Hi Readers I haven't been around for a long time I know but I'm here now
this is dedicated to the best beta ever Zee
P.S. I Never believe that Zach should've been cut off the show like that so in my fics I don't acknowledge that.
The Teacher in the Test
A Rest and Arrest
Ahhhhh. Relaxing might have been the best thing in the world that I could think of at that moment. I only wanted to just take a bath and let all my troubles leave my mind. After such a long and draining case I just had to take a break. The coming home at 12 didn't help though I had a good meal and a nice long bath which did.
I was just settling in for hopefully a long sleep when I heard it. It was an intruder walking around my apartment. I couldn't see who exactly it was because I had turned off all my lights but I could see him. I quickly came up with a plan. I would hit my intruder hard enough to stun him, turn on the lights see if I could identify who it was, then call Booth.
I took my baseball bat and swung the bat, hitting my intruder's vertebral arch. He went down like a bushel of potatoes. I turned the light on and saw who it really was.
"Damn it Booth! Why'd you have to trespass on my apartment tonight? What could possibly be so important that it couldn't have waited until tomorrow morning? Or at least two more hours? How could waking me up at four o' clock by phone have been so late that you just had to come by in person at TWO in the morning?"
If I sounded pissed that's because I was. I would never ramble so invariably otherwise. I wanted to relax, him coming over uninvited at two a.m. was not helping.
"Yeah SAVING your life, is a little more important than your beauty rest. Now where is he?"
WHAT the hell is he talking about? "Uh……who?"
"Bones, don't play with me. Now where is JUSTIN BROWN?"
"My date Justin Brown?"
"Yes, your date. The psychotic rapist and murderer, Justin Brown. Now, where is he?"
I burst out laughing because this was really, really ludicrous.
"And why are you giggling, your potential death strike you as funny?"
"No, It's because even subconsciously my taste in guys is horrible. Wait, PLEASE tell me you didn't call in any other help."
"Of course I did……three squad cars are on their way now."
"Oh wonderful, you need to call them out. I'm in no danger here. I'll explain after you release them."
"Fine but you get to explain why you called that many cops out, on the passing word of someone who has never had any contact with the guy. Ever. A person who didn't even know the guy existed until thirty seconds ago."
Booth's head cocked to the side. "Say what now?"
"Why do you want me to say what?"
Booth just rolled his eyes at me so I just continued. "You see, my life has been really hectic at the present time. Cam has been giving me the "stay-the-heck-out-of-my-way" look, I can only handle so many of Zach and Hodgins' explosions, Angela has been pestering me night and day trying to get me to go to this bar or that club, and you, we have spent at least 20 hours a day together for the past week on account of that case. You're good company and all, but I need some personal space.
"So I thought I would 'pretend' to have a date. It would solve everything. I'd have a reason to be out of the lab, so Cam couldn't vociferate at me for anything and I would not be killed by a wacky experiment gone wrong. I would get Angela to stop bugging me about going out, and I thought you would leave me alone if I had a date. So, you know, Freedom!
"I completely made up the name. I toyed with the idea of just thumbing through the phone book and saying I have a date with .. . . Jake Herring. But I knew you were gonna jog a background check on him as well as give him the third degree, so I thought it'd be nicer to make someone up. Plus wouldn't it be harder to get information on a nonexistent person……?"
"Are you freaking kidding me?" Booth gaped. "No, of course not, you don't kid." Booth slumped his shoulders and grabbed his phone to report that 'oops he was wrong' when a half a dozen policemen came in.
"What the . . . I guess they came quicker than I thought they would." he said, turning back to me with a sheepish grin.
"We're here because of a report filed that a Justin Brown was spotted here." A cop spoke as if he was reading out of a manual.
"Booth!" I screeched. "You not only showed up here in the middle of the night, without giving me any warning, called cops before telling me the guy I said I was dating was a rapist so I couldn't explain how I had made him up but you falsely report a sighting? WHAT . . . THE . . . HECK?!"
The obviously dull cop interjected. "Do you mind if we take a look around the premises anyways, ma'am?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever." I replied, frustrated.
"Bones!" Booth gasped as the cops walked down the hall.
"What now, Booth? I can afford to replace anything they decide they want to confiscate in order to justify their trip here, and there is nothing in this apartment that even whispers illegality."
"We got a body here." came from the bedroom. "More like six bodies." Whoops I forgot about that!
"I stand corrected on both counts." I turned in desperation to him. "Booth, you gotta leave right now. If you see these things that they found, most likely you will be fired and I will not be allowed to assist the FBI anymore."
The boring cops came here again drawling, "Ma''am, you are under arrest for the murder of five yet to be identified persons."
"BACK OFF!!" Booth shouted
"One moment officers." I turned back to face Booth..
"Booth it's okay, just go. You aren't supposed to know about this stuff. As of now I will be fine I just have to call someone and this will be all taken care of. If, however, you see this, I will be up a river without a canoe-"
I could tell that Booth was furious as he interjected with "It's up a creek without a paddle, Bones." So I tried to placate him immediately.
"My advice? Go out, do something for two hours then come back here. If I'm not back by then, I give you total right to panic or punch somebody or whatever it is you want to do. Okay?"
I turned to face the cops.
"Let's go boys."
Thank you ever so much for reading, I hope you'll reveiw, however I have a very busy schedule so it may be a while before I can post again, so I'm sorry about leaving you on a clifhanger like this. I'll post as soon as I can. Have a nice (insert correct time of the day or night)!