A/N - umm...hi. Its me. Again. Thanks to MickeyBoggs for proofreading. I have 'borrowed' a little of Harbingers script.
Disclaimer - That too.
Carefully, at 4:07am, Booth's SUV pulled away from the hospital parking lot.
"Braxton hicks! You were having practice contractions," he sighed.
Temperance frowned. "But they were so painful! Quite logically, I thought I was in labor."
"I guess we should just be grateful that you're not. It's a little too early yet."
"Quite," she agreed. "If he'd been born tonight there would have been an increased risk of complications." She smiled softly at him. "I wouldn't want that."
Booth smiled back, and glanced at the clock. "I figure there's no point going back to bed now. You wanna get some breakfast?"
"Breakfast sounds good."
"Hey Sweetie, I'm here." Angela peered around the nursery door at Temperance, resting in the nursing chair. "And I brought your Christmas gift with me."
"The psychic."
"And she's waiting downstairs. C'mon."
"I suppose the sooner I get it over with." Temperance followed her friend into the dining room, where a waiting Avalon was sat ready at the table.
"Hello there." Avalon smiled at the heavily pregnant woman. "I don't need my cards to tell me what's in your future," she joked. "Let's get started shall we?"
Temperance sat opposite and shuffled the Tarot pack. Casting a pessimistic glance at Angela she handed the pack back to Avalon.
Angela squealed. "First card she turns over is literally your name. Are you going to tell me this is a coincidence?"
"Yes, a 1 in 78 chance."
"It was on top," Avalon confirmed. "But it's not really speaking to me." She looked down at the next card "Ok, I see a man in a hospital. He takes refuge in a dream life." Avalon turned over the XI card. It has a couple on it. "You're there in the dream and you're helping him to create that dream life." The next card Avalon turned over was a couple walking happily together towards a building. "You're both so happy in the story, so happy it's almost sad when he wakens."
"Sad was an understatement," Angela quipped.
An uncomfortable Brennan took advantage of Angela's interruption. "Ok, no offense to you and your psychic, but I'm really tired. I spent most of last night at the hospital thinking I was in labor. I just wanna shower and sleep."
Avalon held up her hand and turned over the VI card. "The Lovers."
Angela grinned profusely.
"The man whose life you saved thanks God every day for the blessings you've bestowed on him."
"No, I don't save lives. People are already dead when I get to them."
Avalon stared at Temperance. "I'm pretty sure you saved somebody's life." She looked down at the next card. "A man with a heart of a lion."
"Booth has a lion heart!" Angela added excitedly.
The next card is a wanderer in a field. "You are an abandoned child." Avalon continued turning the cards over. "The world scares you, so you wrap it up neatly in bonds of reason, education, and proof. All riddles are solvable to you except for one.
"Yes," Brennan answered dryly. "The riddle of why I'm even allowing you to continue."
Avalon shook her head. "No. The riddle you can't solve is how somebody could love you."
She laughed. "Well, I'm beautiful and very intelligent."
"The answer to the question that you're afraid to say out loud is that he knows the truth of you, yet he is dazzled by that truth."
Brennan clenched her fist together, Avalon's words ringing in her ears, a stark reminder of her hospital dream. "I am really very tired. If you'll please excuse me. I need to lie down." She stood and headed towards the staircase.
"Dr. Brennan?" Avalon called after her. "One more thing."
Temperance paused and turned.
"Nothing happens unless first a dream."
"Anything interesting happen today?" Booth asked casually as Temperance lay with her head in his lap.
Temperance sighed. "Angela brought a psychic around."
"And did she give any insight into what lies ahead?"
"You know I don't believe in the so called supernatural."
"Booth grinned. "That wasn't what I asked!"
Temperance chewed her lip as Booth brushed a stray hair away from her face. She changed the subject, pulling his palm down to her abdomen. "Baby's moving."
Booth felt their child wriggling around. Could life get any better than this? And like he had done every single day since she'd pulled him off that ship, Booth thanked God for making this woman part of his life.