Chapter 1
What?! No princesses?! Only princes?!
Raven sat by himself, locked his tower by his pissy auntie called Tayuya.
Haku his best mate lived in the castle opposite, which luckily had msn broadband.
Sasuke was in some coma thingy.
Naruto was scrubbing the floors of his evil step-sisters: ino + sakura.
Whenever Naruto found time, he chatted to Haku, or Raven on msn.
Sasuke had a stream of princesses trying to wake him: he had woke up ages ago because somebody had kissed him for a dare, thus, waking him up. That person ran away before Sasuke could say "thanks", typical. The person was blonde too…odd. Was that person a guy or a girl?
'Who woke me up?!' Sasuke asked himself, that was before he discovered msn. Isn`t he lucky (!)
Naruto sighed in relief as he put the mop and bucket away, he smiling at the floor: to his delight gleamed.
'I bet Raven`s still on, Sasuke would have been asleep for 21 years straight if I hadn`t woke him… stupid Raven! Tit-head dared me!' he muttered to himself after he touched the Kyuubi seal on his stomach. (A force of habit.)
'What`s a tattoo doing on a brat like you!!' ino roared as sakura laughed, Naruto got up and walked off saying:
"Cause I`m better than ya!"
(On msn)
Naruella: hiya! ^_^ (Naruto.)
Ravepunzel: hey! Wazzup? (Raven)
Naruella: the ugly sisters found it.
Ravepunzel: the seal?
Naruella: yeah, they saw it and they thought it waz a tattoo!
Ravepunzel: seriously?
Naruella: uh-huh…
Ravepunzel: OMFG!!
Naruella: wat is it?!
Ravepunzel: Sasuke is making a bee-line 2 your place!
Naruella: how does he know I woke him up?! O-O how?!
SleepingSasuke: coz I woz watchin the entire convo!! ^_^
Naruella: raven u traitor!! T-T *sobs*
Naruella has left the conversation.
Ravepunzel: told ya so!
SleepingSasuke: thanks Raven.
Ravepunzel has left the conversation.
SleepingSasuke has left the conversation.
Raven smiled with a satisfied sigh.
Sasuke turned off his laptop.
So it was Naruto who woke him up. Not intentionally, but still.
'Thanks for saving me…Naruto.' He muttered, he would have been dead.
Somewhere in a abandoned village…
'Curses! How did he get woken?!' the evil snake fairy Orochimaru.
(Note: Sasuke is the boy version of sleeping beauty. Naruto is the boy version of cinderella. Raven is the boy version of rapunzel. Haku is the boy version of princess fiona. (Shrek!)
'M-maybe we could put him back?' Kabuto, his slave…I mean his companion said.
Back with the princes…
'Let`s meet up at the market.' Naruto smiled. Then it was agreed.
End of part 1.
Start of part 2.
'Where should we meet?' Raven asked Haku on the phone.
"Naruto said the market." Haku replied.
'Market? Why the market?' Raven asked him. On the other line, Haku sighed.
"Cos the biatches won`t find out! Obviously!" Haku said in annoyance.
"And I gotta be in by sunset."
'Alright. And what`s up with sunset?' the other teen asked.
"Cos I`m UGLY!!!" Haku suddenly cried out making raven fall off his bed in shock.
'You are sooo NOT ugly!!' Raven shouted back, almost making Haku go deaf.
"Oh, really?" Haku asked in shock.
'Yeah! Hell yeah!' Raven said, giggling at the weird hyper-ness Naruto had somehow infected onto him.
"What`s so funny?" Haku asked him.
Raven shrugged, not too sure himself.
'Don`t have a clue!' Raven said.
~My mate`s gone mad!! ~ Haku thought cheekily.