Hey alright so this is my first Red River fanfiction ever so i hope everyone enjoys it!

Warning!!!!!!!! Spoilers up to volume 24!

Disclaimer: I don't own Red River/ Anatolia Story. If I did I would have finished the series by now. if anyone knows where I can find the 25th volume in English I will.... I will... ok so i've got nothing. But you'd become my bestest internet friend ever!

"The queen has passed on… I regret having to announce this your majesty" the physician said solemnly to the nobleman crouched against the bed. The petite woman lying motionlessly in it had ivory skin the color of elephant tusk and jet black hair that gleamed in the sun. Also she had just died.

" The child is alive and doing well, it was a girl." A servant said entering the room. Hadi's pale face had red streaks from where tears had been and still were running down her cheeks as she stared at her masters.

"Yuri… my lovely Yuri…NO!" the stricken king yelled to those select few around him. Though he knew there was no point in shouting, there was no one there who could be empathic to his reasoning, yet he could not help bellowing his sorrow to the world. Why did she have to die? Was there some divine reasoning why such an alive and wonderful woman must be taken from him in the cruelest way possible? She'd survived with him through so much. The queen, getting shot, even through giving birth to their first miracle, Mali, so why did it come to this? How had her strength failed her? She'd never lift her smooth ivory hands to his face again and never again would she open her ebony eyes to look at him lovingly.

"Yuri …" he sobbed whole-heartedly. The palace staff stood with their heads bowed, those closest to her, crying softly. "Leave us." He mumbled into the sheets of her deathbed.

"Your highness, Queen Yuri is dead." Ilbani said bluntly from the back of the dimly lit room.

"LEAVE US!" he screamed hysterically at them causing each of them but the cold Ilbani to jump from his stubborn outburst. Hadi and the twins were the first to respect his wishes and hurriedly ushered everyone out of the room, including the protesting senators that were on hand. Finally persuading everyone in attendance to leave she quietly closed the door on the couple.

Why had she only lived three years after the dethronement and execution of Queen Dowager Nakia? She had been fine only the day before but clearly something unknown to the physician must have gone wrong if she had gone from being in good health to… he couldn't say it or even think it. He refused to believe that it was possible.

" I'm so sorry Yuri, I couldn't save you this time." He mumbled into her cold hands. The only things warming them were his tears as he cried into her. There is nothing I can do to repent for this but I will join you Yuri. He thought.


The door flew open to expose his closest aids and some senators waiting for him to emerge from the room.

"Your majesty, I lament the pas-"

"Hand me a sword." He ordered gravely, rudely cutting off the chairmen.

"What, I'm sorry you highness I don't understand." He stuttered. The man had never seen the king act this way. He'd known him since his birth but never did he act so strained and utterly focused. What could he possibly want a blade for; there were things that had to be done in preparation for the Queen's burial.

" Give me a sword or blade of any kind!" he yelled desperately at them, his white face becoming tinged with red in his desperation.

"O-of course." Aygil stumbled to look for one to give to his impatient king with those around him simply staring in utter confusion. The minute he finally accepted one from a guard Ilbani understood. The reason for him wanting a dangerous blade.

"Kash, Mittanamwa grab him! Don't give him anything!" He exclaimed as he rushed forward to thrust the sharp sword out of Chairman Aygil's hand. They both grabbed the king as he made a lunge for the iron blade in Ilbani's hand but to no prevail, the weight of two men outdid his. Together they managed to drag him back and pin him against the wall as the Senators stared at their king. Never had they seen him so unstrung, they never would have imagined this outcome from one of the greatest emperors in their existence.

"Let me go Kash! Mittanamwa! I command it!" Kail yelled as he struggled to get free from their clutches. Relentlessly they held their master back though they were obliged to obey him. At last one of the maids couldn't look at him struggling anymore and strode up to him. Slapping him across the cheek as hard as she could.

"Do you think this is what Yuri would want you to do? To give up your life and your country for her sake? No! She'd want you to live to your fullest, and take care of those that she left you with. Your children!" Hadi sobbed through her own tears and distress. She and her sisters also loved their mistress who had forgiven them for all they'd done to her previously.

The man on the receiving end was in a state of shock as he listened to the girl lecture him. Finally standing still he heard a small choked up voice say,

"Father…?" Kail looked at the small blond boy beside Ilbani and grimaced.


"Father, where is mother?" he asked, hanging onto the bottom of Ilbani's robe with his thumb in his mouth. Kail almost smiled when he remembered that he and Yuri had been trying to break that habit out of him. Mali's jet eyes were teary though at three he didn't know why. Just like his mother he had a way of telling if someone was lying or if there was something that they weren't telling him.

"Hadi." He said but all the while still staring at his beautiful son. "Take Mali and explain everything to him then come join us. Senators I will contact you later but until then I must ask you to please leave. At this time I need Ilbani, Kikkuri, the commanders, and the sisters. Now."

"Yes sir." They said and the selected group followed the king as he led them out of the Queens quarters into the Kings residence.

"Wait, Hadi quickly go tell Mali now and then hand him off to a nurse. When you return bring Juda with you." He said before continuing at the head of the small posse.

"Yes your majesty." She said as she picked up the crying prince and started walking back to his mother's room.

"Your majesty, what business do you have with Prince Juda?" inquired Kikkuri. They were in the King's bedroom sitting while the king paced the length of the dark room. His face they saw was as white as the moonlight that flooded into the room. To them it didn't seem that he was nervous instead he seemed to be in incredibly deep thought that only one aspect could waken him from. The prying senators hadn't wanted to leave the man who'd just attempted to commit suicide alone but they were overruled by Ilbani and the commanders promising to watch him closely.

"You'll see but until then I need to know something…where is my daughter?"

"The baby is in the queens chambers until we know who will take care of her. But excuse me your highness, what does this have to do with your current situation?" Shala spoke the question that was in the heads of all those in attendances but she had been the one to step forward and asked.

"Brother Kail, I'm so sorry to hear about Yuri." Juda said sympathetically as he and Hadi reentered the room. The king flinched as he said,

"Juda I need to talk to you alone. Now."

"Ah, yes."

"Leave us." He ordered to the rest of those he'd called with him and they dispersed to the hallway leaving him and his brother alone in the dark room.


"Juda until Mali is old enough too rule, please take care of him in my stead.

"Brother you can't mean…"

"I'm leaving and taking Sayuri with me." he said looking out the window into the dark sky with the moon casting pale light on his solemn face.

"Sayuri is…"

"It's the name Yuri gave her before she…" Kail lapsed into silence and Juda continued.

"Brother Kail what about the empire and all you and Yuri have worked toward?"

"You'll manage it with Ilbani as a guide." He explained turning to face his brother once more. From the look in his eyes Juda already knew that nothing would persuade his majesty into submission and it was foolish to even try.

"Where will you go, the citizens will never accept your absence." He cried out to his brother, still knowing it was of no use. His eyes were glazed over and his usually warm, gentle smile was stone cold with pain.

"I'm not quite sure where yet but somewhere remote. Also though I refuse to run the country, I will command the army whenever you feel the empire is in great need of my skill. Send Kikkuri to me, he'll know where we are."

"Your majesty…" he protested softly.

"Just promise me Juda."

"Yes Brother Kail."

"Thank you Juda." Kail turned at last to face his younger sibling. "Tell the senators I've gone missing and you're to rule until Mali is of age. Never tell him that I'm theone leading the armies." He walked over slowly to Juda and embraced him. He never again wanted to enter this room, or this city again. Though he loved his son, his place was on the throne.

"Your majesty, I may never see you again so I say this, good luck and I wish you a happy life with your daughter." Juda hugged his older brother tightly around the shoulders for as long as he could. He wasn't sure if he was ready to run the country but above all else he wanted his brother to be happy, even after the loss of his one and only love. Perhaps he could find contentment by loving his daughter to the fullest.

"Good-bye Juda" the man stepped away and in a whirl rushed out into the hallway leaving the royal scent of lilac. In the hall it was clear that those waiting had heard everything that was said concern their solemn conversation. None, not even Ilbani, spoke a word of protest. The only thing that was said was "I'll go ready your horse." by kikkuri.

Entering his queen's rooms he picked out Yuri's favorite baby blanket and went over to the cradle in the center of the nursery. In it was his second child, a girl. Already she had her mothers black hair and if she had been awake he knew already that she'd have black eyes. Cooing softly, Kail dove into the cradle and picked the little baby up. Wrapping her in the blanket he set her in a sling, which he put over his shoulder so that he could carry her while they were riding. Holding her to his chest protectively, he made his way to where all his closest friends were and mounted his readied palomino.

"When you tell Mali don't explain where I am or that I'm leading the armies." He repeated to everyone. "When he's old enough to understand let him think what he wants of my decision but don't try to make me the bad guy." Grimacing ever so slightly he said good-bye and in turn they said,

"Good-bye, your majesty." The maids sobbed into their sleeves and turning back as he rode off he yelled. "My name's Kail not your majesty anymore." With that last word he passed through the gates of Hattusa, hoping that he'd never set eyes on it again.

Review, you know you want to! Oh yeah and I haven't gotten a chance to go back and revise this, I will just not right now and Chapter 3 is already typed and I just have to upload it.

Sorry for killing Yuri! Gomen! I had to for my story!