This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Christmas

Chapter 47 - Christmas Morning

Thursday, December 25, 2008

*Portrait of Kindness* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"So," Kagome said to her group of friends gathered in the living room around the brightly glowing Christmas tree. "Is everyone ready to open presents?"

"Damn right we're ready!" Inuyasha exclaimed, earning laughs from almost everyone present. Sesshoumaru merely smirked, still not entirely comfortable being surrounded by Kagome's friends. He usually only laughed around her.

"Alright then." The miko sat on the floor and began sorting out the large pile of gifts, handing things to their intended recipients. Once everything was sorted, they took turns opening and admiring what they had received.

Sesshoumaru was quite surprised to have received any gifts at all, especially because they were all so thoughtful and appropriate. How did these people even know what he liked?

Finally, it was Kagome's turn, and she worked her way through her pile. When she was finished, Sesshoumaru handed her his gift, wrapped in shiny red paper. She unwrapped it carefully, almost as if she was afraid to tear the paper, and she smiled when the velvet box was revealed.

"Jewelry?" she asked.

*The Butterfly Dream* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"Open it," he replied, now extremely nervous about his choice. None of her friends had bought her jewelry, and he wondered if there was a reason for that. These people had known her for years longer than he had and most likely knew things about her he had yet to discover.

The miko snapped open the velvet box and gasped at the beauty of the item within. "It's amazing!"

"Let's see it!" Sango said excitedly.

Kagome turned the box around, and Inuyasha snickered. "Couldn't avoid that crescent moon, huh, bro?"

"To see the woman I love wearing the sign of my house? No, I could not resist. Do you like it, Kagome?"

"Like it? I love it. You know how much I love butterflies."

Sesshoumaru mentally sighed. No, he hadn't known how much she loved butterflies, only that her beauty reminded him of one. Still, it worked out to his advantage. She was happy with his gift. His time of torture at the mall had been worth it. When she took it out of the box and handed it to him, he helped her put it on and everyone admired the sparkling charm dangling around her neck. It suited her perfectly.

"Hey man, can I talk to you in the other room for a minute?" Inuyasha said to his brother. Their departure was barely noticed by the two girls as they gushed over Kagome's new necklace. Miroku merely looked on with curiosity before flipping through one of his new books. Whatever Inuyasha had to talk to Sesshoumaru about was none of his business.

- *The Ring* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"That's what you bought her? A necklace?" Inuyasha whispered.

"What is wrong with it? She certainly seems to like it."

"Nothing's wrong with it, but I thought you were going to get something a little..." The hanyou paused, trying to find the right words. "Something more special."

"Like what?"

"I thought you were going to get her an engagement ring, but I had a feeling you'd puss out. That's why I brought you this." Inuyasha handed Sesshoumaru a ring box.

When the taiyoukai opened it, his eyes widened in shock. "The family ring. I thought you were keeping it."

"Well, traditionally it's supposed to go to whoever is getting mated first, and since I can't keep a girlfriend for more than two weeks, that's definitely you. I always thought it would look good on Kagome's finger."

Sesshoumaru smiled a genuine smile. He always thought Inuyasha would insist on keeping the ring since it had last been his mother's, but it had been passed down for generations, and it was rightfully the taiyoukai's since he found his desired mate first.

"Now, why don't you go and ask that girl to marry you?"

- *And the World Begins Today* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Sesshoumaru was frozen for a moment as Inuyasha left him alone. Could he do it? Could he ask Kagome to be his wife and mate? He always wanted to but was hesitant to consider it until he revealed himself to her. Now that was no longer holding him back. He hadn't had time to prepare, however, and he had no idea what to say. Could he wing it? Would she say yes?

Just the night before, she said that she intended to stay with him forever when he said the same. Surely that meant she would agree. Was this romantic enough? He always imagined taking her to a fancy restaurant and hiding the ring in her dessert or some other overly cheesy gesture that she would remember for the rest of her life. Still, all her friends were present and it was her favorite day of the year. This could be the perfect moment. Now, how did he do it?

'Simply walk out there, get down on one knee, and ask her!' his beast said in his mind. 'It doesn't have to be difficult or extravagant. She loves us. That is all we need to know. She will say yes.'

Considering that his beast had been right all along about the miko, Sesshoumaru decided that, for once, he would simply shut up and listen. His beast seemed to have a good grasp on what the miko liked and wanted, so he was going to trust him this time. The taiyoukai squared his shoulders, sucked up his self-confidence, and headed back into the living room. Today was the first day of the rest of his life, and he was going to grab it with both hands and never let go.

- *Two of Us* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"Where's Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked when Inuyasha returned alone.

"Oh, he's coming. He just needed a minute."

"What did you say to him?" the miko asked suspiciously.

At that moment Sesshoumaru appeared with a strange look of determination on his face. The taiyoukai took Kagome's hand and encouraged her to stand before dropping to one knee at her feet. Sango squealed, quickly covering her mouth to contain the sound while Kagome's eyes widened comically.

"Sesshoumaru?" she asked.

"Kagome, I love you, and I do not wish to spend a single day of my life without you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife and mate?" He presented the open ring box and awaited her answer.

Silence reigned in the air for a long moment, and all Sesshoumaru could hear was his own heart pounding in his ears. Had he been wrong in his thoughts? Was she going to tell him no? He looked up at her, his eyes pleading for an answer while her own filled with tears. His heart nearly stopped at the sight. She was going to tell him no. He was certain of it.

"Yes!" she replied happily, bouncing on her heels. "Of course I will!"

*Spilling Salt* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Tears were streaming down her face as he rose and slipped the ring onto her finger, finding that it fit her perfectly. He sent a glance at Inuyasha, who only gave him a thumbs-up, before pulling his weeping miko into his arms.

"Why do you cry?" he whispered in her ear, running his hand soothingly up and down her back.

She answered him with a kiss, one full of passion and happiness, and the taiyoukai finally relaxed. These were happy tears, and he could handle them, even though the scent of her tears usually made him insane.

"I love you," she said before sniffling and wiping at her wet cheeks. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry. I just wasn't expecting this."

"So long as you are happy, there is nothing to apologize for. You know," he said thoughtfully as he sat and pulled the miko into his lap, "this means we'll need a bigger house."

"What? Why?" she asked. "You planning on getting me pregnant right away?" she said with a playful grin.

"While this house is big enough for the two of us, where will Rin and Shippo sleep? I'm assuming they will each desire their own room." He'd been thinking about it for a while now and had decided that he could overcome his instincts to do this if it would make Kagome happy. He'd felt an instant connection with the little human girl and he knew his miko was just as attached to the kitsune. They could give them both a good home and it would earn him points with his fiancé. Gods, how he loved being able to call her that now, even if it was only in his mind so far.

Kagome's eyes widened, and her tears began anew. "You mean it?"

"If that is what you want, Kagome, then that is what we shall do."

The miko laughed. "I bet Shippo will like you a whole lot more than he does now when he finds out."

"One can only hope."

"So, tell me, Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha started. "Christmas doesn't seem nearly so bad, does it?"

The taiyoukai smirked. "It has its moments."

Kagome beamed. She had accomplished her goal, and Sesshoumaru was no longer a Grinch. Her soon to be mate and husband had admitted that he liked Christmas, or at least parts of it. She was certain she could guess which parts, and most of them included her naked, but that didn't really matter. She won the bet that had started everything. She had her man with no secrets between them. Yes, this had been a very good Christmas, indeed.

The End