I've seen a few Addams Family crosses, but not many if any with this other ghoulish TV family, so here's a bun bun that I just hammered out over a half hour or so that is up for adoption.
*Downtown London at
night was a mixture of the gothic and modern, leaning much more
heavily to the gothic. Indeed, that was part of its continuing old
world charm that made it so comfortable for the people currently
gathered in a small building on its outskirts on
the night of
November 10th, 1981.
"So, you feel that it's really in our best interest to throw our lot in with this so-called `Lord Voldemort?" a dark figure with a deep voice stated while he along with several others gathered at a long table, "You really think that he will be able to control the non-magical humans enough so that we would be able to feed at out leisure?"
Lord, we feel that this may be our best chance to at last be able to
finally stake a claim on our own separate part of the world," a
younger man spoke up, "We would finally be free of
of persecution, and…"
"I feel that this is a mistake," a youngish looking lady seated at the opposite end of the table started, "This so-called Lord has shown that he is willing to promise much to get what he wants, but seems unwilling to follow through when it comes time for payment."
"Agreed," a third male voice spoke up, "He reminds me of those mundane politicians that are willing to promise you the sun and moon, only to backtrack later on. He is not even a lord, as there is no listing of him or his family in the old records."
"Listen to
me," the younger male said a bit abruptly, "This may be the
best chance that we have to be able to finally rule like we were
meant to rule, as lords over all we survey, rather than from the
shadows as well usually do! If you do not join, there is the
that he may turn his vengeance on u and then we…"
"It sounds as though you are already to cast you lot youngling, as well as make promises that are not yours to make," the female said with a hint of a sneer, "You would do well to remember that you are a fledgling, and only here to make a report, not to sway our voice in one way or another. That, plus the head has still not arrived at this time."
:"Oh, I've been here for
awhile now," which drew hisses and gasps from all the seated
figures as another older looking gentleman stepped up to the head of
the table, and sat down in the ornate
chair there. Lighting up a
cigar, he took a few puffs before setting it down in an ash tray that
had appeared with a wave of his hand, he observed each of the others
for a moment, before breaking out in a hearty laugh, "Well, I
always like to have the chance to play around with some of you
youngsters, since it gets kind of boring back home."
other at the table rolled their unseen eyes, as the elder always
seemed to be a bit more eccentric every time they met with him,
still, he was the head of the council, and had survived for
longer than any of the others there.
"Now, just to let you know, the old man smirked, "Last night, on All Hallows Eve, this lord that you seem so anxious to back young man, fell and was disintegrated. And brother, let me tell you, when he disintegrated, he really disintegrated."
The young man that had been
championing Voldemort sat back in his chair with a look of disbelief
on his face, before he leaned forward with his face in his hands. The
others sat and watched his antics for a moment before turning back to
the older gentleman with
questioning looks.
"Oh yeah,
blew himself up good it seems," the elder chuckled, "Better
than I've ever been able to do. Apparently he decided to attack and
kill a child, and while he was able to destroy
the parents, his
spell backfired and he was destroyed rather than the
Leaning back in his chair, his face took on a
darker look as he continued, "Now, the leader of the light
wizards seems to have gotten it in his head that the youngster needs
to be protected, and
I agree. Unfortunately, he has decided that
the best way is to cover him in obscurity, and to place him with some
non-magical relatives. When I stopped by earlier tonight to pay a
visit , I saw
his new mother figure smack him on the side of his
head, hard enough to leave a welt. Well, with that, I knew that this
was no way for a young man to have to grow up, so I circumvented the
wards that surrounded the house, some very good blood-based ones by
the way, but what is
blood to ones such as us except more power,
and went in to claim the child."
The other figure sat in shocked silence for a few moments, before the whole group started shouting out questions and curses, some at the same time.
"Quiet, BE QUIET!" The elder shouted down the others, "This is much more preferable that what it seems like he was being set up for with his previous adoptive family. Now, the young man is currently asleep in my car, and will stay that way until we get to the airport, where I have a nanny waiting to accompany back home. Once there, my daughter and her husband will take care of him. The house has been so quiet since little Eddie grew up, and I'm sure the pitter-patter of feet will bring some much needed excitement.
"But my lord," The first speaker started, then stopped after a glare from the elder, "I mean…Grandpa, are you sure that this is the best thing for the child?"
"Well, Albus Dumbledore wants to hide him away, and what better way to do so than to have him hidden where my family and I live," The old man said with another chuckle, "He'll get to grow up in a loving household, around magical beings, and will be well-equipped when it's time for him to return to the wizarding world over here, if he wants to. I plan on letting the lad have a choice when he's old enough to understand such things."
Leaning back, he considered the others in the room for a moment, before he stood quickly, which caused all the others to do so aswell.
"Very well, if
there is no other business, then I'll just be on my way," he
said with a jovial tone, before he stared down the others, "Of
course, you know that you are all blood sworn to never
reveal my
location, on penalty of the final death.
The others all stood
and sweated lightly as he looked them over, before his face lightened
and he got the friendly look on his face that made him look so much
like the Grandfather he was, "Very well then, all of you take
care, watch you backs, and we will meet again
in another
With that last statement, he turned an glided out the door, his cape flowing outward in a way that made him look like the bat his kind had been named after. Stepping to the car, his golem opened the door to allow him entrance, closing it behind him and got into the drivers seat, starting up and heading towards Heathrow.
The old man turned and smiled down at the sleeping child in the ornate basket, he'd not had a little one to play around with since Eddie had for Miskatonic ten years before, it would be nice to have some little feet and hands around to raise some havoc. He was sure that Lily and Herman would be looking forward to some as well, just to relieve some of the daily grind. Oh yes, little Harry Potter was going to bring new blood to his family, both figuratively, and literally.*
course, this is a cross with the Munsters, and the elder is
from the series. I just wanted to see how this might do and
someone would like to adopt it. Would hope it to be a Harry
ship, if not that, the Harry/Hermione, or Harry/Slytherin
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh yes,
gave no names, but the other figures at the table included:
Orlock from the film Nosferatu, Carmilla from the novel
and Varney from the penny dreadful, Varney the Vampyre. The
guy is just a noob who has big ambitions. Any other famous
vamps you want to include would be fine, along with a cat as