I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. Nor do I own Kelly Clarkson's My Life Would Suck Without You.
Just a bunch of NaruSaku drabbles. Here's the first one.
"Aw, come on, Sakura-chan – just one?"
She crossed her arms and looked down at him. "No, Naruto. My parents are just inside." Seeing him beginning to pout, she added, "Besides, I just gave up my whole evening to eat at Ichiraku's with you, isn't that enough?"
"No!" He widened his eyes and Sakura had to sigh. Oh how she hated the Blue Eyes Jutsu. "Pleeease? I won't see you for a long time and I'll miss you."
"I'll see you tomorrow morning, right here, at half past seven like any other day."
"Yeah, but, but…" The corner of Sakura's mouth twitched as his voice lowered into that enticing whine. God, why did they go through this every day?
"You're being a baby, Naruto," she said half-heartedly.
He grinned. "That's why you love me so much."
"I… just…" She threw up her hands, turning away to hide the flush of her cheeks. His smile widened. "Goodnight, Naruto."
"Just a quick one?"
"You aren't going to leave until I say yes, am I right?"
"Yup! You know me so well, Sakura-chan. We're made for each other, see?" he crowed, his voice rising.
"Shh! My parents will hear you!"
He gave her a sly grin. "So? It's not like they don't know already. I think they quite like me, actually. You should see how your mother looks at me…"
Sakura gritted her teeth. "You're making this very difficult."
"To resist me?"
Her mouth opened and closed several times before she could sputter out, "I-I'm going to ignore that."
"You're blushing," he said in a singsong voice.
"Cut it out!" And he kept singing. She glanced down the street; there were a few late night walkers and they were smiling at the young couple. Sakura could have sworn that the old woman had whispered something along the lines of 'young love' or something to her husband. "Naruto, you… fine!"
He stopped singing and smiled up at her. "Fine what?"
"Just… just one more. Last one. Then you're getting out of here, you hear me?"
"Yes ma'am!" He mock saluted her. Hell, he even had the nerve to pucker up his lips. "I'm ready," he said in a voice that made Sakura shiver.
"But I get to stay on this step," she said, placing her hands on his shoulders. Naruto was taller than her now. Even perched on the first step of her porch, she was just level with his face.
"Sure. Whatever makes you love-" His voice was cut off as Sakura pressed her lips against his. It was always like this, every night. They would spend the evening together, and when it was time to part ways, he would whine, she would reject, he would persist, and she would kiss.
If there was one thing Uzumaki Naruto truly believed in, it was that the last ones were the best.
They rested their foreheads together when the kiss ended, gazing into each other's eyes. This lasted longer than the kiss itself. Neither of them would admit it, but it was this tranquil silence and mutual understanding that lit up the end of the day. It just felt… good.
"Did I tell you?" Sakura whispered.
"Tell me what?"
"That you taste like ramen."
He stole another quick peck from her. She smacked his shoulder playfully but didn't look away. He grinned. "And did I tell you?"
"That you taste of me."