I do NOT own The world ends with you! no matter how much I wish I did. I only own the OC characters, and two of which are my friends' characters.

Yes, this is BOY OC X Joshua later on, and yes, Its slash fiction, if you DON'T like that, then please don't read this.
Flames will be Ignored, though reviews encouraged! Rating may change later on!

I know there are many many MANY other pairings with TWEWY Characters, this is my pairing! I don't bitch, or complain that I owned that character or shot off at other people for making their own OC X Character pairings because its THEIR business what they want to make public, just as it is mine . It's called freedom of the press, and if you actually wanted to read this, then I applaud your character for tolerating my opinions toward the whole Fan girl/boysim.

The sky split in a crack of lightning in the distance, rain falling onto the darkened grey asphalt. A raven haired boy blew out a slow breath of air, warm air trailing like smoke out and around his head. Dark, maroon colored eyes half open in lazy thought.
/It's grown so cold to me now…/

A blast of wind tugged at his ruby jacket and svelte frame, popping the collar open and exposing the pale neck to the cold. He wasn't fazed by the tirade that was the storm. He should be heading back, as it was long past curfew, and the disastrous weather should have made him head back long ago. Truth be told, the storm was almost a comfort to him, things happened when it stormed. His parents died during a storm….it drizzled when he was driven to his new home with other abandoned boys, when something bad had happened, the sky seemed to express what he couldn't; sorrow…rage, but it all fell upon deaf ears.

Kiba Juusatsu's world was silent and monotone, a "miracle" child who had lost two of the most important senses before birth. He could not hear…and he could not see color. His world lacked any luster, or any strand of possibility, to him, Shibuya was a dead city. A sigh "I should head back" he mumbled "but I've walked way too far to turn back in this weather". Kiba groaned, flicking rain-soaked hair from his eyes, it was pretty late, not many places would be open. Looking off to the distance, he noticed a shop was still open through the downpour of rain, and headed toward it. /Wildkat cafe?/

Kiba glanced at the overhanging sign with distaste /kudos for good use of a misspelling/. Regardless, the café was warm, and dry, and would suffice until the rain passed. It was empty, but Kiba took a seat in attempt to warm up a little. The place seemed a little too retro for his taste, but he had no real taste in fashion or furniture, being so bold as to blend Tigre' Punks and Lapin Angelique together for his own look (which he so un-shamefully named 'Punk Angel style' . However, at that time he would have traded his whole wardrobe for a thick, dry blanket.
By the time he got the warmth back into his hands, his eyes scanned a staircase near the front desk, leading up to a partly open door. Shadows cast into the hallway showed people where inside. A curious look, wondering what was going on /Curiosity killed the cat…. / Kiba got up, starting up the stairs with a little smirk /good thing I'm not a cat or Id of lost all my lives by now/.

The room was dark, the only light coming from neon lights a few building away. Kiba could barely make out the two people in the small room, talking in low tones to one another. One figure seemed laid back, the other a little more tense, but both identical silhouettes.

"Are you so sure?"
"I'm positive…"
"I have been wrong before"
"not often, I'm afraid"
"good point"

They seemed to finish off the other's sentence, Kiba focused, intent on finding out what they were talking about, and he could just barely read the lips of whoever was talking through the faint light in the room.

"I thought this would never happen"
"well if it is, I fear the worst for my Shibuya, I don't know what's happened to make it out of balance like this"
"be quiet..."

There was a very long pause, tension drawing thin in the atmosphere. Kiba drew back into the shadows, slowly.

"..hm...I see…Do you even know who it is then?"
"……Yes, I can feel
him. He's close by…"

One of them seemed to smirk, Kiba hiding flat behind the door /did they see me? /

"Don't break him" (*sigh*)
"It's like you don't even know me" (*laugh*)
"I know myself very well…don't break him…I can't waste anymore time here, I'm already pushing my limit. Be careful"

Kiba covered his mouth to suppress a gasp as one of the two figures faded away like a ghost The remaining boy gave a sigh "Now to just stay hidden in the UG…I can find out what's going on and put a stop to it before….".A sudden smell of burning shag carpet made the boy turn around, gasping as the floor began to catch on fire. The fire rose up into a plume of flames, crackling and snapping at the boy, who winced in pain as he was burned.
Kiba began backing away from the door as a fiery red glow seemed to resonate from the small opening. It was followed by weaker blue snaps of energy, like fireworks. But the door soon began to blacken at the ends, and a loud, roar like laughter consumed the room along with a raging fire blasting and licking at the door frame. Kiba felt the resonating echo of a screech of terror that was swallowed up by the crackling flames


Kiba suddenly felt a low blasting sensation cutting through his body, shaking the building as smoke filtered from the doorway /There's someone still in there!/. Covering his mouth with the neck of his jacket, he charged through the door into the flames…..There were no flames…no burning furniture…Kiba couldn't even smell smoke. Kiba let his jacket fall off his mouth "but…"

/there was an inferno in here!!!! I SAW IT!!!/.

Nothing looked touched…it was, empty. "What?" Glancing around, the only disturbance in the room where shattered windows, letting in the pouring rain from outside. Scared for his life, he left the room in a hurry, almost falling down the stairs in the process.

The rain hadn't let up at all outside, a flash of lightning almost blinding Kiba as he sped out of the café like a bat out of hell. /I'm losing my mind; I have to be going crazy! / Lungs ablaze as he rounded that last corner, shooting up the tree outside the third story boy's wing and into the quiet room, dripping wet.

The boy's wing in the foster care center Kiba lived in was plain, white hallways, and lots of doors. Though it was well kept, it felt too shut off from everything else, least, that's what Kiba thought of the place. He noticed the cleaning crew hadn't stopped down this hall yet, they wouldn't suspect Kiba was out after curfew if he hurried. Fumbling with his room key, he slid behind an oak door, collapsing behind it and gasping for every breath of air his lungs could hold. The bedroom was mostly in shades of blue, with plain wood furnishings like a simple hotel room; only years of being lived in gave the walls color, posters and wall scrolls from the three occupants having decorated it.


The other boys he shared the room with where still up and alert, playing Tin-pin. Skylar, the plainly dressed boy with way too many freckles on his pale skin, blonde hair jutting out everywhere as if he had never brushed it once in his life. And Skylar's brother Tori, a long red haired boy with clothes that looked more like shredded fabric than wearable clothing, and green eyes behind repaired Emo glasses. Both boys jerked as the door was opened, but relaxed seeing it was only Kiba. "Dude, what took you? You where gone for hours, and you're soaking wet!" Tori exclaimed, Skylar, making motions with his hands to translate.

Kiba moved his hands almost too fast to read "you wouldn't believe me if I told you, I found this cafe, right? And I went inside to warm up, but I got curious and started exploring the place, some dude in the attic spontaneously combusted!!!!" Both boys gave Kiba this 'you're right, we don't believe you' look, ((which was usually wide eyes and raised eyebrows, done in unison)). Kiba sighed "forget it…" he stood "I'm going to go warm up and get to bed" Kiba disappeared through a side door, where sounds of running water soon resonated.

"You didn't forget right?" Tori gave Skylar a look, sneaky "heck no, I like keeping my skin bruise free…Kiba won't get up that early for anything, not even that". Tori gave a shrug "worth a shot, besides what Idiot would sleep through his…" The conversation was drowned out by the sound of water rushing from a shower head.

"……" Joshua's mind flew in and out of focus, trying to remember what had happened. It was so hot before…now, it's cold and cramped. He couldn't feel anything, or even move for that matter. And to make things worse, his eyes where failing him, everything was blurred. Shibuya's music was slowing in his ears, faint. "I…I have to stay awake…" he glanced around, not finding or feeling the familiar blue oxford with the annoying collar, not feeling rain that he knew he could hear pouring all around him. "….It…It took my body" Joshua hissed, trying to move with no luck at all "I need…to find a host…" He felt a familiar pressure as wings unfurled from his back, the only things he could move. He focused with the energy he had left, sifting through the music of Shibuya as fast as he could, finding that one solemn chord, that faint, depressing unfinished ballad that tossed Shibuya slightly off key (In his opinion).

It glowed faint before his eyes, its song more like a deadly lullaby that made Joshua hurt to listen to. It was raw and unfinished, unattended to and filled with so much distaste and desire, It made Joshua realize that was how he became composer, wanting to change things because of distaste in the city he loved so much. He had wanted to fix the broken music long ago…when it first sounded off key, but His producer assured him kinks work out themselves, and he shouldn't bother with "a few flaws in a large production". But as time moved on, Joshua remembers reaching out to the strands of frayed music many times, feeling its pain as it traced around his hands, like razorblades to the skin. Broken, so beautifully broken but held together with wisps of music to keep it from falling into dead silence. It was as if the person knew how much their song hurt, but kept pity from others away to show strength.

It was neglected music…

But it oh so willingly flew to Josh's call, entwining around the boy and playing its best, but softest tune for him. "He tries so hard…." Joshua was fading fast, it was now or never "Take me to him…take me to this broken composer*". His wings unfurled, body heavily pulled along the music like a hawk upon an air current. To him, he was flying through blackness….to the unwary passerby, it appeared as if a firefly** had gotten lost in the rain, flying lazily, but glowing brightly.

Kiba slid under the thick black comforter he had swapped for the flimsy blue, regular one. Content to finally be warm again, he began to think over what he had seen…what he had felt…. /Why did I want to just…jump into a burning room? / A confused look /I could have really been hurt if there was a real fire…/ He curled up, worried /the window was broken…maybe, the idiot who got stuck in the flames got out? But a fire doesn't go out that fast, and with no burning remains? Its' not possible….almost unnatural…/ He paused /wait….why the hell do I even care!?/ With a huff, he rolled over, shutting his eyes.

Joshua was fading fast, but he could feel his Dark close by. "Just a little farther" the light seemed to dim a bit. Joshua couldn't hear the rain anymore, and the air was warmer now. Losing his last bits of energy, the ball of light faded away….
Landing on the pillow beside Kiba's head, and fading away into the darkness of the room.

Hope you all enjoyed this, Chapter two coming soon =3


When Joshua says "Take me to this broken composer"= It wasn't intended to mean a real, god-like composer. See if everything puts off music in TWEWY, then the source of that music would be its ''Composer'' so to speak. (Plus it sounded poetic and I was on an emotional roll XD it sounded good)

** Firefly= Small ball of light, not a bug, in a thick downpour some people can't tell headlights from flash lights X3.

Why I am using the word 'Dark'; Similar to how Neku is called Joshua's "Proxy" and I can't think of anything better.

Reason for Kiba's Deaf and color blindness; both where inherited through one of his parents,
-His mother who was carrier the recessive gene for Colorblindness and Audio loss, gave Kiba the rare condition of pure colorless sight.
-His father, was purely deaf, and passed it on by chance.