I just wanted to let all of my fans know that still have Blue Moon on alert that I have posted chapter 5 of Crimson Crescent. I feel so bad that I have neglected fanfiction for so long and I feel like an ass because I have lost a lot of fans. I am so sorry to each and every one of you for postponing everything but I have my groove back.

I know where I am headed with Crimson Crescent, at least for the next 5 chapters, and I hope that you guys will re-read and learn to love it again. I want to be able to complete this sequel and be done with story but I don't want to keep putting my heart and soul and time into it if it's not going to make a difference to anybody.

I'm sounding like some kind of emo-ward right now but it's just the truth. I wanted to let all of my readers know just what is going through my mind and this is it. I love Twilight and will continue to write it but after the end of Crimson Crescent, which won't be for at least 15 chapters, it will be the end of the vampire Cullens. I find myself more interested in AH stories but I wanted to continue writing as if I was writing the end of the books. I wasn't happy with how things ended with the books and so I'm writing my own end.

I just need some type of feedback on this so I know what I can write because when I put a chapter up and get 2 reviews when I'm used to 30 it discourages me to the point where I don't feel like writing anymore. So I'm sorry if I have wasted your time but I just wanted to remind all of you that Crimson Crescent, the sequel for this story, is still up and running. It's summertime so I have more time to focus on writing and I get to stay up late, which is when I do my best writing. Which is why it is 1:30 in the morning and I am writing this.

Thank you to everyone who supported me through this story and for the kind words of encouragement that I have gotten in the past. I love my readers and I don't want you guys to think that I don't. I just felt like I needed to vent a little bit and let everyone know that I am still around. School took number one priority, which is why I ended up getting a 3.5 GPA and made Dean's list, as well as getting my associates degree. I will be going back to school in the fall but I am hoping that I have both of my current stories finished by that time. I will post more when I know more. Thank you again and I love you all.

