Warning: THIS IS YOUR TRIGGER WARNING. This story has themes of sexual assault, rape, and torture. It is a DARK story. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Disclaimer: Don't Own Ranma ½. Yes. JUST Ranma ½. That's all this fic has in it. Can you believe it? Bet ya can't. And here you thought all the possible Pure Ranma ½ fics were written and re-written didn't you!? Hah!
Credits: Okay. So sending a special thanks out to Ryo-Wolf for giving me this idea in the first place, and another goes to Ozzallos for helping me pervert it into the fic it's become. ^_^; Heh. Hope ya ain't too pissed with how much I screwed with it Ryo!
Her War
"Everything you have, I will take. Everything you love, I will destroy. And then, I will kill you. This I vow."
— Saotome, Ranma
Years they kept us there in that cage. A black pit for their whores and their captives. The weak. The prisoners. Those they defeated. I was just one of them. And we rotted in there. All of us did. Those who came before me were lifeless, broken things. Not weak willed. Not the least of them. But those strong wills they had once had, were long since torn and shredded.
I remember the first night. The fear. The pain of it all. I had been an Amazon! I had been a symbol! And before that night, I had never known fear. Terror. Before that night, I had never cried myself to sleep, wishing life was just a dream.
Was it days? Or was it decades that I was held in that cage? Forced to the whim of our 'masters?' Beaten until obedience was the only thing I remembered? How long must it have been?
I do not know. And I do not care.
The day She was thrown into my cell, naked and cold just as I had been so long ago... was the day I was born again.
Akane Tendo was terrified. How could this be? How could this possibly be!? Well… obviously she knew how! But it just… couldn't be!
Oh god. What would she do? What should she say?! Terror crept up her spine. Mousse… wasn't the type of person to leave her over something like this was he?
Wait… it… could be wrong!
Right. She'd have to try again! To make sure. Be certain...
Ten minutes later and another three tests only confirmed what the first test had stated.
She was pregnant.
Oh god.
If it was a boy she could have him marry little Ranma-chan to join the schools!
… AGH! She was turning into her father!
Her mind jumping from place to place, so fast that she could barely form a coherent thought was the only thing that kept her from leaning against the wall, sliding down it, and bawling.
Kasumi! Kasumi would know what to do!
Standing, she dashed towards the door, grabbing her shoes as she went, until she suddenly ran into something hard, bouncing off, and falling straight to the floor.
"Oww…." She moaned. "He watch where you're—! Mousse!" She exclaimed terrified.
"Are you alright, Akane?" He asked, worriedly, as he knelt down beside her. His white robe long traded for more traditional Japanese clothing, a green shirt and black pants, making him look vaguely similar to Ranma if she really thought about it, only accentuated his lack of glasses.
His arms went around her neck and beneath her knees to lift her easily, and Akane almost swooned. How the hell had Shampoo ever disliked this man? It made no sense to her.
But she couldn't hold back the tears. "I… I'm fine! You idiot!" She cursed. "D-Don't do that! You have to say wh-when you're coming in!"
She was openly bawling. God dammit! Why? Why couldn't she ever stop crying these days!?
Admittedly this time she had a pretty good reason to be crying. She was pregnant. Oh god, she was pregnant. She was going to have a baby! B-A-B-Y, baby! And Mousse didn't know. He didn't know!
What if he didn't want it? What if he left her!?
God, how could she not cry!?
She almost slammed her face into his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her.
"A-Akane? What…? What's wrong?" He asked. "I… I know that couldn't have hurt you that much. What is it?"
His voice was soft. Caring. What would it be like when he knew? When she told him that she would have his baby. Wait… would he want an abortion? No! Surely not! He was an Amazon! Had been…. They didn't even have abortions out there in the middle of China!
Wait… did this mean he would have to marry her?
"I... I… I… It's… I…. d-do you love me!?" The girl bawled.
Mousse smiled. "Of course. What's wrong, Akane-chan?" He asked.
Mousse had long since grown accustomed to the girl's tears. She cried almost every day, and it hadn't taken Mousse long to make a connection between Akane and her tearful father. It was strange. After… after Ranma's death, Akane had… changed. Drastically. It gave strange insights into Soun Tendo's history as well.
She had become a tearful creature of pent emotions. All that emotion that the girl had once contained, always unleashed with her anger upon the object of her affection had disappeared, leaving behind a girl who could barely think without crying. Ranma had been her life. Ranma had been her love. Ranma had been her everything.
She didn't cry much anymore, though Ranma's… death… had left a strong impact on her. She never grew angry anymore. Instead her mind seemed to jump from thing to thing at rapid fire spurts that left the girl almost completely different from the Akane of old.
But… it was this Akane that he'd fallen in love with.
Now she was becoming happier and happier by the day. And Mousse was certain that it was him that had caused that. Him. He had made her happy. Made her happy enough to forget her broken heart.
Honestly, Mousse didn't think any of the fiancée's had loved Ranma like Akane had. Shampoo hadn't… broken… like Akane had. Nor had Ukyo. They were both alright. Akane though…? Mousse remembered those days. A glance at the youngest Tendo's face in the months after Ranma died would have been enough to bring anyone to depression.
They searched the remains of Mount Horaisan. Days. Days became weeks. Weeks became months of nothing but sifting through dirt. For a body. For something. The only thing they had found was one of Ranma's bracers.
Nothing could have survived that mountain collapsing.
And Akane had just… turned off. She'd become so… different that even Kuno had stopped pursuing her. For a short time Mousse remembered Akane taking solace in Ryoga. But that was to be expected. Ryoga had been a good friend. They'd tried to date even but… it just hadn't worked out. Ryoga had begun to resent the love Akane still clearly held for Ranma.
But… now had been long enough for her to forget. And he was her boyfriend.
"Akane…? What's got you so shaken up!?" He demanded.
"I… uhm… I… I am—! Er… I need to go! I need to go talk to… to my sister, okay? I'll… I'll be back in a little while! Oka—?"
Tap! Tap! Tap!
Both of their ears perked up. That was unusual. There weren't many people who visited the Tendo Dojo and knocked. Most people simply walked in. But sure enough, someone was knocking on the gate out in the front yard.
"I'll… I'll get it." Akane said worriedly, squirming her way, out of Mousse's cradling of her, and dashing off to the gate out front.
Mousse quirked an eyebrow at the girl, barely caring about who was at the door. Something was wrong. But what could—!?
At that moment, his eyes drifted across the pregnancy test wrappers littering the bed.
"Oh." Was all he could manage to say, so shocked was his mind.
Ryoga stared at the clock, as he waited patiently for his intended date. Sweat trailed down his brow as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise in abject horror at the thought of the fact that he was about to actually attempt to date.
Not that he wasn't already deeply in love with the girl, but they had almost never actually dated. Add to that, this girl's version of a date was quite… skewered. He'd only recently discovered that all their endless battles and fights had actually been dates.
Heh. If only Ranma had known back then, he probably could have gotten rid of her. It was only now that Ryoga realized that Ranma had never wanted the girl.
He sighed, as his mind went again to the bane of his existence. And yet… not… For, if not for Ranma, then who could he blame for the gorgeous woman he was about to enjoy the evening with?
He took his eyes away from the clock warily. It was time… One door. Another. Another. Ah! There's the exit!
After he had made it outside of the building, a commendable accomplishment that he was more than proud of considering he'd only opened three doors and there were at least forty in the establishment, he jumped.
The battle was on in an instant, as his fiancée threw her weapon at him in heated passion. Sweat poured off her nubile body, the heat of midsummer bearing heavily down on the beautiful girl, and he couldn't help but adore the arc in her incredible kick as she followed her weapon down to where it had only barely missed him.
Dodging once, twice, now she was out of weapons; she only carried the two, and it would take a moment for the girl to retrieve them, he took his chance. Snatching twenty seven bandannas from his forehead, he launched them with dizzying accuracy at the girl, hot fury dicing his vision as it always did in the heat of battle.
Admittedly less so against this particular opponent.
The girl's grace was unbelievable as she bounded off his spinning headbands almost as fast as he could see. She'd had been training too, and her skill had not slackened in the slightest.
She… was almost as good as Ranma-chan now. As fast surely, with a grace that even the red-head had not been able to match.
He could admit that now, he decided. Ranma's girl form was truly the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Save for the beauty in front of him. His fiancée. Still, he couldn't help but compare himself. He was better then Ranma had once been, now. He was sure of it!
'Can you make a mountain topple as if it were a sand castle, Ryoga? You'll never match him, and you know it.' His mind told him, but he shoved the thoughts away.
He… had never tried to decimate a mountain. His ki… his strongest attack, The Leopard's Rush, was not as powerful as the Lion's Roar Bullet of old. The perfect one at least. But it was strong. Far stronger then Ranma's attack had been… but could it hold a candle to the unbelievable ingenuity that was the other black haired youth?
Well… that didn't matter anymore. To his regret.
Before he could blink the girl was upon him. He parried the sideways kick that the girl had somehow made flash from his lower right side, backing him up to the edge of the building upon which he stood. He leapt back and away from her returning arc, swinging around on… what the?
"Surprising, no?" She said, daintily even as her foot slammed into his face, the girl pivoting on the grounded ball end of a third Bonbori that she had somehow pulled from nowhere.
He flew over the edge of the building but easily caught himself, hardly feeling the kick. If one thing had not changed it was his Hibiki strength and toughness. He'd always been Ranma's better in that regard. Too bad that never seemed to count for enough to defeat the pigtailed…
Dammit! He was in a fight! Err… date! What the hell was he thinking!
His umbrella was in his hands before he even realized it, and he stabbed it into the side of the building without a second thought. Bounding back up to the top of the building, regretfully leaving the bamboo-made weapon behind, he arced over his fiancée with ease.
Grinning at her irritated look, he launched a few more boomerang like bandanas at his target which she batted away as soon as he landed.
"You slack off!" The girl exclaimed heatedly. "No fun for you tonight!"
More than enough to make the poor lost boy crinkle in despair. "What!? You learned a new trick, that doesn't mean I slacked off! I'm still more than standing!" He shouted in protest.
"Was match on log in village, you already lost!" The girl replied, her voice edged with the same anger and fire he'd grown to love about her.
His face dropped into a smile and he threw another bandana. Just one. But this one was a bit different.
The bandana flew at speeds Ranma couldn't have even comprehended back then, blasting right by the girl before she could even blink. "I… think it's you who has been slacking, Airen." He stated, with a somewhat lusty grin, as the girl's shirt fell open.
The girl blinked, for a moment, not realizing what he had done. Then she noticed her breasts, covered by only a bra standing out in the open sunlight, and the shredded remains of her shirt lying on the floor.
Xian Pu had the decency to blush furiously. "That… not fair! You cheat!" He gave her a half lidded stare, and the girl's anger wilted under his stare. "So… Xian Pu's Airen, stronger than she… not bad thing. But, Xian… er… I need more training! Okay!?"
Ryoga gave a proud grin at the girl's use of pronouns, and decided it would not be amiss to reward her by making an idiot out of himself, and attempted to agree lightheartedly in her own native Mandarin.
When the girl burst out laughing, he assumed he'd said something wrong.
"Baka-Airen." She replied, when her fit of laughter finally subsided. The girl approached him happily, grinning as she let her arms slip over his shoulders, while his casually drifted his own behind her back. "At least… uh… what word… you try." The girl finished, finally recalling the proper word to use, after a heavy bit of straining to reach it.
Ryoga grinned. "So… no fun for me tonight, hmm?" He muttered, chancing a sly glance down the exposed portion of her cleavage. "Seems kind of like it should be me telling you that."
The girl blushed harder. It had been some time since Ryoga had defeated her so soundly, but she did not regret bringing him to do so. She knew Ryoga was far beyond her… just… just as Ranma had been.
She shook herself. It did not do to think on old loves, long gone. She had done well, managing to keep him out of her mind for almost three weeks… days like this… with the sunset reminding her of days spent chasing… what she now admitted would probably have been an uncatchable prey…
They were good times… regardless of who would have won his heart, in the end.
Either way… these were better times. It would do no good to let the bitter memory of Ranma taint it.
Still… thoughts of how life could have been by now. With Ranma, the man who fought Herb, Prince of the Musk to a standstill and took him down with him. The thought still made her shiver in wonder. But… she had begun to move on now. Ranma… was gone. And she had to forget. Or she would never be able to get over him.
Not that Ryoga was a bad catch in any way. The man would walk through fire for her. And honestly, he could probably trash the Musk Prince these days. Were he under the proper motivation anyway. Even Ranma would probably be humbled by him.
Suddenly a rapping came from the downstairs front door.
"Odd. We aren't open for hours. Who is here, Xian Pu wonder?" The girl intoned. The rapping grew louder.
Then the sound of the door being slid open could be heard below. Their eyes narrowed.
Nabiki Tendo was tired. All day she'd been working rigorously on her homework, and she'd found that it still wasn't enough to finish, or even really make a dent in all that she had to do.
Collecting money at college was far more difficult than it had been in high school. The students were all slicker. Smarter.
Granted, she was smarter still, but these students had made it into Tokyo U. They weren't dumb. And even a little brains was enough to be capable of avoiding her. Unlike Furinkan where she had been a queen, her word, law, here she was merely a bishop. Tuition collectors were far more fierce then she.
But she would grow… oh, she would grow. She had plans. Big plans already in the making. Even after college was over, this was where she was crafting her battleground. She would be the queen once again. Ohh yes… The time was coming!
But first she had to finish this damn homework! Gah! No one ever told her how hard college could be!
Fortunately, finances were not a worry for her any longer. Without Daddy asking to borrow money from her for repairs for the house every other day, or Kasumi for a few bucks for tonight's dinner, she had much less to worry about. Tuition, housing? They were a piece of cake. If only she weren't forced to reside in these contemptible small rooms! Forced together with a girl who was even more strange then even Ryoga!
Probably not Kuno. Or the Golden Pair. But definitely more strange than Ryoga.
"You look like crap, Nabiki." Rita, her roommate, laughed down at her. Nabiki rolled over on her bed and growled, to which the girl only laughed.
Sighing she glanced over at the clock mounted on her wall. Two thirty. Right. Agunata was due to meet her to pay his dues at three thirty. Plenty of time for a few hours shut-eye.
"Shut up." Nabiki cursed, as she rolled herself up, her eyes facing into the sunlight of mid-afternoon filtering in through the window. "I have a test this Friday. And I'm dying inside." She joked idly.
"Want a soda?" The girl asked chirpishly, her blonde hair, and unbearably foreign accent gnawing as Nabiki's nerves. "It usually helped me when I was 'dying inside.'" She laughed.
"Sure." Nabiki replied.
Her roommate was almost four years older than her, and really only here because her unbelievably rich father didn't want her around. Or so she insinuated at least.
Nabiki jumped slightly as a swift and harsh knocking came bearing down on the hard-wooden door that was her and her roommate's entrance.
Languorously, Nabiki rose. She hated answering the door when she'd just been napping. But she knew Agunata was terrified of visitors. She almost laughed at the girl, now lying on her own bed, covered by her blankets, and quivering. It would be funny if it weren't so damn common. Weird girl.
Nabiki opened the door to find three soldiers, all clearly members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. Military of some sort anyway. All of them were decorated with medals, but one, the shortest, stood out far beyond the other two.
"Hello, Ma'am. Are you Nabiki Tendo?" He asked lightly.
"Is Nabiki-chan under arrest?" Her roommate piped from her place hidden in her covers.
Nabiki sighed.
Genma Saotome was an old man. When his son had died, he had been almost certain the boy had gone and taken his soul right along with him. Other things of course had led to his elderly appearance comparatively to only two and a half years ago, but that, he was certain, was the main contributing factor.
Even so, he was no deadbeat old man. He felt his age, but he didn't let it get him down like Soun had when he'd lost his wife all those years ago. No. He learned from his friend's mistake, and knew that dwelling on the past would not help him.
Instead he was preparing. Preparing once again. He was a bit older. Looking, but like Happosai, it had not hurt him. He was now a bit faster. A bit stronger. And he knew… he knew… he could do it again. His little daughter, named Ranma after her older brother, despite the improper gender of the name, would be the greatest martial artist ever. Passing Ranma by endless miles.
But this time, there was a difference. He wouldn't be leaving home.
He'd learned the error of that, and found that within the short time Ranma had remained within Nerima, his skill had surely tripled. Did it not follow that training little Ranma here would make her even stronger?
Perhaps it was the array of martial artists their journey had attracted that had caused Ranma's later unbelievable advance, but even so, many of those same people remained here. Ryoga and Xian Pu were more than willing to care for, and train their former friend's protégé. And were not Akane and Mousse stronger than they had ever been?
Hmm. Those two really should have a child. A son, he hoped. Otherwise, another trip to Jusenkyo might be needed. The schools would be joined yet!
Through it all, Genma found that, despite all the little regrets he had, he had one major one that outstripped them all. He'd never told his Son just how proud of him he was. Not really. And now he regretted that more than anything.
He wouldn't fail with his daughter. If she died before him, or if she buried him fifty years from now, she would know that he loved her. No matter what the girl did with her life.
He hoped maybe, that would make up for his failure.
"Husband? Dinner is ready! And Ranma needs changed… Again! It's your turn this time!" Came Nodoka's call.
Genma growled, and stood from his meditative state, deep within the Dojo. It was almost a year and a half old now. Ranma's shrine lay at the far end, directly in front of where he now stood. Odd that he would seek his dead son for advice now.
But he felt trying again, here, was right.
He slowly walked into the house, through the warmth of the waning afternoon sun, and entered the kitchen through the nifty back door. When they'd made the dojo, they'd been forced to knock out the backroom in order to have room for it. Genma's job teaching students at the Tendo's had paid for it and now both were blessed with schools that would be continued.
Soun had found his drive after Ranma had died. Found it tenfold. Still, he was years behind Genma, and even Ranma's friends. The man was a grade A martial artist but… he was no Ranma when it came to sparring. Genma longed for another match with his son, and could hardly wait till his daughter was proficient enough in the art to match him.
She was already showing the signs. That deft eye. The little knack for punching and kicking her mother when she fed her a food she didn't like.
It was cute really. But the memories of when Ranma was young stung like hornets. But he had plenty of distractions to keep those at bay.
"Wife! I clearly remember changing her not three hours ago! It's your turn!" He groused in his demanding, manly voice that told her he would not take no for an answer!
The woman actually grinned at him. And then batted her eyes! Batted her eyes! The nerve! Using her feminine wiles to lure him into what he had already resigned himself too! How—! How utterly Her of her!
Moments passed with the woman standing in front of a stove, steaming leaking up and around her prim body, covered by an apron, and oddly, without her usual kimono beneath, choosing instead a more light pair of slacks and a long sleeved shirt. She stared at him. Smiling, and batting her eyes in a way that usually only worked once per day to get him to do something for her.
Honestly, if she used it more often, she'd probably get her way more-so then she already did. It was her weapon to counter his demanding tone.
Clearly, hers was the stronger.
"Fine." He murmured, strolling away. The woman laughed and turned back to the stove.
Suddenly a knock came from the hard wooden front door, loud and firm echoing into the back of the house.
"I'll—!" Genma began!
"I'll get it!" His wife called merrily, both interrupting and taking his chance to get out of the diaper changing. Ugh… so close!
Genma walked into the baby room and found his daughter bawling. Oh. He'd hadn't even noticed before he'd opened that door. Hmm… perhaps that was a rather bad habit? Tuning out his daughter's crying surely wasn't a very good thing…
Oh well!
Genma had long since invented, perfected, and mastered a great and most powerful technique. Valued by mother's, baby sitters, and, curiously, not a few Zen masters from all across the world, truly the Anything Goes Martial Arts Super Secret Diaper Changing Technique was a thing of wonder.
In seconds the girl was happily creating towers from blocks and bashing them over again. She would change the world someday. Surely, she would.
"Husband… Come to the front room. Now." Came Nodoka's demand. Her voice was urgent. Her tone slick with worry.
A sweat drop trailed down his brow, and a jump crept into his step as he circled the hallways until he reached the front room. Worry shackled him as he saw no less than three, extremely official-looking, military dressed men standing in his foyer.
He'd paid his debts! Served plenty of jail time for his petty thievery and what not once they finally caught up to him. What could it possibly be now!?
"Who are you?" He demanded lowly. "And what do you want here?"
Genma had a rather low opinion of officials. He'd never encountered the military before, but he doubted they would be much different from local police. Irritating, arrogant, and weak. And not necessarily in that order. They thought their guns were enough to protect a country, when a true martial artist could destroy them with a particularly strong flick. Fools.
"Genma and Nodoka Saotome, I presume?" The shortest of the three men asked, dressed in a black and off-black sort of suit that Genma thought he recognized from his days traveling with the master across the sea over ships. Thought it looked sleek and updated from then.
Decorated with medals of every type, all three of them, the shorter one held an air of authority that easily regulated the other two to little more than 'precautionary backup.' Honestly, Genma was somewhat surprised they were even here. But then, perhaps the military wasn't so arrogant. If it came to a fight, he would be no more hard pressed by them, but at least they knew power.
"Yes…" Genma drawled. "What do you want. I've paid my debts to society, but I don't want any trouble. Why are you here?" He demanded, the authority in his voice when talking to his wife earlier coming in at a mere pittance compared to his anger now.
The man had the decency to flinch a bit. But only a bit.
'Brave at least.' Genma thought, idly.
"Genma and Nodoka Saotome, I am Setsoki Kyoke, Chief Foreign Affairs Aide to the Emperor. I'm here today to acquire you as well as a specific few other individuals. Genma. Your country needs you." The man spoke eloquently, as if the speech hadn't even been rehearsed, the words just rolling off his tongue naturally.
Genma blinked. Twice.
"Am I being drafted?" He ventured.
Setsoki's eyebrow twitched, and he decided to ignore the question. "I need the both of you to come with me immediately. The emperor has need of you."
"Our country… needs us? What for?" Genma barked. Nodoka's elbow came faster than his remark, but he didn't regret it.
Jumping in, far more politely than Genma had started, Nodoka assumed her customary role of Traditional Wife. But even she was not free of skepticism. "Of course. We are citizen's of Japan. We will gladly help in any way the Emperor wishes. But… If I may ask… why—?"
Setsoki cut Nodoka off sharply. "We were hoping you would be able to tell us. Regardless, you must come. You are to be ambassadors to the estate now known as New China."
"China!?" Genma burst, hatefully. "Are you out of your mind? I have a daughter! And you ask me to bring my wife into the middle of a civil war!?"
Setsoki gave a small smile. "It should please you to note that the war in China is finally over. A new monarch has taken the throne."
"Really? That is good news." Nodoka interrupted before Genma had the chance to speak.
"Indeed, Ma'am." The man replied, his hand tracing the tip of his military cap. "And it is why we need you to come with us. In order to remain at peace with New China. I assure you, you and yours will come to no harm."
Genma eyed the two other soldiers suspiciously. They had remained silent behind Setsoki, stone walls this entire time. They were well disciplined at least. Given six or seven years they could probably be in that Kuno fool's class, if they worked for it.
His eyes trailed back to Setsoki. The man was irritated for sure. And tired. It seemed he had been doing this all day.
'A few others? Like who?' Genma wondered idly. Judging the man, he found that there was quite a bit of honesty in his words. Anger at not knowing the reason for which he was pulling these people out of their lives was evident.
That was almost the only thing letting Genma sympathize with the man.
"And I assume, you don't know why we are needed?" Nodoka asked, voicing Genma's own musings.
"I… am afraid the emperor did not see fit to tell me, Ma'am." He stated, in an almost disappointed sort of way. "My orders are to see that you and your Husband are brought to the Office of Foreign Affairs by tomorrow evening. By any means necessary."
The words weren't meant as a threat, and Genma and Nodoka were both more than powerful enough to take these men's weapons before any of them blinked. Curiously, it seemed that they knew this.
A moment of silence passed.
"You can guarantee that there will be no harm done to my daughter? Or my wife?" Genma asked, hardly.
"Th-There is always some risk. But you will not be in any danger. The fighting is over. Many spies have confirmed it. The war is over…" The man said, in an overly certain manner.
Genma still seemed skeptical.
"…and did I mention this will pay in seven figures?"
"When do we leave?" Genma grinned.
End Prologue
Author's Notes: Yo all! Okay. Despite the light, somewhat comical appearance of this fic at a glance at the prologue, it's gonna be Dark. Almost going to put it in the Mature section, but I won't because I'll avoid explicit descriptions. But bad things are assumed.
Read at your own discretion.
It's Ranma-chan. By now, anyone reading my Ranma fics should know that though. And all of this is mostly just setup. Next chapter we'll dive into the darkness. Bring a flashlight.
But the main great thing about it is that it is a PURE RANMA FIC! That's right! No crossovers! No fusions! No cameo's! Nothing! This fic is the first pure Ranma fic you've read in ages I bet. Eh? Heh heh.
Not sure if that'll attract people but what the hey.
Throw me a review if you'd like! It's been a while since I've stumbled back into the Ranma Section. My muse for this fic is on fire, same as Rapture and Mark in the Lace, and I'm writing like crazy! Got some new Secret Stolen Smiles. Then Rapture. More of this. And expect Mark to be continued (and completed!) Within the next four months!
So expect alotta new chapters to come out for everything over the Christmas break!
Please Review!
Till Next!