New York, Tuesday 8:33 Am

It was a day like every other. The wind blew through the trees in the park. Somewhere a child was laughing, birds were chirping. The people walked through the alley, some of them were with their dogs while holding their shopping bags in the other hand, others were wandering hand in hand enjoying the first sight of sunlight, which flew from the approaching clouds.

"Listen, can you remind me to call my dentist. I got a letter from them yesterday." A young man asked his friend.

"Okay." He responded. They moved along, the gravel crunched underneath their feet. The rushing of the wind in the trees was comforting. He heard Jamie take a deep breath and he relaxed as well. Then the laughing and chirping vanished, even the wind had stopped rushing.

"Can you remind me to call my dentist? I got a letter from them yesterday," Jamie said again.

"Yes I will, but Jamie, you've already asked me to." His friend said confused.

Jaime slowed down, and then stopped fully. There was no sound anymore and as Jamie's friend turned around, he saw all the people standing still. None moving.

Then, some began walking backwards. Suddenly there was a scream and shortly thereafter a second scream.

"Jamie, look at all these people, Jamie…" He broke up. He gazed back to his friend, whose eyes stared into space.

"I got a letter yesterday." He repeated again.

"Jamie, what's up with you?" sounding almost hysterical.

Jamie fumbled in his book bag and fetched out the knife he had used for lunch before. Slowly he raised his arm until the knife touched the skin of his throat. He pressed the point of the knife deeper a droplet of dark-red liquid begun running down. Then the third scream.


He was sitting in his office doing the paper work of an elapsed case while people were mutely walking pass the glass door. Inside his room was silence except the radio, which was standing on the windowsill. The news speaker was reading off the newest victory of a football team. All of sudden he grabbed the beanbag and threw it against the radio which suddenly stopped. Smothering silence. He felt anger rise up through his blood but he didn't know the cause of it. Then he heard something crackle and suddenly the radio went on again.

She was sitting in her office in front of the computer, reading what she'd written till now. It was a lecture for the next evening that she was preparing now, but she wasn't satisfied with what she had now.

"Damnit!" she murmured annoyed. Today nothing wanted to go as planned.


Washington DC, Tuesday 8:48 Am

"Strange weather today, isn't it?" The police officers said. He leaned against a car, talking with the taxi driver who was caught in the traffic jam.

"Yeah." Rushing of the leaves in the park next to them got louder and the noise of the cars ebbed away until it fell fully silent. The people on the sidewalk grew stiff and suddenly the police officer begun to jerk. Then he slowly started walking. As suddenly as he had set off he stopped. Leisurely he brought his hand to the gun at his side, clenching it and raised it to his forehead. A Shot resounded throughout the street. No one moved. Then a woman from the opposite street walked to the man, but instead of taking notice of the man, she took the gun. Shot. The Lady hadn't even fully fallen to the ground as the next passenger moved towards the gun.


Brennan still sat in her office troubled over the lecture, which was a mess. Then a ringing disturbed the silence and made her jump.


"Switch on the radio." A raw voice said.

"But…" She started.

"Now!" The voice cut off sharply. Brennan reached out for the radio and turned it on.

dozen's of bodies!" A female voice shrilled. "They committed suicide one after another! I saw it through the window, it was horrible. Here in DC! I've never seen something like that before!" There was a little crackle. "We assume that terrorists are behind this terrible happening." The news speaker now continued. "We will consult a specialist…"

"Oh my god." Brennan whispered.
