Chapter 1
Like usual I woke up crying and screaming over a dream that's always the same. Running from some blonde vampire. Having an hour, I hit the snuzze button for that extra 10 minutes. I didn't sleep at all. I got ready in 15 minutes. After stopping to get a starbucks I headed to the hospital, and clocked in.
"All Doctors and Nurses on floor 1 head to the staff meeting room" announced the intercom lady.
"Clara what is going on this time? Who screwed up now?" I asked only joking around with her.
"I don't know I heard it was some new doctor and that he was HOT! But I really don't know."
"Great, another doctor!!" I replied sarcastically. Nobody ever enjoys these meetings. So once pilled into the room our boss began.
"Sorry for calling everybody in here on short notice, but it is like always completely necessary. Now I know that when these meetings are called I usually yell or let you know about inspections. Well today is not the case." He began his speech exactly the same as any other speech. He never showed any emotion almost like he never cared. Today he was excited.
"Clara what the hell is going on? Who is that blonde guy standing behind him?" I asked not even wanting to know.
"I don't know now be quiet I want to hear!"
"Ok sorry." I mumbled. She was never like this only when it came to news about really hot guys.
"So we have a new staff member joining us" the blonde guy came into view, "This is Dr. Carlisle Cullen." My breathing picked up and I didn't want to be here anymore. No, no, no, this can't be happening. Not now. Before I could freak out more I ran out of the room without a look back.Once out of the room I found the nearest chair and sat down.
"This is not happening, not now. What are they doing in New York?" About 5 minutes later my boss strode out of the room and came straight to me. Great!! I stood so we could talk.
"Are you alright Miss. Swan? You ran out so fast I didn't get to tell you that you are now going to be Assisting Dr. Cullen from now on."
"Wait, what?" by the look on my face he could tell that I was horrified.
"You are his nurse from now on. This is a great opportunity. And you will take it got it?"
"Yeah sure." Well my life turned to shit really fast!! He turned and walked away. I sat back down.
"Six years and now they decide to show their faces to me. I wonder if… no I won't let him hurt me again. But I really miss Alice. Oh well she left me to." I just sat there until Clara found me.
"Hey are you alright?" she knelt in front of me.
"Are you going to tell me about it now or later? Oh Dr. Cullen is asking to see you. When you ran out everybody was shocked. Including him, it was so weird. It's like you guys know each other. He's Hot!! Anyway what's wrong?" so I figured I would tell her the human part.
"Well six years ago I dated his son. Then they just left. I, we, were in love I guess. I screwed me up bad. I haven't seen any of them in 6 years. Well until now." that was the best she was going to get and she knew it.
"Damn that sucks!! Wait he has kids?? That means he's married!! Well shit I thought about a married guy!!"
"Yes he has kids and a really nice wife. But the kids are all adopted. Still don't even think about it." I said while laughing.
"Fine, maybe we should get back to work."
"Yeah let's go." Now I had no choice to talk to him.
"ALICE!! Alice what did you see?? Why are you so happy??" Jasper kept asking her and not getting an answer. Her grin just got bigger and bigger!!
"ALICE!! Stop that now tell me!"
"I will tell you. She saw Bella working at the Hospital were Carlisle just started, they were talking and then she faints. Now I am going down there, when she snaps out of it tell here thanks." I said while running out of the room. I got into my silver Volvo are drove to the hospital. Once I got there I sat in the car for 15 minutes debating on actually talking to her or not. I was nervous and scared to death.
Once I stood up Carlisle came out of the room.
"Bella." Was all he said how original.
"Carlisle." I replied acidly.
"It's good to see you again. Everybody is going to be thrilled."
"Yeah, what are you doing here?" I was being a bitch not like I cared at the moment.
"Oh well, we moved here. Esme has always wanted to live in New York and..." I cut him off
"Who all came?" I asked not wanting to here one name.
"everybody." Was all he said, and everything started spinning and went black.
Waking up to cold hands is never a good sign. Considering that all of those cold hands left me 6 years ago.
"Carlisle, what the hell…" I was mumbling randomly.
"You fainted, nothing new."
"Great thanks, wait you don't know anything about me!!" I yelled while I stood up and considered to go home, I couldn't take this anymore.
"Where are you going?" he asked, shocked by my hurry to leave.
"Home I can't, won't, do this anymore!" once again I was yelling. I really didn't like to hurt Carlisle but at the moment I just wanted to be left alone.
"At least allow me to drive you home please?" he begged hurt by the fact I was yelling at him.
"Thanks but not today, I really don't need any more surprises." I explained while leaving the hospital. Naturally he followed me out the door trying to get me to stop.
"Um, Bella" I barely heard the familiar musical voice my heart broke when I heard this voice.
"Son this is not a good time or place." Carlisle told him. Him….Edward….my Edward. It can't be….could it? Of course it is, but he is not getting my good side. I turned around, saw him, and started yelling.
"CARLISLE IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! It's not a good time and will never be. You can't just come back 6 years later and expect everything to be just like u left it!!" my yelling scared both Edward and Carlisle. It also attracted attention to myself which then I snapped. Not being able to control myself I yelled more at him.
"You never should have left. I NEVER want to see any of you ever again. I am just barely getting over it and you have nobody to blame but yourself Edward." Tears were already spilling over my eyes, which allowed him to speak.
"Bella I am so sorry. You know I only…"
"SAVE IT. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!" I said acidly through my tears. I whirled around and took off running. Going nowhere in particular just away.
I ended up at home, just not entirely sure how. Walking into the phone ringing is never a good sign. I knew it was either the hospital or one of the Cullen's. It was most likely Edward or Alice. I answered it cautiously not speaking first.
"Bella, Bella, it's…" It was Alice so I hung up. Not even 30 seconds later the phone rang again, so I answered it planning to be a smart ass.
"Bella?" Esme's spoke first.
"Wrong number, so sorry." Click. My heart broke when I said that. New tears were spilling over and the damn phone rang again.
"Bella?" this time it was Emmett.
"Not here!" I yelled while crying into the phone. So I hung up and then the phone rang again.
"Bella, its Rosalie. Your being a bitch, so now it my turn. Give us a Fucking break!! What the hell happened to you?"
"Go fuck yourself Rosalie. Leave me alone." Click. She was yelling at me so I yelled back. She has always hated me so now she can hate me more. The phone rang again, I was crying so hard that I didn't want to talk to anyone else so I pulled the plug. I hoped that they would get the picture. That night I dreamt of Edward again. Dreaming of him is nothing new but tonight was different. I was back in his arms, while the blonde vampire came charging at us with a look like she wanted to kill. She took me away from him and I woke up screaming
so this is my first story. it sounded really good when i wrote it so tell me if i should keep going. also review please