?" Lily nodded scared; wondering what had happened to Sirius. Never had she seen him like this. "Good," He hissed, his voice harsh. "You deserve this. You deserve to feel pain like you caused James. You don't deserve James, he's so much more than you can ever be and God help you if I find you do something to him again I will kill you." Lily nodded numbly, not doubting for a second he wouldn't. "What did you do to him?" Sirius spat, his eyes narrowed 

dangerously. Lily sniffed back a tear and tilted her head upwards, "Well he asked me out and…" Sirius roared and threw Lily backwards onto the sofa. He advanced on her and Lily looked around frantically.

Suddenly Remus appeared at the portrait hole; he hurried over to a revenge bent Sirius and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Not now Sirius, James is our first concern." Sirius threw Remus' hand off and turned to his friend, "No. She needs to feel pain. She deserves to have his pain. It's all her fault!"

"Remus help!" Came Lily's whimper when Sirius drew his wand. "Sirius!" Remus barked sharply. "She is not even worth it." Remus said coldly, he glanced at Lily and saw hurt in her emerald eyes. "Remus?" She called softly, her eyes still trained on Sirius who was slowly putting his wand away. "I'm sorry Lily. You went too far this time." With that Remus walked out of the common room. Sirius gave her one last threatening glare before following him.

Lily cracked open an eye upon hearing voices. She blinked and let her emerald eyes focus as she sat up. She ran a hand through her messy hair and stared curiously at two pairs of shoes. Lily uttered a scream and jumped off the couch as she came face to face with a furious Sirius and their grave headmaster. "Professor, I'm sorry I was just…" Lily scrambled to her feet as she glared at Sirius. Lily took a deep breath; straightening her tie and pulling down her crumpled skirt Lily eyed the headmaster worriedly. "Is something…wrong professor?" Lily asked hesitantly her gaze flickering between Sirius and Dumbledore. "Yes there bloody well is!" Sirius burst out, unable to stop himself any longer. Dumbledore put a restraining hand on Sirius' shoulder and spoke softly, "Sirius please, I know your upset but please do not wake the whole of the Gryffindor." Sirius' eyes calmed slightly and he gave an acknowledging nod. "Miss Evans if you would please come with me to my office." Lily looked around bewilderedly before nodding. She slipped on her shoes and followed Sirius and Dumbledore out of the porthole.

Sirius sauntered through the door; rearing right he threw himself on one of the two armchairs opposite Dumbledore's desk. Lily hurried after him and daintily sat on the edge of the second chair. Sirius leapt to his feet, "What are you doing!?" He asked icily. Lily looked confused, "Sitting down?" Sirius grabbed her arm and forced her out of the chair, "Not on that chair you're not!" Sirius dropped her arm as Lily regarded him stonily. "May I ask why not?" She questioned with fake politeness. "That," Sirius jabbed at the armchair, "It's Prong's seat." Lily scoffed, "I don't see his name on it!" Sirius let out a humourless chuckle and informed her that it actually did have his name on it. "See," Sirius traced the nameplate lightly, "Prong's chair." He walked over to the other armchair towing Lily after him. "My chair." "Fine. May I sit in that seat or is it Remus'!?" She enquired icily. He spread himself over his chair and waved his hand. "Go ahead."

"Miss Evan's, it's come to my attention that you had a…disagreement with Mr Potter at lunch time. Is that correct?" Lily's eyes flashed widely before she answered tightly, "Yes." Sirius flung himself out of his seat, "Professor! We're wasting time! Please!" Sirius sank back into his chair and put his head in his hands. Dumbledore crouched beside Sirius and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sirius, Sirius look at me." Sirius raised his head and looked at Dumbledore with hollow eyes. "We will find him." Sirius clenched his fists and gave out a sob which startled Lily. "He took the map. And the cloak." 

Dumbledore's eyes were unreadable as he took in this information. Lily looked around confused, her eyes landed on Sirius who was shaking and her forehead creased in worry. "Professor, who will we find?" Lily asked timidly, the anxiety evident in her tone. Dumbledore looked up and surveyed Lily over his half moon spectacles. "Mr. Potter is missing." Lily gasped and her whole body went numb. "Wwhaat?" Lily said in disbelieve. "James is missing Evans! Gone!" He barked sharply. Sirius slumped back in his chair and ran a hand through his shaggy black hair. Lily was about to retort when she saw the pain in Sirius' eyes. Taking a deep breath, she regarded Dumbledore. "What has this got to do with me?" "We need to know what happened with James this lunch time." Confusion and anger flashed through Lily's eyes. She gripped the seat but did not say anything. "Please Miss Evans, it might help us locate him." Lily sighed and glanced at Sirius who was still shaking and nodded.


Lily was talking to a 5th year Gryffindor as she saw James approaching. Biting back a groan she turned her head and pretended she hadn't seen him. When she looked back up he had sauntered down to the lake and was running a hand through his already windswept hair. He stopped short of Lily and flashed her a cocky smile, "You're looking fine today Evans! Go out with me?" James shouted to Lily. He charmed a bouquet of roses out of thin air and fell to his knees beside the lake. Lily's face turned an unflattering shade of red as she pushed past the Gryffindor and stormed over to James; she slapped him viciously, a red imprint becoming visible on his face. James raised a hand to his cheek wordlessly, his hazel orbs unreadable. "POTTER GET IT THROUGH YOU'RE BIG FAT HEAD!! I WILL NEVER GO OUT WITH YOU…EVER! YOU ARE THE CRUELEST MOST SPOLIT, EGOLTISICAL JERK I HAVE EVER MET! I HATE YOU!" Lily screamed at James who was still clutching his cheek. "No please," James begged, reaching out for Lily, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screeched, "GOD I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? YOU'RE SUCH A FAKE! YOU DON'T LOVE ME, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! YOU JUST PUT IT ON FOR THE ATTENTION!" Lily took in a ragged breath and glanced over to James.

She recoiled when she saw the anger sparked in his eyes. James rose from his knees and threw the flowers on the floor. He glared at them and they burst into flames. The crowd that was gathered took a step back and Lily stared at the flowers with wide-eyes. James leant close to Lily, re-capturing her attention and hissed, "I do love you. I never faked it. But I don't know why I even bother with you, you're just a heartless bitch!" Lily cheeks heated up and her fists were curled into balls. Unconsciously she stepped back, so that her back pressing against the tree trunk. James took a step closer and Lily narrowed her eyes.

"Well at least I'm not a show off, a toerag, slacking, conceited, bullying, prat!" Lily sneered and James clenched his fist and punched the bark, just above Lily's head. Lily shrunk against the tree trunk, her face paling and James gave a bitter laugh, "Oh that's rich. Of course I'll never be good enough for little miss perfect. God, you're such a hypocrite! You go on with how you have to give everybody a fair chance but where is my chance. Huh? You think you've got me all figured out, well how come nobody else shows your view. I'm not like that, you've just got some twisted opinion of me in your mind. I may not be perfect but I am real. But I'll leave you alone; don't worry your perfect little head about anybody else but you. 

God knows if you're even capable of feeling for anybody else except yourself. But I'm gone. Goodbye forever." James turned around and stormed off towards the forbidden forest.

end of flashback

Lily looked up and bit her lip. Peeking over at Sirius she discovered he was no longer shaking with emoticon rather he was now back to blind fury. Lily shrunk into her chair, avoiding Dumbledore's piercing gaze. Sirius clenched his fists tightly, his finger nails digging into his palm but remained in his chair. Only his livid grey eyes and tense body showed his real emotions. "Thank you Miss Evans, you may go now." He raised his eyebrows when Lily did not get out of her seat. "But…he" Dumbledore breathed heavily and gave the apprehensive Sirius a calming look. "Sirius will go retrieve Remus and Peter, I believe they are looking for James in the dungeons." Dumbledore added and Sirius gave a tight nod. Dumbledore turned his gaze back to Lily, "And then they will find James and take him back to their dorm." "But you can let them go into the forest!" "Oh I assure you they will be quite safe." Lily saw a twinkle of mischief return to her headmaster's eyes and her eyebrows knitted together. "But professor!" Lily exclaimed but Sirius got there before he could answer. "Evans just go! You've done enough!" He said coldly challenging her to disagree. Lily bit her lip and dropped her head; reminding herself it was only because he was upset. "Miss Evans, go back to your dormitory." Dumbledore said softly yet firmly. Lily nodded and left the room without another word.