Chapter 3: The Cullen's P.O.V.

Edward P.O.V

It's a lonely life, the life that I live. Everyone has somebody, Carlisle and Esme have each other, Rosalie and Emmett have each other and Jasper and Alice have each other. I only have myself. I was able to delude myself up until now that I was happy with the life that I lead, but now I find myself longing for my other half.

All of my life I have been an outsider in my family, they say that it's not true, but I know that it is. I watch them as they go through the ups and downs of their relationships, and I wish that I had someone that I can love irrevocably. It confuses me, these thoughts. I have never had them before; I have never felt so out of place until now. Somehow I know that something in my life is going to change...forever.

I don't know whether to be fearful or grateful? Time shall tell.

Carlisle P.O.V.

I watch my son from afar and I notice a sense of melancholy around his being. I know that he is feeling isolated and detached from our family; he is the only one that is not one of a pair. He believes that he gets in the way of our lives, that's not true. He keeps us together.

We are such a strange family: a mind reader, a person who can see the future, an empath, a bear of a man, a pigheaded stubborn blonde, a compassionate mother figure, and a vampire doctor. The only reason that we are still together as a family is because of Edward. He doesn't realise it but this family is only a family because of his influence. His compassionate and selfless soul drew us all in, it resulted in me 'saving him' and bringing him into my life to avoid loneliness, I couldn't think of another caring soul that I would wish to spend my long life with. He was also one of the reasons why I turned Esme, yes I loved her from the moment I saw her, but that alone was not enough for me to change her. I would have been happy to let her go onto the afterlife to meet her son again, if it wasn't for Edward.

I knew that he needed a mother figure.

He missed his own so much I wanted to ease the pain of her passing by providing someone who could help him through it. The result of this was my beautiful wife Esme.

It is also because of Edward that Rosalie came into our life, followed by Emmett a few years later. If it wasn't for that family that existed then Alice and Jasper wouldn't have found us and then we wouldn't have been the Cullen and Hale's that the townsfolk knew now.

He doesn't realise that if he were to leave, we would all follow. I wish I could get through to him and make him realise his own worth. Somehow I know that something is about to happen, something to change his outlook on life, and I hope to ever God that I know that the change will be for the best and keep our family together.

Esme P.O.V.

I am worried about my youngest son. Edward may be older than me in one way, but he is still my youngest. His innocence and selflessness is plain for all to see, he screams out for a mothers influence. I may be bias but I think that he is the best son that a woman can have. If my baby had lived to grow to adulthood I would have wished for him to be just like my Edward is. Those years that he was away from us, were the worst years of my extended life, the worry I felt for him was beyond anything that I have ever felt before, not just for his safety but his mental well being as well. When he finally returned, beating himself up for the lives that he had taken it was the most useless I have ever felt, there was no way that I could take the guilt away from him.

Now it's like that time all over again. I can physically see him pulling away from the family, but there is nothing I can do about it. If he thinks that he is getting away like he did last time he has a fight on his hands, I am sure that Emmett, Jasper and even Carlisle would physically restrain him if the need arose. Somehow I know that something is going to happen that will either bring him closer to us or drive him further away, I hope that the latter is true. If he leaves again I will have no choice but to follow him. My handsome baby boy.

Emmett P.O.V.

I may look like a bear and act like a goofball, but I am not blind. I know that my little brother is going through some sort of rut or depression, and I also know that it is out of my control. That is something that I do not like at all. I don't like not being able to control something, especially something that would help me help my family.

I don't know what I can do to snap him out of this funk, but one thing that I do know is that something better come to help him out of it, and soon.

Rosalie P.O.V.

People may think that I am too wrapped up in myself to see that something is going on with my brother, well they are wrong. I know that there is something wrong, I know that he is pulling himself away from us, but I don't know how to stop it. I may act like I think I am the centre of the universe, but I know that I am not. I know that our world is the way that it is because of my little brother.

I just hope that he can find someone like I found my Emmett. He deserves it, and he deserves it soon. I think that that is all that he needs to make his existence worthwhile again.

Jasper P.O.V.

I can't stand to be in the same room as my little brother at the minute, how messed up is that. Whenever I get anywhere near him I feel such loneliness that I am hard pressed not to start crying. How does he live with it? Alice knows something that will help him but she won't tell me. She says 'it's only a matter of time'.

Well I hope that time comes soon. I hate to see anyone I care about suffer.

Alice P.O.V.

I watch my brother and I am barely able to stop myself from jumping up and down in happiness. I know it may sound strange, my brother is depressed and I am happy about it, well not about the depressed part, but about the fact that I know that very very soon the one that we are all looking for will come and snap him out of it. My vision wasn't exact; all that I saw was a happy Edward with someone in his arms, a brunette with beautiful green eyes. I can't wait for him to get here, the sooner the better I think.

A/N So what do you think? Do you think that I captured the characters right or what?

Please review I would be so grateful!!